Sunday, January 31, 2010

One Year Bible February 1

EXODUS 13:17-15:18
The crossing of the Red Sea is the most remarkable miracle of the Old Testament. 1Cor 10:1-11 likens it to being baptized in water. God hardened Pharaoh's heart so that He might destroy the Egyptian armies, and deliver Israel from the power and dominion of slavish fear. To recap, in Exodus 12, Israel was blood-washed at Passover. In Exodus 13, Israel was given the Holy Spirit, and in Exodus 14-15 they were baptized in water. NOW HERE COMES THE FLESH. And that is what the Wilderness is for.

The cloud and the fire of the Holy Spirit that led Israel, got between them and the Egyptians to cover them, or hide them. The Holy Spirit cloud and fire led them by day and night, gave them shelter, guidance, shade, warmth, and light. "By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned." (Heb 11:29) Israel never saw the Egyptians again "no more forever."

In Moses' Song, they prophetically declared that their enemies in Canaan would be paralyzed with fear when they heard about what God had done. All I can say to that is, "Yeah, sure. You say that NOW." When it came time to actually go into the Land, we find out that they weren't so sure any more. 

RESPONSE: Been there. Done that. After a great victory, I am pretty certain that God will do it again. But, if I "coast" in the afterglow, by the time I have to tackle something else, my confidence isn't what it was. Right after a victory is a dangerous time for Believers, because the temptation is to "slide" and then we aren't ready when the enemy tries to slow us down or stop us. I want to stay ready.

MATTHEW 21:23-46
Clearly, the Pharisees are no match for Jesus! In this confrontation, the Pharisees wanted to know where Jesus got His authority, probably in reference to His chasing them all out of the Temple earlier. He backed them into a verbal corner where they had to back down, or be exposed as the cowardly hypocrites that they were.

Jesus then told two parables, the first of which showed the conflicting responses to the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. The second parable was clearly a trap! The Pharisees fell right into it when they said that they deserved to be "miserably destroyed". Then Jesus told them that the Kingdom of God would be taken away from the religious, legalistic, tradition-keeping Israelites, and given to a "nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." That is, who reflected the "way of righteousness". And furthermore, the ones who stumbled at the Gospel message, would eventually be crushed to powder when the message actually judged them. The Pharisees were incensed when they realized that Jesus was talking about THEM!

The important truth to take from this piece of Scripture is that the Kingdom of God was taken away from the people who "rejected" Him and killed Him, and given to a "holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." (1Pet 2:9-10) God has only ONE covenant people, by faith.

RESPONSE: Jesus is savvy. He knows what makes people tick. He has true insight into people's thinking and reactions. He is the smartest Man who ever lived. He is the best Counselor and best Psychologist alive. I can trust Him that He knows what He is talking about. He sure has a way of getting to the truth!

PSALM 26:1-12
David was the object of ridicule and false accusations often. King Saul did it to him, and his son Absalom did it, as did others in his court. Although he did have men who sacrificed everything for him, many of his Psalms involve the unjust treatment he got from people close to him. We don't know for sure who was after him this time, but Psalm 26 is prophetic of Jesus, Who was also falsely accused and ridiculed.

He appeals to God to judge him because of his faith and trust in God, and because of his own integrity. He may not have done it all right, but when he fell, he fell toward God, and owned up to his misdeeds. Verse 3 shows us he trusted in God's grace.  

His integrity is proven in not associating with people who were in rebellion against God. He did not spend any more time than his business required with them. He didn't want God to lump him in with them. David is resolute, that he will maintain his own integrity, regardless of what the people around him do.

PROVERBS 6:16-19
An "abomination" is something that is offensive to all the senses. It is repulsive like idolatry, heathen gods, magic, divination, sexual perversion. It is to loathe because it stinks. But, some of these are what a lot of Believers think of as "little sins": looking down my nose at people, saying things that might be misleading, stirring up trouble between people. All seven things are hateful to God, but the worst to Him is someone who would take fiendish delight in causing division and discord between people, whether they be relatives, husband and wife, friends, churches, nations. It is the sin of sins.

RESPONSE:  God, I trust in Your lovingkindness when You examine me. I don't want to be an abomination to You. I repent of my rebellion and ask You to forgive me. Thank You for the blood of Jesus, and for the Holy Spirit Who warns me and gives me the courage to own up to my transgressions. Sometimes I don't know why You stay with me. I don't even like myself when I do things I know I shouldn't. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your mercy. By Your grace and help, I want to stay right and do right.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

One Year Bible, January 31

EXODUS 12:14-13:16
Hebrews 11:28 says, "By faith he (Moses) kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel." The blood of the Passover Lamb (John 1:29, 1 Co 5:7) broke the power of death, provided they stayed behind the blood-stained door.

At midnight, the Destroyer killed the firstborn of EVERY Egyptian. (See Num 33:4) After their Passover meal, eaten "in haste", the Israelites and "mixed multitudes" that accompanied them, left Egypt, stopping that night at Succoth, where they got Joseph's body out of the tomb to take with them to Canaan. This is a picture of Jesus coming out of Joseph's tomb, (of Arimathaea Matt 27:57-60)

"Leaven" is a type of inherent power - here it is the power of sin to permeate everything about us. Three times Jesus said to "beware the leaven of ...." in reference to legalism and tradition, worldliness and sin, and humanism or man-centeredness. All three will take over and change us with their influence. Thus, Passover is also known as "the Feast of Unleavened Bread."

Israel was adopted by God as the nation of Jehovah (Ex 6:6-7). But for this, a divine consecration was necessary, that their outward cutting off from the land of Egypt might be accompanied by an inward cutting away from everything of an Egyptian or worldly nature. This consecration was by the Passover.  And because they had no altars, the blood was applied to their homes, which became their altars.

That very same night, Pharaoh sent for Moses and Aaron and DEMANDED that they take everything and leave! Exo 12:36 says they did just that - "they plundered the Egyptians" (430 years of back-wages). And they hurried so fast that took their biscuit bowls with them with the dough still inside!

When the Israelites first arrived in Egypt, there were 70 of them in Jacob's caravan. When they left, there were 600,000 men, plus women and children. The only ones actually numbered are those old enough to fight, over 20 years old, so the total number of people was about 2 million! . And the Bible says they went out in "divisions" or, like an army, organized by divisions for war.

RESPONSE:   I must confess I've never thought of sin as being like leaven, in that it has built into it the power to permeate my whole person. It is no longer just an act, but it becomes a decision to rebel. I will take sin a lot more seriously. I repent, God. Tell me what You want me to do.

MATTHEW 20:29-21:22
For Matthew 20:29-34 see yesterday's post. 

How many donkeys did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? Zech 9:9 which He fulfilled that day says two: the mother and her colt. Mark and Luke further define the colt as "one on which no one had ever sat (unbroken)". Chances are, He could have sat on the mother with His feet propped up on the colt beside her, since Matthew says He sat on "them". It was not unusual for kings to ride into towns on donkeys, as Solomon did before Him (1Ki 1:33). Jesus was the last King crowned in Jerusalem!

All of Matthew 21 is about one thing: acknowledgement and worship of Jesus. The crowds received Him as king and worshipped Him. He got to the Temple, which was supposed to be holy, and found it profaned - rendered secular. The Temple should have been used for worship like the "children and infants" did. The Temple was in the same condition as the fig tree, which was leaves but no fruit. A hypocrite. It LOOKED good, but was empty - no worship or praise. Our faith must NEVER be like that - leaves but no fruit. So let's believe and not doubt because "faith without works is dead"  as withered as that fig tree.

RESPONSE:   Sometimes I think I'm that colt - untamed and wild. When You called me, You climbed onto a frightened, bucking, wild thing. Like a donkey, I was stupid and stubborn.  Thank You for insisting on being my King.

I don't want to be all leaves with no fruit either. Let worship and thanks and praise always be coming from my mouth. I will be as exuberant as a little child. As a matter of fact, one of my granddaughters thinks I'm fun because I sing in the car and dance in the kitchen!

