Friday, June 25, 2010

One Year Bible, June 24

2 KINGS 6:1-7:20                                                                                                           
THE FLOATING AXE-HEAD:  Falling into the Jordan River is a picture of spiritual death.  We sank to the bottom, helpless to save ourselves.  A tree branch (the Cross) thrown into the water retrieved the sunken axe-head.

SEE THE INVISIBLE - DO THE IMPOSSIBLE: The King of Syria (Satan) made war plans, but Elisha was "not ignorant of his devices".  He heard plans being made in the King's bedroom!  When the King of Syria found out where Elisha was staying, he surrounded Dothan with horses and chariots while Elisha slept.  HOWEVER, the Kingdom of God has "horses and chariots of fire"  if we could only see them.   And the enemy is BLINDED.

SAMARIA, the city:  The burying place of the Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom).  The famine was so great that they ate an "ass's head and dove's dung". People were eating their own children!  Elisha reassured King Jehoram that "TOMORROW ABOUT THIS TIME" there would be plenty provision.  The unbelieving servant answered, "If the Lord would make windows in heaven,...." it won't happen!  So Elisha cursed him saying that he would SEE it, but not PARTAKE OF IT. (Like Moses seeing the Land).

FOUR LEPERS: (Separated, shunned, shamed, disgraced, contagious, deforming, unclean, the walking dead.)  "Why sit here 'til we die?"   "If I perish, I perish" (Est 4:16). There was NO ONE in the enemy camp "for the Lord had made the army of Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and noise of horses and the noise of a great army!"  The enemy had all run away, leaving their banquet behind them! ("the wealth of the wicked" Prov 13:22).  When the lepers reported this, there was a STAMPEDE, and the royal servant was guarding the gate (too bad - he was trampled to death.).

RESPONSE:  You know what they say: "Get in! Get out! Or get run over!"  The enemy even dropped stuff along the way when they were running away!  We don't have to DEMAND anything from the enemy.  He's afraid of the sound we make!  Apparently when we worship and praise, we sound like an army to him!  The unbelieving King and his servant thought it was an ambush - "too good to be true".  I know some Christians who are just like that. And so they are "unbelieving Believers". Huh?

ACTS 15:36 - 16:15                                                                                                                
THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID:  A place of INTIMACY with no rituals. There was praise, dance, worship, access to the Ark of God's Presence. BUT, to bring the glory to the Temple, ORDER had to be added: Intimacy and order.

BARNABAS AND PAUL, and Judas and Silas:  Judas and Silas were sent along to confirm the word of Barnabas and Paul.  THE SPLIT: There was a disagreement about Mark's suitability for missions. Silas was still in Antioch, so Paul took Silas, and Barnabas took Mark.  Then they circled around to all the churches they had established, strengthening the believers.

PAUL, SILAS, TIMOTHY: As they went, they preached: (1) The "dogma" determined by the Jerusalem council; (2) Established them in "the faith"; (3) "Strengthened" the churches.  The Holy Spirit forbid Paul to go to Asia, or to go back to Bithynia. Paul wanted to establish the Body of Christ in an unevangelized part of Europe or Asia, so they traveled on to TROAS.   From Troas, Paul was directed into Greece.

RESPONSE: Paul is not content with just "beachheads"; he wants whole cities and regions! Paul is learning as he goes. The Holy Spirit is a good teacher, as is the Word of God and his circumstances. ALWAYS LEARNING IN CONTEXT.  Remember that. The Gospel is immensely practical.

PSALM 142:1-7                                                                                                                    
WHEN I AM HEMMED IN: David is in the cave at Adullam and his followers soon join him there.  He sang, "as I praise God, the righteous will surround me."  Sure 'nuff!  "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me"......"when no man cared for my soul", ...."when I am brought low",.... "when I have no refuge".... THEN I will I "will pour out my complaint", "cry out to God", "praise the Name of the Lord", for He "shall deal bountifully with me!"

PROVERBS 17:24-25                                                                                                      
The wandering "eyes" indicate the unsettled mind, as the fool is everywhere with his thoughts, except where he ought to be.

Foolish children are an affliction to both their parents. They cause anger in the father because they challenge his authority, but sorrow and bitterness to the mother, because they abuse her tenderness. Solomon often repeats this remark, because it was his own case.

RESPONSE:   I don't do well when I feel pressured.  If I am behind in my work (the list I made for myself) - I forget to roll it onto the Lord.  He knows how many hours are in one day, and He has priorities for me, if I would just check with Him.   When I begin to praise the Lord, my spirits are immediately lifted, I feel lighter, the pressure leaves, because I am TRUSTING God to care for me and for those around me.  I am not in charge of the Universe!

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