Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One Year Bible, May 31

2 SAMUEL 17:1-29                                                                                                           
HUSHAI:  David's "friend" in Absalom's camp. He was one of David's most faithful and wise counselors. The result of his advice to Absalom was the suicide of Ahithophel and the ultimate defeat and death of Absalom.

DAVID  crossed the Jordan to the wilderness; Absalom followed him with an army. In the wilderness, David was ministered to by Machir- a type of the Holy Spirit, and the man who had raised Mephibosheth. 

RESPONSE "fed in the wilderness" - the Holy Spirit gives comfort to God's people.  When we are having a "wilderness experience", the Holy Spirit ministers to us, too. 

JOHN 19:23-42                                                                                                               
JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA AND NICODEMUS: Both secret disciples. Now they came out into the open to prepare Jesus for burial. Joseph is called "A good man and a just." (Luke 23:50)   He had not consented to the Sanhedrin's counsel and deed in crucifying Jesus. Mark 15:43 says Joseph came "boldly" and asked for the Body of Jesus. The once timid Nicodemus shows extraordinary courage and faith.  Christ's crucifixion, which shook the faith of others, only confirms his.

RESPONSE: A borrowed tomb. That's okay. He won't need it long!

PSALM 119:129-152                                                                                                   
PEY V.129-136: Pey is an open mouth with the tongue showing, and symbolizes speech or the voice. "I opened my mouth and panted; for I longed for Thy commandments." Every word that proceeds from the "mouth of God" is what we live by. These words give light to dark areas of our lives when we understand the intention of the word. It will tell us what to do to reach our destiny.

TSADDI V.137-144: Tsaddi is given the primary symbolic meaning of "righteousness". (Heb word: "tsaddik") "Righteous" and "righteousness" are used five times is these 8 verses!  Not only is God righteous, but so is His Word, and His judgments (declared Will).

KOPH V.145-152  The koph is by some called the eye of the needle and by others it is the back of the head where we log knowledge.  It makes a guttural sound that is onomatopoetic.  It is symbolic of the cry to God and is very prevalent in the Psalms.  It is used in the Hebrew word "korban" which is translated "offering", but means "to draw near to God."  We draw near to God by crying out to Him!

PROVERBS 16:12-13                                                                                                           
The Character of a Good King - or a good pastor, or anyone else "in charge":  Since everyone rules by PERMISSION from God, and ALL authority flows down from God, then the ruler had better mind his P's and Q's.  There are people following them.....and you.  Don't lead them into wickedness.  And if you are the one "in charge", you should LOVE those who tell you the truth, and despise flattery and lies.

RESPONSE:   Show me a pastor who loves flattery, and I'll tell you to RUN THE OTHER WAY!

And I love Psa 119:133 - Don't let any iniquity (lawbreaking, going against what the Word says) have dominion over me. Help me stay right in the center of Your will (Your Word).

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