PSALM 25:16-22
A Psalm of deliverance - from our personal troubles. My troubles should always drive me straight to God. Here, "troubles" and "distress" are "tight places" - backed into a corner with no way out. I am in my tight spot because of sin, so the first thing I want Him to do is to forgive me. "Rescue me and don't let me be put to shame!" Make a way of escape, where I see no way.

PROVERBS 6:12-15
"A scoundrel and a villain" - the KJV says "A naughty person, a wicked man". The original language also says, "son of Belial" , which meant deceitful and worthless. This is the portrait of the man who is not to be trusted, whose look and gestures give him away. His speech is crafty; his wink says that the victim is already snared; his gestures with feet and hands are half in deceit, and half in mockery as he plots and schemes. WITHOUT WARNING, he will be destroyed with no means of recovery.

RESPONSE:  Sin does tend to corner us, doesn't it? I would LOVE to be delivered without any shame involved, but it just doesn't happen for me. I think it really means that we won't be left to stew in our mess - but God will help us to get out of it, with or without embarrassment to us. We just don't have to be ashamed in from of HIM - because He is our Father and will even take away the guilt. Isn't that wonderful? He is truly Fabulous!

Friday, January 29, 2010

One Year Bible, January 30

EXODUS 10:1-12:13
The book of Exodus records three main events: the Passover, crossing of the Red Sea, and the giving of the Law and Tabernacle. They are illustrations of deliverance by the blood, the water, and the Spirit of God (1 Cor 10). The Wilderness through which they traveled (and died) is an illustration of the process of dying to self, fear and unbelief and of being made fit for the Kingdom.

After the threat of a plague of locusts, Pharaoh, a type of the devil and his attempts to hold us in bondage, now lies again, telling Moses he can go, but has to leave the women and children behind. The locusts come, and then total darkness. The plague of locusts is a type of the plague of sin and death and we see in Revelation 9 that they came from the "bottomless pit".

And, of course, darkness follows all the sin and death. "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up." (Matt 4:16) We are that light - not to be put under a basket. There was light where God's people were. Even Pharaoh's court favored Moses now! "For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee." (Isa 60:2)

Now God pulls out the big guns - going to kill their firstborn. It was the first "Passover". I don't need to repeat the story. But note these things: the Israelites took a lamb on the 10th day (the night of the 9th), held it and examined it until the 14th (We would consider that the night of the 13th). Jesus was held in Pilate's court and examined for four days. They slaughtered the lamb at twilight and put the blood around their outer doorways. They roasted the meat - THEY MUST NOT BOIL IT IN WATER (not to water down the Gospel), and ate in haste. While they waited behind closed doors, at midnight the Death Angel would kill the firstborns, passing over any house with blood on the door. This was to "bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt." At 3 a.m. on Friday the 13th, they would leave, and not even the dogs would bark (11:7)!

RESPONSE:  I don't think I really realized what a close call it was - that the Death Angel was coming my way, but the blood of Jesus actually delivered me from certain death.

As gross darkness covers the earth, everyone is looking for a flashlight, but not me! No politician, no superstar, no athlete, no billionaire, no media mogul knows what to do! When will they realize that their answers are right in front of them? Hello! The Church must live up to its call. If we don't boil the lamb, tell the Truth, and offer our light, it seems to me that some will want to come behind our closed doors for deliverance.

God, make me obvious. If it is as dark as You say it is "out there", then I should stand out! Have I dimmed my light? Show me how to fan it bright again. There should be a glaring difference between me and everyone else. Help me to live it right, God, so that people can "come to the light".

MATTHEW 20:1-28 19:30
Matt 19:30 says, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." Then Matt 20:16 says, "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." They are like bookends around the story of the workers in the vineyard, except the word-order is reversed. So, what is the story about? What is the point to the story Jesus told? 

To get that, we must understand CONTEXT. What, in general, was the conversation about? Why did Jesus say it? All of Matthew is in very logical sequence. He flows from one topic to another. The book of Matthew makes the argument to the Jewish Christians, that the Kingdom of God is not just another Jewish sect. It is an entirely NEW thing.

Chapters 18-20 are the instructions to the Church - to the NEW "family" or community of Christians. He begins by talking about relationships in the Church, then marriage, children and social strata (wealth).  In talking about the lack of ranks based on personal wealth in the Kingdom of God, Jesus explained that no one gives up anything to follow Him, that does not get rewarded or replaced. And so, Peter, asks, "We are your first followers, we've given up everything to follow You. What will we get?"

And so Jesus answers - each of the original disciples get a throne, but that does not give them special privileges, and they won't be allowed to "lord it over" anyone in the Kingdom. In fact, if you want to have a throne, you have to be everyone's slave, and share in His suffering. The word "For" at the beginning of chapter 20, tells us that Jesus is about to illustrate what He had just said about what we give up to follow Jesus

He told the story of the workers in the vineyard to illustrate how God dishes out rewards in the Kingdom of God. In the Bible, the VINEYARD is always the CHURCH. The OWNER is Jesus, Lord of the Harvest. Guess who the workers are? Generations of Believers. The central figure of the story is the "owner of the vineyard".   Although He hires workers over the whole day, every three hours, at the end of the day, they all get paid the same wages. The first group grumbled that it wasn't fair to them. He had paid them according to FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE (they received what was agreed on beforehand). The others got paid according to GOODNESS AND GENEROSITY. But no one got cheated! 

The point Jesus was making, the lesson to be learned here is that rewards are not based on fairness or seniority (aimed at the 12). God gives gifts/rewards, not wages. You can't earn it. It is all grace. From the first ones hired, to the last, all are treated equally. By reversing the word-order, Jesus is giving His blessing while crossing His hands between those 12 enthroned (left hand), and the rest of us (right hand). (Gen 48:13-14) 

Interestingly, the Kingdom of God includes "little children", but excluded the rich, young ruler. Although the original disciples will get thrones, they will not be allowed to "exercise dominion" over the rest of us.

In fact, "many are called, but few are chosen". You can be called, but disqualify yourself with how you treat one another! He is referring back to chapter 18 - by unforgiveness and hypocrisy. 

Now, just another illustration that Matthew included in verses 30-34 (I know, they belong in "tomorrow's assignment".) That although the disciples had trouble understanding all Jesus said, especially about the necessity of their sharing in His suffering, there would come a time when their spiritual eyes would be opened. Even the request of sons of Zebedee made through their mother, shows that they still didn't get it, that to be great in the Kingdom the "secret" is not lordly power, but humble service. 

RESPONSE:  Thank You for not asking me to earn the gifts You give me. I could never do enough for the great joy, great mercy, great grace, great abundance I receive daily from You. I don't even wait until the "end of the day" to collect! Thank You for Your goodness and generosity to me. Kiss Peter for me - his question prompted this wonderful illustration, after all.

PSALM 25:1-15
Psalms 25-39 are about David's personal life. Chapter 25 is about David's humble approach to God and expresses great sorrow for some of the things he has done, but also great hope that God is leading him onward. So he says, "teach me, instruct me" five times, and "show me" twice. He wants to know and understand God's ways - how God thinks and how God does things. He knows that this revelation is only for the "meek" - those who fear God and can take instruction and correction because he is no longer self-sufficient. That man will know God's secrets for living in wisdom and walking in God's ways. 

Idleness is against nature. A "sluggard" is both shiftless and shifty. An ant has more sense! Ants have no one telling them what to do, or anyone making them do it. Yet, they don't just lay around, even though they could. They sleep in winter. The rest of the year they practice foresight, industry, organization, and great purpose. The ant has a better work ethic than some people! If you are lazy, you will be a poor man. I guess you don't have to be big to be bad!

RESPONSE: I remember when I was so touchy that no one could tell me anything! I was difficult to be around because I was easily offended, and wouldn't take correction from anyone. I knew in my heart that I was not a nice person. But usually I thought everyone else was mean and just didn't understand me!

