Wednesday, June 9, 2010

One Year Bible, June 9

1 KINGS 5:1-6:38                                                                                                             
HIRAM:  King of Tyre. He loved David, and was thrilled that Solomon was following in his father's footsteps in their covenant. His most noteworthy contribution was the CEDARS for the Temple.  They were floated in rafts from Lebanon by sea.   Each board represents one of us - and their transport is a picture of the leading of the Holy Spirit in Romans 8:14 where the word, "led" means "to lay hold of and compel or carry along"....."to carry along by water".  Hiram and Solomon spent 20 years building the Temple and Solomon's palace.

SOLOMON'S TEMPLE:   The plans were given to King David, who revealed them to Solomon. David gave much of his private fortune in materials for the Temple, and the officers and people gave additional stuff.   David also got the craftsmen ready.  The Temple site was Mt. Moriah, Arunah's threshing floor.  It was 60 cubits long, 20 cubits wide and 30 cubits high.  The volume was 8 times that of the Tabernacle.  In the middle of everything, God spoke to Solomon and said He would dwell among the children of Israel IF they do what they are told (obedience).   All the wooden boards were covered with GOLD! (That me, "in Christ")   The FLOOR of the Holy of Holies was covered with GOLD!

RESPONSE:   Whenever I stop to think about where I am in God, I marvel at how I got there!  I don't know how I thought I could live back where I was either!  I KNOW I have been carried along by the Holy Spirit.  In fact, at times I think I was dragged! But, even then, it wasn't that painful, and I loved where I ended up! According to this report, I'll end up covered in GOLD!

ACTS 7:1-29                                                                                                                  
Acts 1 - Restoring Order.
Acts 2 - Giving of the Holy Spirit, being "baptized" into Community.
Acts 3 - The Name of Jesus
Acts 4 - Boldness of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 5 - "The Life".
Acts 6 - Wisdom to Lead.
Acts 7 - Faithful Promises from God. Stephen's sermon shows how God is faithful to keep His Promises, because He is in charge of the universe and He interacts with history.   Even Stephen's death figured into the plan.

RESPONSE:   Whenever I have doubts about Who is actually "IN CHARGE" I can just turn to any OT book and read how God intervened time and time again - because He directs ALL history.  He puts leaders up and takes them down.  My part is to hear His voice, following His leading, obey His commands, stop looking at mySELF, stop feeling sorry for mySELF, stop worrying about what's going to happen to ME.  History is about GOD and what brings Him Glory and honor.

PSALM 127:1-5                                                                                                             
EIGHTH STEP: Psalm 127: We live God-centered, and God-energized lives now.   All else is "vanity" - "empty, useless, unfulfilling, unsatisfactory."

PROVERBS 16:28-30                                                                                                      
There are people who are always wanting to hurt someone - to see others get destroyed or hurt. They'll use any means. They are called "froward" which is "perverse or twisted" - someone looking for trouble; "violent"- "someone who violates others or abuses them"; sneaky - someone who uses facial expressions to hide his intentions.

RESPONSE:   I don't know why it took me so long to discover the truth in Psalm 127.   I was always wanting God AND something else.....a boyfriend, a nice house, success, money, etc., etc.   Life was tough, too!   I was NEVER HAPPY.   That's because all that stuff lacks the ability to satisfy the abysmal hungers of the heart.

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