Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Year Bible - November 25

DANIEL 1:1 - 2:23:                                                                                                                
WHO IS IN CHARGE?  This is the question that gets answered in Daniel.  If victory in heaven is our only victory, then the whole Bible, including each one of us, is irrelevant.  Daniel is an announcement to the captives that no captivity will end in anything other than God's glory and the destruction of the captors.  Daniel is an affront to independent man who believes himself to be his own god.  Man is not the center of things, God is.  Since the beginning, Man has wanted to usurp God's throne and BE God. 

WHO IS DANIEL?  Daniel was 17 years old when he was taken captive to Babylon (in Nebuchadnezzar's first deportation) to live in the king's palace.  YOUNG AND ALONE, he was of "royal seed", along with three other young men, who were being trained as courtiers.  Rather than defile themselves with idolatrous feasting, they abstained and lived as vegetarians and after a 10-day trial, they were in better shape than anyone.  Ezekiel refers to him as a model of "righteousness" and "wisdom" (Ezek 14:14,20; 28:3).  Daniel lived up to his call as part of a nation of "the royal priesthood"  (1 Pet 2:9), as SALT and LIGHT.  The Daniel's faith in God is an alien and disruptive force!  And Daniel's God is a too-jealous God!
WHAT IS BABYLON?  Babylon represents man-centered "religion".  Babylon believed man could live independent from God, and in fact, rivals God for our affections!  Babylon and its systems represent counterfeits and substitutes for relationship with God Almighty.  Babylon represents the "spirit that's in the world" (1 Co 2:12; 1 Jo 4:3) - and wants us to forget God as being not worth knowing.  That we can achieve "paradise" without God!  Babylon offered healing, wisdom, luxury, power, "the good life" - all without knowing their Source!  But, in the Book of Daniel, we learn that man is NOT the center of all things - GOD is.  The GOAL of history is not "paradise" - but to re-gain communion with God, Who IS our paradise. 
WHO IS GOD?  God ordains all things and it is His Will alone that has purpose.  He cannot be used, but ALL THINGS ARE HIS to use as He wills.  It is INSANE to think that a man can set himself up to rival God and not fall.  There is no existence outside of God.  God is sovereign and is a "too-exclusive" Husband to His Elect people.  When we submit to His rulership, God becomes our JOY and our SALVATION. 

WHO IS NEBUCHADNEZZAR?  Early Jews believed him to be A BEAST.  To show that he had preeminence over Jehovah God, he brought all the Temple implements to Babylon and put them into his god's temple!  To enforce his palace-workers' loyalty (including the Hebrews), he made them all eunuchs and gave them Babylonian names.  I can understand Nebu's reasoning: "Daniel" means "God is my judge" or "God's judge".  "Hananiah" (Shadrach) means "God has favored me".  "Mishael" (Meshach) means "There is none like God".  "Azariah" (Abednego) means "God has helped me".  And later, in throwing them into the fiery furnace, it was like throwing three promises into the fire, not just three men. 

WHOSE SLAVES WERE THEY?  Even slaves serve "as unto the Lord", for kings reign only by God's decree.  The devil cannot set kings up or take them down, without God's say-so.  Of these Hebrew slaves, 1:17 says that "God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom:"  And in 1:20 says, "And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." 

NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S NIGHTMARE:  When you set yourself up to rival God PUBLICLY, God becomes "your worst nightmare".  Nebu's "dream" showed him that he was NOT the one in charge of history, that life did not revolve around himself.  Nebu challenged all human "wisdom" to interpret his dream without even telling them what the dream was.  After stalling for time, they told him that was impossible.  In his rage, Nebu decreed that all wise men were to be slain (including Daniel et.al.).  When God revealed the nightmare to Daniel, 2:20-23 contained Daniel's worship and it pretty much sums up the whole Book of Daniel and what it's really about.  READ IT.  "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; ..... He sets up kings and deposes them....etc."  NOTE:  Everyone works for God. The course of history is under God's rule - He holds all history, all times, all seasons, in His own hands.  Future things are "dark", but God is light and "in Him is no darkness at all."  No wise man can know the secrets of the future - not even Daniel.  "But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets".  (2:28) 

RESPONSE:  Whatever we use to sustain us apart from faith is a COUNTERFEIT god to us!  All substitutes are deceptive, empty, unfulfilling, unsatisfying, disappointing - and eventually take us captive.  We become BOUND to them!  And they hinder us from "finding" God.  Here was Daniel, young, alone, without parental oversight, un-accountable for all intents and purposes.  Yet, he insisted on personal holiness and faithfulness to Jehovah.  If he hadn't, he would have become irrelevant in the Babylon court.  As it was, his distinction made him valuable to the king.  If he had become bitter or angry and looking for revenge, he probably would have been killed quickly.  Instead, Daniel was "graced" by God, equipped to rule and to serve.  Notice what kind of person God used:  a fanatic in a hostile environment.  A young man "going against the flow".  Nebuchadnezzar thinks he owns him - but he can't own Daniel, because Daniel is already God's servant!  Daniel is distinct, holy, a man of prayer, outspoken, courageous, faithful to God, a man with a mission. 
1 PETER 3:8 - 4:6                                                                                                                   
STRENGTHENING OUR FAITH IN GOD:  When we are afraid, we makes us live subject to circumstances and their consequences.  Faith is not the opposite of fear; rest is.  We learned that in Hebrews.  Rest is a place of settled faith in God, trusting Him with the outcomes.  Faith is the assurance of the invisible, spiritual realm.  We live as if God is present and visible.  1 & 2 Peter were written to show us how faith is strengthened - what makes it easier to live in God's rest (the Land, as it were)? 