Thank You, Jesus, for not being intimidated by my rough exterior and my hard heart. Thank you for loving me to freedom. Thank you for taking me on and not backing away when I talked back to You. Thank you for insisting that I obey,or else.  Thank You for not allowing me to have anything that would deter me from finally getting free. Thank You for taking some things away from me that would have held me in a trap. "Teach me, instruct me, show me". I want to know Your secrets too.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Year Bible, January 29

EXODUS 8:1-9:35
The 10 plagues reported in Exodus are wrathful judgments of God that actually result in freedom for God's people. Israel's finest hour was upon them! The first three plagues: bloody Nile, frogs, and lice (gnats) were on everyone, even God's people. The next 7 plagues are only against Pharaoh, Egypt and the Egyptian gods.  

"Has any other people heard the voice of God speaking out of fire, as you have, and lived? Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of another nation, by testings, by miraculous signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds, like all the things the LORD your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes? You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD is God; besides him there is no other." (Deut 4:33-35)

The 10 plagues showed God's power, the "finger of God" (which we encounter again in Luke 11:20), "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness." (Rom 1:18) 

As Pharaoh's heart got harder and harder, he kept breaking his promise to the Israelites. And as plague after plague destroyed Egypt, God said in Ex 8:23, "I will put a division between my people and thy (world's) people... and this would be a sign." Note that the plagues were progressive, getting worse and worse and gaining momentum, but God's people walked in immunity.

RESPONSE: As I see our world crumbling, political promises being broken, our Christian lifestyle being threatened, I wonder how the Israelites felt when all this was going on around them. Did they rejoice when the Egyptians suffered and they DIDN'T? Or were they just sad? I know that many Egyptians joined the Israelite community during this time, and eventually left Egypt with them.  

My heart is at rest because I know that God rules the world, the nations only THINK they rule the world. But, if anyone were to say that some of these things are judgments of God against ungodliness, they would be destroyed by public opinion, huh? We sing, "Show Your power", but do we really mean that? Look what happened in Egypt when He did that! My heart is fixed, and I dare not look around except to see who is hurting and needs God.

MATTHEW 19:13-30
Look at what the young man asked Jesus: "What good thing must I do to get eternal life?" He had lived an exemplary life, and still was not satisfied or at rest. So Jesus, sensing that something was missing (and in Mark 10:21 it says He "loved him"), told him what he must do in order to be "complete" or "perfect". To sell all he had and distribute it to the poor - which he would have already done if he had actually kept the SPIRIT of the Law. Wealth can capture your affections and God knows that. This showed the young man where his heart really was - because a "treasure" is whatever you find important enough to motivate you. They have the ability to steal our hearts and our focus, so make sure that your treasure is something eternal.

When Jesus blessed us, He crossed His hands like Jacob did (Genesis 48:13-14). Jesus' last statement is to show that Jews (who were first) and Gentiles (who were last) will now be on equal footing, and then demonstrates that Truth in chapter 20. 

RESPONSE: "Who then can be saved?" Having money or success does NOT give you an advantage for getting into the Kingdom of God, and in fact, may make it harder. Only God can take the love of money and of the world out of our hearts (or, as the OT puts it, the yearning to return to Egypt). Only God can so compel our affection as to be our treasure, even though He is invisible. IT IS POSSIBLE with God. In fact, He insists on it.

Who can outgive God? He says He will pay us back in this life AND in the life to come (Luke 18:30; Mark 10:30) Wowza! Mark 10 says "with persecutions". Not so good.

PSALM 24:1-10
The earth NEVER DID belong to the devil. He is a usurper and can only use his influence to get what he wants. Of course, he is not above holding humans in bondage to get it. He rules through "the whore" and "the beast" - seduction and force (Revelation 11 and 17).   But everything rightfully belongs to God, to do with as He wishes.

This Psalm may have been written to accompany David when he ascended the throne, or for when the Ark was brought back to Jerusalem, or for when Jesus passed through the heavens and ascended the throne of David (Heb 4:14). At any rate, it is about the approach to God's throne. To whom is the honor and privilege given? (1) Clean hands and pure heart- doing right and being right. But it's more than that. We must not be doubleminded about our pursuit of God. Not holding anything back. Not wanting God AND ..... something or someone else. That's what Jesus was talking about when He said we can't serve God and Mammon both. We'll eventually hate one of them (Mathew 6:24). We must prefer one or the other and then we "shall receive the blessing from the Lord" - the blessing of the firstborn because of right-standing before God.

Doublemindedness will hinder our pursuit of God because we are trying to live like a "natural" man AND a "spiritual" man at the same time.  Trying to walk by faith and by sight together won't work.  If we are going to function successfully, or be blessed, we must learn to see and evaluate all of life from God's perspective while we are being weaned from walking by sight.  The last half of this Psalm is a good read (out loud) when you want to draw Him near.

If you have unwisely obligated yourself to someone you shouldn't have, don't rest until you extract yourself from the agreement! This is referring to someone you may not know very well - shaking hands on it or just a verbal agreement, you still have to humble yourself and beg them to release you.

RESPONSE: God, Your love overwhelms me. That you would actually choose me to come close to You. You don't want me to be bound to anything else but You - and seeking You. What a wonderful God we serve! You are truly Fabulous! With every breath, you breath freedom into me. Thank You! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

One Year Bible, January 28

EXODUS 5:22-7:25
The Israelites blamed Moses and Aaron for making their lives miserable, by stirring up Pharaoh against them, and now Moses blames God. And He hasn't "rescued" His people at all!

God's answer? "Everyone before you has known Me as "God Almighty" - the all-sufficient One who has all power to do all good. Now I will reveal Myself as JEHOVAH - YAHWEH. I am about to give fulfilment to all those promises of support, deliverance from bondage, and your possession of Land. I take care of My own. 

Exodus 6:7 God said, "I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians." At that point, the Israelites were, in reality, already FREE. Once God tells us that He will be our God and we will be His people, we KNOW WHO WE ARE and that makes us free from everything that is not Truth.

True freedom is NOT INDEPENDENCE, but in being connected with God. Now we are free from our past as well as from our enemies, and not even society can define us. Not only that but our lives have significance and meaning, because we are NOT nobodies. Our WORST SIN is when we act independently, rather than out of our connection with God.

God here seems to have chosen the worst people (the Israelites) in the universe, that He might show to all of us "lost causes" that he delights to instruct the ignorant, help the weak, and save the lost. The lineage is given here to show that Moses and Aaron, indeed, came in a direct line from Abraham, and that, in fact, all those God saved also came from Abraham, in fulfillment of God's Promises to him.

Proverbs 29:1 says, "He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy". Hardships which do not subdue the heart harden it. A person who has hardened his own heart by frequently resisting the grace and spirit of God is in real trouble because he has closed himself off. In Pharaoh's case we read that "he hardened his heart" against the appeal to free the Israelites; so hardening himself, he brought the final doom upon himself. This is how sin becomes its own punishment. It leads to a hard heart.

Pharaoh hardened his own heart before God hardened it. Pharaoh grew hard as the result of his own activity. The Lord hardens a man like Pharaoh and then finds fault with him. That doesn't make sense to us. Why does God hold him accountable? This question is handled better by Paul in Romans 9:14-24 specifically with reference to Pharaoh.

"What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee (Pharaoh) up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth." (Romans 9:14-18)

Paul says that a true knowledge of God would make any objection to the "fairness" of this preposterous. It is like the clay telling the potter he wants to be a fine bowl, not a toilet seat. However the potter has complete control over what the vessel will be used for. God has "vessels of wrath" and "vessels of mercy".

RESPONSE:   I don't EVER want to harden my heart against God. I won't even start down that road!  I will take correction when it is given. I will obey when I hear clearly. I won't pout when I don't get my own way. I will constantly remind myself of God's goodness and greatness. I have nothing to complain about. God has given me His righteousness, His peace, and His joy. I refuse to say anything about the "fairness" of that - because I know I don't deserve any of the good things God gives me. It is His mercy. Oh, how thankful I am for His mercy and His undying love and compassion for me. I bathe in His mercy and splash it all over me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

MATTHEW 18:23-19:12
Is it a coincidence that Matthew puts this discussion about "forgiveness", right next to the discussion of what to do with "offenses" when they come?

"Forgive 70 x 7". That is a known quantity to the disciples. That is "70 weeks" (Dan 9:24). If you use the obvious interpretation of Daniel 9, you will see the complete and finished work of Jesus Christ right there. His complete and finished work is in forgiveness. Or, as the rest of Dan 9:24 says, "to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." Our ministry as reconcilers is to fill in the gap between God and man, not make it wider. Our everyday experiences of life are training in the art of forgiveness.

We forgive because we are forgiven. The story Jesus told is to show us that our sin is very great - an unpayable debt. Billions of dollars. God freely forgave us. He assumed the loss, in a sense. The offences committed against us by people are comparatively small. We should therefore most freely forgive them. If we don't, God will be justly angry and will allow us to be tormented.

And speaking of "hardness of heart", that is the ONLY reason God allowed divorce. And so, His disciples' reply is "If you can't throw your wife away at will, it's better to just stay single!" Jesus' answer was if you are called to be married, then stay married. If you don't think you can live with one woman for the rest of your life, and you can tolerate being single, then don't get married in the first place. Christ has exalted marriage to its original pure state.

RESPONSE: I see the emphasis Jesus put on "forgiveness". It is the message of His Image-bearers. Everywhere Jesus went, when He healed, He forgave. When the offence was personal, He ignored it, and when the sin was against God, He forgave it. I want to be known as someone who is NOT EASILY OFFENDED.

I know people who are easily offended, and I regard them as immature, but also too volatile to spend much time with. In fact, in Romans, Paul says that the immature and the baby Christians are easily offended and it is up to the mature ones to be careful. But, when you have been saved for 20-30 years, you shouldn't still have that problem! Lord, help me to just "let it go".

PSALM 23:1-6
This may have been written when David was hiding out in the wilderness of Judah, where there was almost no hope of surviving in the desert. Psalm 23 demonstrates the confident peace and joy of someone who knows God has and will take care of him. The Hebrew is emphatic: "I lack nothing." This implies a supply of every possible need of body, soul, and spirit. A regular BANQUET is prepared for me, even when I am surrounded by enemies, who are forced to look on and see how God has provided. So much so, "my cup runs over". And God's GOODNESS and God's MERCY "follow" - "relentlessly pursue" me!

PROVERBS 5:22-23
Sin always ends in self-deception. We think we can give it up any time we want to.  However, when it comes to sin, it is always easier to do it the second time, then the third time, then it's a habit and we can't quit - we are trapped in it - "led astray by our own foolishness". He can no longer find his way home. He has hardened his heart toward the voice of the Holy Spirit.

I remember being at Waikiki Beach about 20 years ago. People were running around on the city streets in bikinis, openly smoking marijuana, carrying open bottles of liquor, and the atmosphere was just generally unwholesome. I told my husband that if I didn't find another Christian pretty soon, I wanted to go home. Just then, someone on a street corner handed me a tract as we rushed past. I spun on my heel and walked back to the corner for some fellowship - water in a desert place!

RESPONSE: My cup runs over for sure. Sometimes I just have to shout! Even in church! I just get so full that I think I will burst if I don't find an outlet. I understand David completely - he not only survived in a desert place, but he flourished while he was there because of God! God found water and pasture --- in a desert. And He still does. My inner man that gets exhausted, sad, troubled and anxious, is continually given new life - God's life re-invigorates me again and again

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Can I say just a little bit more about forgiveness and offenses? This is an important topic, because more people leave the church about this, than about anything else. I believe it is a SIN to take offense when you aren't a "baby Christian" any more. Let me tell you why: 

(1) Woe to him who GIVES offense, especially to a new Christian, because they are still being weaned away from self-centeredness. Paul gives an example about what behavior is allowed and not allowed as Christians. "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him." (Romans 14:1-3)

And, of course, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! " (Matthew 18:6-7)

So, even if you haven't done anything wrong, in your own mind, you must apologize for hurting one of the baby Christians who THOUGHT it was wrong. He is still learning and being weaned. Hopefully, it was never your intention to make him sin. Let me give you an example. My mother-in-law was raised in a church that believed that a deck of playing cards was evil, and so her family never played cards. When she came to visit us, we put all the cards away, and didn't suggest a game of cards. Even though she was not a "baby Christian", we didn't want to offend her because we loved her.

(2) Jesus also said that we are to OVERLOOK evil behavior that is directed toward us. "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:38-48)  ("perfect", by the way, is "ripe, mature, grown-up")

How do you go to someone who has offended you if you are turning the other cheek for him to do it again?

(3) Jesus reduced all 10 commandments down to two NEW commandments: "love God and love each other"(John 13:34).  In case we don't know how, Paul told us in 1 Corinthians and I quote 13:5 from the Amplified because it is very clear. (Love) "is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong." (1 Corinthians 13:5, AMP)

Grown-up Christians hardly ever even realize when someone insults them. Partly because they assume God loves them and has their back, and partly because they really DON'T NOTICE! They are focused on being a reconciler and overlook anything that would hinder that. They are so engaged in their mission that "slights" are irrelevant.

(4) We have the example of Jesus when He was betrayed. He didn't resist arrest, He didn't retaliate from the Cross, He didn't strike back when hair was plucked from his beard or when He was hit with fists. He endured as seeing BEYOND His circumstances "to the joy".

I could go on and on, but these are just the obvious ones. When we carry offenses around with us, we are actually self-centered and self-preserving, when we are supposed to be "self-dead". We run the risk of bitterness - a settled anger - taking root and destroying us.  Nobody OWES YOUR ANYTHING.  Jesus already paid it all!  He paid it for you, and He expects you to pass it on.  Quit waiting for life to be "fair".  That's un-Biblical.  God "is kind to the unthankful and the evil" (Luke 6:35).  Aren't you glad? 

We don't get rid of offenses by "dumping them" on the offender. By going to the offender with it, you are asking them to assume the debt for what they did, no matter how you color it. "FORGIVE THEM FROM THE HEART", like Jesus said (Matthew 18:35). That means it is between you and God. Chances are, the offender doesn't even know they offended you. By going to them, in that case, you are bringing it to their attention - when they aren't even YOUR SERVANT (Romans 14). They are God's servants, and He will tell them Himself if they need telling. Otherwise, you can assume it was just your perception and let it go.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox, now.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One Year Bible, January 27

EXODUS 4:1-5:21
Who would pick up a poisonous adder by the tail? NOT ME! That was Moses' introduction to the miraculous power that was to accompany his assignment from God. Because he was still afraid, God let him take Aaron with him. So, here we have two old men: Moses is 80 and Aaron is 83 years old, with nothing but a stick (rod) between them. No wonder they were worried that the Israelites wouldn't believe them.

God declared Israel as a nation to be His firstborn son, and when Pharaoh refused to release Israel, God said he'd kill Egypt's firstborn sons. And Pharaoh (remember this is a new Pharaoh - Moses' adopted family are apparently all dead) - his reply was, "Who is the Lord, that I should obey Him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go." God KNEW Pharaoh would refuse, and He had told Moses and Aaron that before they even asked. In fact, God is the one who hardened Pharaoh's heart against the Israelites to say "no!"

Pharaoh was so ticked off with the request that he "punished" Moses and Aaron by making the slaves' work even harder, beating their crew bosses, and then calling them "lazy". So now the Israelites hated Moses and Aaron because their request only made things worse.  Pharaoh and the Egyptians already hated Moses and Aaron.  It's a good thing that Moses spoke to God face-to-face, because it must have been tempting to just give up. Nobody believed in them anymore.

RESPONSE:   When God asks me to do something, I am the one who must make all the adjustments, not God. But if God and I are the only ones who think I should do it, I'll admit that would be difficult.

And instead of trying to kill Moses in the desert, why not just tell him that he "forgot" to circumcise the males?  Moses now has nothing but Aaron and that "rod of God". When we have nothing left but God - that's enough! Yes! He is all I need! If everyone turns against me, God is still enough! He is faithful to do what He has said. "In for a dime, in for a dollar" - let's not take baby steps anymore! Just do it!

MATTHEW 18:1-22
The Kingdom of God surely contrasts with the Kingdom of Man. The Kingdom of Man exalts wealth, talent, success, beauty, and anything else that exalts MAN. The Kingdom of God exalts "little children". The Kingdom of God is never possessed by the haughty or proud. There should be a certain naiveté about God's people. We are to be "wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil." (Rom16:19) Or, as it says in another place "wise and harmless" (Mat 16:10). But "offenses" come. That word is "TRAPS" That's what we need the wisdom for. If your hand or eye is caught in a trip, gnaw it off! (get rid of the trap and the lust in you, that got caught)

When is it okay to tell someone that they "offended" you?  ESPECIALLY when Jesus follows this discourse with a long discussion about FORGIVENESS.  Not just once, but 70 x 7!  The word "trespass" is actually the word "sin".  If a "brother" sins again you.....someone from the Church, a fellow-Christian, then don't spread it around, "Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD."  (Lev 19:17-18)  If your "brother" has "sinned against you" - caused you real harm, and you are not seeking revenge or some sort of personal satisfaction, go ahead and tell them.  Just be sure you have your facts straight and you have a witness if you need it.  Be sure it is SIN, and not just your touchiness or your inability to forgive. 

Let me add this:  "He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth close friends. " (Prov 17:9)  "The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression."  (Prov 19:11)  You NEVER read of Jesus defending Himself or taking personal offense.  He laid that down when He came to earth as a "dead man" - which is what you became when you were born again.  Remember: you "lost" your life, in order to gain His.  I will cover Mat 18:21-22 with the rest of that section on "forgiveness". 

RESPONSE:   Children aren't haughty (for the most part) and so are teachable and soft-hearted. And God's got their back! (their angels are watching). If I see myself as inexperienced and innocent when it comes to evil, I lose my "edge" - which is what I think God wants. My real "edge" comes with knowing God and living in His wisdom.  I can be content with that.  Even happy.  I don't HAVE to be in bondage in order to minister to someone in bondage. Not even in ex-bondage!

PSALM 22:19-31
Even though earlier in the Psalm, the writer declared himself to be a "worm and no man", and considered himself a really, really lost cause, look at what he calls himself in verse 20. "My precious life" is actually "my Darling" in the original language. I must insist that you know that, because that's me! Yes! God calls me "His darling"! I'll bet He calls you that, too, but you just haven't heard Him yet.  Being saved from the "horns of the wild oxen" isn't NEARLY as good as the KJV - "horns of the unicorn."

A testimony to God's GOODNESS:  God does not "despise" (scorn) the afflicted. He does not look at us in disgust when we get ourselves into trouble. But when we cry out to Him, He hears us. In fact, the "needy shall eat and be satisfied." We can eat because we KNOW we need help. We KNOW we don't have it all together and are needy.

A testimony to God's GREATNESS: The word "dominion" is an unfortunate translation, since the word is actually "kingdom." "All the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee." The rich, the needy. All the holy seed counted as God's generation: those "in Christ" - the holy nation, royal priesthood. God has done it all. "IT IS FINISHED!!!"

PROVERBS 5:15-21
GOD IS WATCHING YOU. "Drink from your own cistern". That's a nice way of telling you not to "sleep around", but stay home with your wife.

To carry on with the figurative language:  God is my Source. If I am sad or lonely or frustrated and unhappy, I need only to go Him, not 100 other things. No person is obligated to make me happy. Only Jesus is enough to produce true happiness.  The rest are substitutes and won't last.

RESPONSE:   As we meditate on God's GOODNESS and GREATNESS, we reassure our hearts that God loves us, God has a plan, I am part of God's plan. No matter what things may look like, I am God's darling. He has done all it takes for me to overcome whatever I face. When I don't insist on my own way, don't defend myself, and don't complain, I HAVE OVERCOME! I am part of His family - His Seed. I can't be killed because my heart lives forever! He said so.

Monday, January 25, 2010

One Year Bible, January 26

EXODUS 2:11-3:22
Exodus tells of how God brings a people out of bondage and into His Presence. Deuteronomy 6:23 says "He brought us out, that He might bring us in.." Our deliverance is through Blood, water and the Spirit. The Wilderness was an environment that was designed to manifest our heart's true condition. There, we are brought into subjection to God, given opportunity to know Him and to die to self, and trained and made fit for the Kingdom.

Exodus chapters 2-4 show us how Moses was prepared to be a deliverer. He was the child of a Hebrew slave and became the son of a queen. He was born in a hut, but lived in Pharaoh's palace. He was "backward of speech" and talked with God. His Egyptian rearing and life occupy 40 years, his exile in the Arabian desert 40 years, and his leadership of Israel from Egypt to Moab 40 years. He died alone on Mt. Moab and God Himself buried him. His name means "drawn out" or "rescued".

There is much written by and about Moses in both Old and New Testaments. Acts 7:22 says that "Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action." But this did not equip Moses for the work of God. In his self-effort to fulfill his assignment, Moses killed an Egyptian and hid the body. God took Moses to the "back side of the desert," where he lived in obscurity for 40 years. When Moses came to the burning bush at age 80, Numbers 12:3 says that Moses was the "meekest man in all the world." All the fight had gone out of him. Now he will listen and learn.

RESPONSE:   Sometimes I am happy that I've been brought "out of the world", but forget that it was so that I could be brought into God's Presence. I take my "freedom" for myself - to do what I want. I know that Exodus will show me in what specific ways I do that so that I can repent. I am grateful that I can repent quickly and don't have to spend 40 years going in circles.

MATTHEW 17:10-27
The fifth hindrance to the Kingdom of God is "unbelief and perversity". By perversity it means that we are won't or can't be persuaded to believe God.  And how is that overcome? "By prayer and fasting". Fasting breaks the power of our flesh (Psa 35:13). Fasting says "no" to my flesh's demand for food to fill its appetite. When my flesh is not pulling me into the natural realm with its demands, it is easier to believe what God said.   Prayer is to repent and to adjust myself to what God wants. 

RESPONSE:   The faith Jesus speaks of here is not "saving faith". It is the faith to act on what God said. Fasting does not GIVE us faith. Fasting subdues the voice of the flesh so we CAN believe. Prayer, on the other hand, connects us with God so that our faith can grow. We must draw close to God in prayer, and sometimes we have to fast because our flesh is so demanding and keeps us from God's Presence. Hebrews calls that place of faith, "rest".

And so, I talk to my heart. "God is good. God is mighty to save, strong in my behalf, glorious and wonderful. He is Fabulous and awesome. No one can compare to God. He is compassionate and kind. Jesus is savvy and 'in the know'. He designed and built the universe, and He knows how it works. Nothing is too difficult for Him. "

PSALM 22:1-18
This prophetic Psalm is about Christ on the Cross. Verse 16 is significant because Jews were executed by stoning, yet David prophesied a Roman crucifixion 1000 years before the birth of Christ! Do not despair, the last 10 verses experience the JOY.

Something tells me that David didn't get off to the best start, and maybe even came from a "dysfunctional family" because of words like these:  "Yet You brought me out of the womb; You made me trust in you even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon You; from my mother's womb You have been my God." (Psa 22:9-10) And again, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up." (Psa 27:10)

David was the 8th child, and maybe he was left to raise himself - mom and dad may have been burned out or old by then. Who knows? At any rate, David himself felt cast on the Lord from birth. And God didn't let him down, or forsake him, or let it hold him back from becoming king.

What is it that will bring me "to the brink of utter ruin"? Not being able to take correction. When we don't listen to correction, we will have a lot of regrets at the end of our lives.  We make big, irreversible mistakes when we won't be corrected, and when we spend time with "harlots". Figuratively, "harlots" are for people who want the benefits of being a Christian, without being married to Jesus. They don't want a relationship with God, and have settled for a substitute. After their substitute (harlot) has sucked all the life out of them, taken all their strength, their years, their wealth, ...then all that is left is lots of regret.   They could have had relationship with the REAL THING...Jesus.

RESPONSE:    No matter how good my parents may have been, the reality is that God has to have a hand in our upbringing or none of us would make it. We may have come from a dysfunctional family, but when God intervenes in our lives, He redeems that too. What a mighty God we serve!

From the beginning of my life, all the way to the end, God, don't let me accept any substitutes for You. I don't want to have a lot of regrets in my "old age". I commit to listen for Your voice every day, to ask You about everything I am doing, to search You out when there are decisions to be made. Be involved in my life.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

One Year Bible, January 25

GENESIS 50:1 - EXODUS 2:10
We see here that the Book of Genesis began with "God", and ended with a "coffin". Joseph the Dreamer, forgave his half-brothers who had tried to destroy the dream, and declared on his deathbed, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Bitterness never relieves suffering. Forgiveness does. And Joseph had God's perspective on his life. Sometimes what we call "evil" is really the route to fulfillment.

Jacob and Joseph were both embalmed, or mummified to make the trip to Canaan. Joseph, additionally, was placed in a 2000-pound marble sarcophagus to be carried up 144 years later. Hebrews 11:22 says, "By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions about his bones."

EXODUS: Over the years, a new Pharaoh rose who had never heard of Joseph. He was worried about the Israelites because they had overgrown the country. If they "turned" on the Egyptians, they could overthrow their oppressors. The Bible says, "But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread, so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites and worked them ruthlessly. And made their lives bitter with labor."

Like Herod many years later, Pharaoh decided to kill all the male infants in order to keep the Israelites from increasing any more. But, "by faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict." (Hebrews 11:23) Thus began Moses' being raised in Pharaoh's court as the Princess's adopted son.

RESPONSE:   I see it is important to get God's perspective about everything in life. Not only will I be spared much heartache, but it is a place of safety. Bitterness could have destroyed Joseph's life, but he kept his eye on the "the prize" (1 Cor 9:24; Phil 3:14). He was able to see beyond his circumstances. Do the math. He ruled for 80 years! In that light, 13 years isn't so significant, is it? And he saved the lives of many people. Jesus, You said that being used in the Kingdom of God will cost me everything. What did you mean by "everything"?

MATTHEW 16:13 - 17:9
The fourth hindrance to the Kingdom of God is self-preservation. Self-preservation "shipwrecks faith" (1 Tim 1:19), and causes us to betray Jesus. "Self-preservation" in this passage is defined as "having in mind the things of men". The actual Greek word is "phroneo" which means "something I direct my attention to with the intention of acting on it". This is so serious that Jesus calls this "a stumbling block" and said there was a devil behind it! And then He explained how to see that this NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN: "lose your life." Sacrifice it away. Count yourself as already crucified and dead - now you have no rights, no reputation to worry about, no privileges.

Jesus took three witnesses: Peter, James, and John with Him to meet Moses and Elijah on the mountain. One represents the Law, and other the prophets, who were both interested in Jesus' soon death (Gr: exodus: "departure") and His resurrection (Luke 9:31), which would fulfill both the Law and the Prophets.

RESPONSE:   Whenever I am tempted to be offended at something someone said, I tell myself, "a dead man can't respond." I HAVE no life. I gave it to Jesus when I was born again and entered covenant with Him. I gave my life to Him, and He gave His life to me. If I live my life and respond to my environment, then He can't live His life through me. I would have covered Him up with my flesh.   Eeewwwww!

Every time I obey God - especially when my flesh is in opposition - something in my flesh dies off. This is a relatively EASY way to "lose my life", because at the same time, I am giving God pleasure, and I feel it. There is real joy in that. I rejoice when I can give my flesh a black eye! My flesh has given me grief, pain, embarrassment, self-pity, and depression, and anything else negative in me. So I avenge myself by joyfully obeying God and by sacrificing my flesh when opportunity arises.

PSALM 21:1-13:
Psalm 8 says that God has crowned us with glory and honor and given us dominion over His creation. In addition, Revelation 1:6 and 5:10 both say that God has made us to be "kings and priests" in His Kingdom. David wrote Psalm 21, calling himself "the king".  Call YOURSELF "the king" and read it the same way:

Look what God gives us! "Strength, salvation, victories, the desire of my heart, the request of my lips, rich blessings, a crown of gold, Life, length of days, glory, splendor and majesty, eternal blessings, the joy of God's presence."

I completely trust God's unfailing love and He gives me confidence for the future. I praise His strength and His might!  He rules the earth and ultimately "calls the shots" - NOT the nations! 

In Proverbs, a "strange woman" is "a harlot or whore". FIGURATIVELY, she represents the substitutes for God that lure us away from Him.  She is for those who are not serious about being a "Christian" - they are in it for what they can get.   They want the privileges without the responsibility of a relationship.  HARLOTS ARE DANGEROUS. Their path leads us to death and the grave, and is "crooked" ("wavers, staggers, wanders, unstable") and we won't even know it!  We will lose all sense of spiritual reality. STAY AWAY FROM THEM.

RESPONSE:   I don't want substitutes for God.  I want the REAL THING.  Then I have a "crown, the rich blessings, the desire of my heart, His salvation", and much, much more. As I reassure my heart with these truths, my faith builds and with it, the power to say "no" to the enticement to straddle the fence. Why would anyone want to know the Way and then not walk in it? No wonder those people are bitter!

I repent of any inclination to "back away in fear" (Heb 10:38-39)  from knowing God better . I stir myself up to "red hot love" for God. I don't want to be lukewarm or passive. I aggressively pursue God's Presence.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

One Year Bible, January 24

GENESIS 48:1 - 49:33
The right of the firstborn has been forfeited by Reuben. The double portion in the inheritance is now transferred to Joseph. Joseph is the first-born of her who was intended by Jacob to be his first and only wife and has also been the means of saving all his father's house. In adopting Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob now gives them each a portion in the Land, thus Joseph's double portion was awarded, and Rachel was honored. When Jacob blesses the sons, Joseph placed them so that the firstborn was on Jacob's right and the second-born on the left. But Jacob knowingly crossed his arms, giving the firstborn blessing to the "wrong" son - Ephraim.

On his deathbed, Jacob/Israel assigned a portion in the Land to each of his other 11 sons, and his "blessing" was determined by character and conduct. Levi is given cities, which prophecy is fulfilled in that the tribe of Levi formed the priesthood. Judah gets the chieftainship and longevity - and forms the lineage of Jesus, the True holder of the Scepter. Joseph, of course, gets compensated for giving Jacob the peaceful abundance of his old age, and for the persecutions he had endured at the hands of his half-brothers.

But look here! Jacob will be buried next to LEAH at his own request. So in death, Leah finally got what she wanted.

RESPONSE:   Character defects DO matter. Sin is not just "missing the mark" - it is the forfeiture of the best blessing. The others still inherited, but didn't receive the same empowerment or privilege as Judah or Joseph. I don't want to forfeit anything by my conduct and character defects. Holy Spirit do what You have to do.  Make me or break me, but don't leave me the way I am!

MATTHEW 15:29 - 16:12
These verses are in the section of Matthew where opposition to the Kingdom of God is explained and demonstrated. First, there was the beheading of John the Baptist which demonstrated that Truth and its value system brings persecution when it clashes with lawlessness. Second, religious tradition is evil when it contradicts Scripture. Religious people were using tradition to "trump" Scripture!  Now third, hypocrisy cannot exist in the Kingdom of God and is also exposed by Truth. The "leaven of Pharisees" is religious legalism which produces hypocrisy (Luke 12:1; Mark 8:15). The "leaven of Herod" is the opposite, lawlessness.

RESPONSE:   It seems to me that being "salt and light" means I am also setting myself up to be a "target". Actually, Jesus said it is a BLESSING to be "persecuted for righteousness' sake" because then you inherit the Kingdom of heaven. To not be persecuted means you must have a character flaw! Sin is not just "missing the mark", it is forfeiture of the best blessing. I don't want to be around lawlessness, religious tradition, or hypocrisy without being an influence. I want to do it "wise and harmless" (Matt 10:16) though, and not just be a nuisance or a clanging cymbal. Help me, Jesus.

PSALM 20:1-9
Psalm 20 is a Battle Hymn, and Psalm 21 is a song of Victory After Battle. Psalm 20 shows complete confidence in God. This army is prepared to go forth "in the Name of the Lord". "Some trust in chariots, some in horses", and some in atomic bombs, some in tanks and hummers.....but who really determines the outcome? In fact, God had forbidden the use of chariots and horses to Israel so that they wouldn't depend on them. "Now I know..." not "think"..... not "hope" ..... but "I know".   How do I rest in "the day of trouble"? Just like David did: reassure my heart out loud until it calms down and gets "in faith" - reading Psalm 20 if necessary.

PROVERBS 4:20-27
This section of Proverbs is really intense. I would like to focus on vs 23 "Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."   The heart is the instrument of the thinking, willing, perceiving life of the spirit; it is the seat of the knowledge of self, of the knowledge of God, of the knowledge of our relation to God. The source or fountain of your spiritual Life is your heart and everything flows or gushes from there. Watch that these streams are not stopped up, hindered, diverted, or cut off.

How do I do that? Don't get sloppy, but keep your focus. "Perverse and corrupt" talk will dam up that flow of God that's in you, that is to be your emotional and mental supply. Perverse and corrupt talk is speaking to deceive, to corrupt, to boast, to flatter, to be filthy, or to render hopeless.   "Keep your eyes fixed straight ahead". Don't be diverted to "side-trips" that lead to bad habits. Don't try something new just to experience it if it will lead to a bad habit. All sin results in self-deception. "Stay on your path". If you keep going forward unless the Holy Spirit tells you to turn, you will avoid demonic traps and tricks that your natural mind will play on you. Unless you hear a voice "behind you" (Isa 30:21) that says, "turn here", then you just keep doing what you are doing. And finally, "Keep the Word within your heart" and life and healing will flow throughout your body and soul.

RESPONSE:   Character defects matter. I have some control over getting these taken care of, and one thing I can do is to guard my heart. I let evil stuff in there when my speech is deceitful and corrupt, or when I get diverted into things on the "roadside" that look interesting, etc. It seems to me that my mouth AND my eyes are little doorways that can admit things that will really harm my walk with God. On the other hand, guarding what Word I DO have in there will also protect me. That's why I meditate the Word a lot. I mull it over, think about what it means, how it applies to me, how it works, I say it often, talk to God about it.

I have found that what Romans 12:21 says is really helpful: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." When I concentrate and try to STOP a bad habit, like complaining for example, I just do it MORE. We overcome evil WITH GOOD. So then the focus is not on something I DON'T want to do. To overcome complaining, I show appreciation and I complement people. I think about some Scripture verse I've just read. That way, my heart and head settle down and don't try to take over my mouth.

Friday, January 22, 2010

One Year Bible, January 23

GENESIS 46:1-47:31
Jacob seems to have had an encounter with God each time he travelled for long distances and this is no exception. On his way to Egypt to be reunited with Joseph and to "ride out the famine" - he meets God in Beer-sheba. Here God puts His blessing on the trip to Egypt and says that Jacob's increase will come down in Egypt, and that Jacob would, indeed, return to Canaan. Now we know that when God makes a Promise, He REALLY carries it out.  Jacob left Canaan with 70 people, and returned with over a million (over 200 years later with Moses).

It was important that Jacob and his family settle in Goshen because in the famine, Goshen still had good pasture-land, and living there would also isolate the Israelites so they were less likely to intermarry.

When Jacob had been in Egypt 17 years, and was 147 years old, he adopted Josephs' sons Ephraim and Manasseh, so that they would inherit full shares in the Land. Then, he extracted a promise from Joseph: "Do not bury me in Egypt". Canaan was the Land of Rest, and God had promised it to Jacob and his seed. When Jacob lay dying, he still had faith in the Promise.

RESPONSE:   Sometimes I think we give up too easy. We have prayed and prayed and not seen any results. Jacob was promised by God that he would inherit Canaan and it had been 147 years and he was too old now to go there, and besides he was dying. But he still believed God. And his faith had outward expression.  It showed.  Do my decisions reflect faith in God's promises?

MATTHEW 15:1-28
This portion of Scripture is part of the section where Matthew shows the opposition to the Kingdom of God. Here we see that human traditions (strongly held beliefs) are wrong if they contradict the Word of God. Religious traditions referr to ritual and external rules of behavior. Unlike God'sWord, which addresses the source of uncleanness and evil: the HEART.

First of all, the religious tradition said you could withhold money from aging parents if you set it aside for an offering. This dishonors your parents. It looked religious, but was actually evil. Honoring your parents DOES honor God. They allowed their tradition to "trump" the Scripture. Uncleanness is not external like not washing your hands. Uncleanness is from the source, your HEART.

Then Jesus demonstrated what He meant. Jesus had gone away to hide out and rest. A Gentile woman found Him and wouldn't leave Him alone because her daughter suffered from unclean spirits (Mk 7:25). Tradition said that Jesus came to "the lost sheep of Israel" - Jews. But He helped her anyway because of her faith (her faith was based on Truth, not Tradition). Scripture "trumped" tradition. Tradition is evil if it contradicts Scripture. Even religious traditions.

RESPONSE:   God, I have my rules too. They are usually based on what I want. I'll admit they have nothing to do with Scripture. Sometimes I have trouble "breaking" my rules - so I ask You to remind me of Jesus. He would never refuse to help me because of some list He had. My memory verse for today: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings". (Hosea 6:6)  I don't want to appear religious and have no compassion. 

PSALM 19:1-14
As David meditated on the goodness and greatness of God, he wrote: Nowhere is God unknown. His glorious creation extends to everyplace on the earth. And besides His creation revealing his Glory, there is His Word, which has the power to "convert the soul"; "make wise the simple (inexperienced, immature)"; "rejoice the heart"; and "enlighten the eyes". 

In addition, the Word of God is described as being "perfect", "sure", "right", "pure", "clean", "true", and "righteous".

It says that God's Word serves as a warning to keep us from three kinds of sin: "hidden or secret sin"; "willful or presumptuous sin" (from being self-reliant); and "great transgression" (unchecked indulgence).

PROVERBS 4:14-19
Just like God's days begin in the dark and end in the light ("evening and morning" were a day, Gen  1), so with the righteous. Our way gets brighter and brighter as we go along. But the wicked walk in "deep darkness" and can't figure out what's wrong! They not only fall themselves, but they cause others to fall too. "DON'T SET FOOT ON THE PATH OF THE WICKED. Don't walk there. Avoid it. Do not travel there. Turn from it. Go on your way." God is really, really serious about the danger of even walking where the wicked walk.

RESPONSE:   Another verse Mom made us all learn: "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord..." Maybe I'll just say that one before I get out of bed in the morning. "God, if it doesn't please You, don't even let me THINK it."  When I meditate on anything, it will be on Your goodness and greatness. Everything in creation reminds me of Your goodness and greatness. No excuses.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

One Year Bible, January 22

GENESIS 44:1 - 45:28
When Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers, what did he say?  "Come near to me.  Come close."   "It was not you who sent me here, but God."  The Bible says "He kissed all his brothers and wept over them."  This is just like the reception we got from Jesus when we were born again.  We betrayed Him and caused His crucifixion, yet he welcomes us, loves us, and wraps us in His arms.  Hebrews 2:11 says, "For both He that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren.."

Only God could have caused Joseph to share the throne with Pharaoh.  Joseph knew it was God.  He could have blamed the devil for lying about him and putting him into Pharaoh's prisonhole.  He could have blamed the devil for getting him sold into slavery.  He certainly must have had a hard time "crediting" God for his suffering those 13 years.  However Joseph knew something we tend to forget: God is in control.  He tears one kingdom down and raises another kingdom up. 

Isaiah 45:6-7 says, "That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."  The word for "evil" is not moral evil, but "catastrophe or calamity, sorrow, trouble, pain".  You see, Joseph had an assignment as part of God's purpose in the earth, and did not have time to stop and deal with pettiness, or to lick his wounds. 

RESPONSE:  When I was complaining about some malady or other in high school, my dad told me a story of what happened to him during World War II.  He was in Europe somewhere, moving toward some battle site, and he had an abscessed tooth.  A dentist turned over a bucket for my dad to sit on, and with no Novocain or fancy instruments, the dentist pulled that tooth.  The next day my dad's face was swollen and sore and he felt sick, but no one cared.  His personal comfort was irrelevant because they were marching toward battle and everyone still had to do their part.  That's the way it is.  But WE ignore the personal pain "because of the joy set before us" - the joy of giving God pleasure, the joy that comes from being obedient. Whining and complaining tell God that we are not content with just Him.  That He is not enough to make us happy.  That we need more.  That He is insufficient.  That is not the message I want to send God.  He Who makes me happier than I deserve - who gives me more joy that I ever thought possible.

MATTHEW 14:13-36 
Matthew chapters 14-17 are about the opposition to the Kingdom of God.  First we had Herod, who beheaded John the Baptist.  And that is just the beginning. 

In the story of the feeding of the 5000, I am reminded of being in Kenya.  We held a "conference" out away from the big cities.  The people came from all around, mostly on foot.  The area where we were had one small town, but no restaurants or stores to speak of, no place to buy food.  Even if there was food for sale, I'm sure no one could have purchased any anyway.  Of course, the people holding the conference had to feed everyone.  It was like that for Jesus.  The disciples said they would have to go into the villages and buy something to eat (if they could even afford it).  So Jesus fed all 5000 with their families, with five loaves and two fishes.  By having 12 basketsful left over, there was one basket per disciple.  This is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. Immediately afterwards, Jesus went into the mountain alone to pray. 

Peter walked on water!  Until he looked around, that is.  Criticize Peter all you want, AT LEAST HE GOT OUT OF THE BOAT!  When he looked at the circumstances, he temporarily "lost faith" - and sank.  But the bigger failures were still in the boat!  (in my opinion)

RESPONSE:  I admire Peter's faith at asking Jesus to COMMAND him to come.  I would have asked for a PROMISE that I wouldn't drown, not a COMMAND to come.  Either way, I don't think I would have dared to look away from Jesus' face.  I have been in situations where I was in "way over my head" - and found Jesus to be faithful.  Come to think of it, I was in that situation because of a COMMAND, not because of any PROMISE.  When the COMMAND is there, I can assume the PROMISE is there too.

PSALM 18:37-50
When God is FOR us, who can stand against us?  It might LOOK like we're going down for the count, but don't be deceived.  God is still in charge.  Verses 43-50 show the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant and were probably written near the end of David's life.  I especially like vs. 48 "You have delivered me from the violent man."   It reminds me of 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 where Paul asks for people to pray for him that he be "delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith."

PROVERBS 4:11-13
"Instruction" is "correction, chastisement, discipline".  If you can take correction, it will minister "life" to you.  It will "revive you, preserve you, restore you".  Proverbs 15:32 says, "He who ignores discipline (instruction)despises himself".  If we ignore correction or instruction, we do it because we hate ourselves. 

Oh, and by the way, this word is repeated in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."    "All Scripture" at that time would have had to be the Old Testament.  I'm glad that I can be "thoroughly equipped" but that's not going to happen if I just hear the Word without really learning anything. 

RESPONSE:  Life is NOT just "one thing after another".   God is in charge and when I am corrected, I won't hate myself, I will receive it and repent.  The temptation is there - because if I just hate myself, I don't have to accept responsibility and repent and change.  I can just keep everything at arm's-length.  But then, I set myself up to repeat my folly.  I know it is hard to accept correction, because the implication is that you were wrong to begin with.  But it is easier than trying to "save face" - take it from someone who has been there.  I want to learn to repent quickly and effectively.  Then I can have LIFE.

One Year Bible, January 21

GENESIS 42:18-43:34
Joseph had 11 brothers, and only one of them was a full-brother - Benjamin.  The other 10 were half-brothers: same father, different mother.  The half-brothers gnashed on him and were jealous of his relationship with his father.  The full-brother was the one Joseph wanted to see.  But Joseph and Benjamin had been special to their father, and he had already "lost" Joseph and didn't want to lose Benjamin too.  But Joseph prevailed and they brought Benjamin to Egypt to meet with Joseph.  Joseph wept when he saw Benjamin, and once he regained his composure, the 12 brothers sat down at the banqueting table, ate and then drank all night.  The brothers couldn't help but notice that Benjamin's portion was 5 times anyone else's.  The plot thickens. 

RESPONSE:  Joseph is such a good example of going through the refining fire with the right attitude.  I sure wouldn't want to "party" with the people who had hated me as much as they had hated Joseph!  Have you ever wanted to be vindicated?  To be proven right when everyone else was wrong?  Oh, come on!  You know you have.  Joseph held on to what God had promised in his dream.  He wasn't trying to manipulate things so that his dream would be fulfilled.  He just waited for God to do what He said, WHEN He wanted to do it.  Maybe that's how he was able to keep all sense of vengeance and bitterness out of his soul.  Thirteen years of slavery must have given him lots of time to think and to pray and to repent and to forgive and to learn how to draw Life from God. 

God, let me draw Life from Your Presence in me.  Don't let my flesh continue to cover You up.  Reign me in and put Your hand over my mouth.  Let my strength and wisdom come from You.  Speak through me.  Love through me.  Serve through me.  Even cook supper through me.  My flesh is rude, impatient, arrogant, selfish and wants its own way.  But in my heart-of-hearts, I want to be like You.  Together, we can beat the flesh into submission.  I REFUSE to be led by my emotions any more.  Keep reminding me of what I said just now.

MATTHEW 13:47-14:12
Last parable in Matthew:  13:47-50 - Not all who seem responsive to the Gospel are genuinely converted. 

"Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor."   They questioned His wisdom and His power, which negated their faith.  Familiarity had bred contempt. 

Herod was the Roman ruler over the region of Galilee.  He was sleeping with his brother's wife, Herodias.   John the Baptist accused him to his face of adultery and incest.  Herod was so angry that he put John in his prison, but did not kill him because he knew that the people regarded John as a prophet.  But, Herodias had a pretty daughter, probably in her teens, who knew how to get what she wanted.  And so, John the Baptist was beheaded.  After John's disciples buried his headless body, they probably joined Jesus' followers. 

RESPONSE:  When speaking up will threaten me in some way, what will I do?  Am I willing to risk beheading to tell the Truth?  I got called to the administration office at a hospital where I used to work, for witnessing on the job.  The strange part about it is that the hospital was originally built and established by a local church denomination!  I told them that the ones who complained, talked constantly about their cats, and I was just talking about "one cool Cat" - Jesus.  They obsessed on their cats, I obsessed on Jesus.  And when one of their husbands had a stroke and was brought to the ER, who do you think they dragged down there with them to pray?  Me!  I got off with a warning - no one tried to behead me that time. 

PSALM 18:16-36
When David was persecuted and being hunted down without cause, he depended on God alone to save him.  He was confident that God would do something because as far as he knew, he had done what God told him to, he had not intentionally gone against the Word, so he didn't deserve what his enemies were doing to him.  Actually, his enemies "hated" him.  No reason is given, other than the hatred was unjustified. 

One of the things David counted on was that God deals with us according to our character.  Not that God is "crooked" - but it SEEMS like it to the one He's dealing with (like Jacob and the wrestling and subsequent crippling). 

Maybe the "treasure hid in a field" from Matthew 13 is actually "wisdom"!  It says here to give all you have to get it, and that wisdom will make you look good!  Promotion comes from having wisdom and understandingWisdom sees, understanding feels.  Wisdom discovers, understanding possesses.  Wisdom tells you what you need to know and understand; understanding tells you how to get it or do it.  Wisdom and understanding go together and mean almost the same thing in the original language.  Of course, the opposite is to be foolish and do things that shorten our lives. 

RESPONSE:  I thank God that He deals with us individually in ways we can understand.  In my early days with the Lord, I didn't understand MERCY at all!  So God was very logical with me at first.  He showed me how He could out-think me with one hand tied behind His back!  Then one day a revelation of what mercy really meant came to me - that I had been swimming in rivers of it without realizing it.  That I didn't deserve anything from God but that He delighted in me and gave me rivers of it anyway.  Not that He hadn't been merciful to me before that, but I just didn't receive it because I wasn't merciful myself.  Thankfully, he "lit my candle" (Psa 18:38) - gave me understanding.