How Faith Works in Relationships:  I think this gets a big section of 1 Peter because it's the hardest place to trust God.  People just seem to have a way of getting under our skin and then finding out what's really in there.  LET ME SAY THIS:  When we are "in rest" (see Hebrews), we can be vulnerable without being diminished in any way.  Col 3:3 says "For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." KJV  Phil 2 says when we are like Jesus, we have no rights, no dignity, and no reputation to protect.  In other words, trials come to burn away self-preservation so that our faith is strengthened.   
Be a Blessing:  I believe there is extra grace on us when we serve others, especially others who can't  "pay you back".  It says in 3:9 that we are "called" to BE a blessing and to INHERIT a blessing.  To bless someone means "to empower" them in some way.  It might be just to retrieve something they dropped on the floor.  When we are insulted, we bless.  When we are slandered, we bless.  When we are accused, we bless.  God is watching.  Don't let fear control you; bring your mind into your trials with you.....knowing that God "has your back".  We do not need to fear what "outsiders" fear because we are connected to God - living God-centered lives.  We trust God with all our outcomes.  The only time we "answer back" is when someone asks "what's wrong with you that you don't want to join our fun?"  or to know why we don't defend ourselves, demand our rights, or complain.  (The Golden Rules for Christians)  Jesus SUFFERED for us when we didn't care about Him and were considered "unjust" and "unrighteous" in order to bring us to God; can we suffer just a little bit if it means someone might come to God? 
Preaching to the Dead:   ( Keep in mind that this is still a pattern for us to follow in strengthening our faith):  There is no Biblical proof that Jesus preached in hell after His death.  He went straight to "Paradise" (Luke 23:43).   And why would He preach only to Noah's generation?  Were they being held in a separate place from everyone else?  The teaching of "purgatory" rests on this Scripture alone, so it is important to interpret it correctly and in the context of the rest of the Bible.  We are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to contact the dead in any way (Lev 19:31; Deut 18:10-14, et al). The truth is that once a person is dead from the earth, there is nothing we can do to release them from wherever they ended up.  There is no sacrifice or prayer that will release them. 

So, what does this mean?  It means that thru the agency of Noah, Jesus Christ delivered a message to Noah's rebellious, disobedient generation at that time when they were still alive - and who are NOW "in prison", because they had  HEARD THE TRUTH but rejected it.  The same flood that destroyed unbelievers, "saved" the eight in the ark.  Just like the fire that comes thru life experiences.  The same fire that destroys unbelievers, gives life and strength to the faith of believers.  So don't be shaken by those who harden themselves against us and against Jesus now.  Keep believing.  PREACH AND PRAY!!!! 
Just like Jesus:  (Here is our pattern and example again:)  4:1-2 refer to our abysmal need for approval.  That dies by being burned alive.  "To suffer in the flesh" is to DIE.  See Rom 6:6.  When you are dead, you won't sin any more.  (Gal 2:20) So when we consider ourselves "crucified with Christ", and (Col 3:3) "dead" - we don't need anyone's approval any more! 

Always remember: our default is unspeakable joy.  We live God-centered.  Anything that gets in the way of that must be destroyed or done away with.  The people who don't understand spiritual things, think we are strange!  I've been called "fanatic", "nuts", "crazy", "stupid", "living in denial", and told that I think I'm better than anyone else because I'm not participating in their debauchery.  Trust God with the outcomes.  He judges both the living and the dead.  He might not wait until they are dead to pass judgments.   
More Preaching to the Dead:   This refers to people who were already dead, having already heard the Gospel while still alive and been born again.  The people around them judged them and condemned to death death, yet they are still alive to God.  This is our encouragement: we cannot be killed!  We just pass thru the veil into God's presence.  Tho people around us do their worst, we cannot be separated from God.  Stay "in faith" without any fear. 

RESPONSE:   Someone told me once that today is preparation for tomorrow, so pay attention to details.  Don't excuse the little stuff, because it might make a difference tomorrow.  What is difficult to do the first time, becomes easier with practice.  I am developing a practice of thanksgiving out loud INTENTIONALLY.  We are commanded "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thess 5:18  It keeps my focus on God instead of on myself.  It causes faith to arise in my heart.  Otherwise my "default" would be myself!  As soon as I start feeling sorry for myself, or feel angry over some insult, I am no longer in REST,  but in FEAR.  And remember how God defines fear:  "an evil heart of unbelief" (Heb 3:12).  So as the fire gets hotter, I praise louder.  I thank God for His excellence, for His mercy, for His wonderfulness, for His strength, and yes----that my washer and dryer are not in the basement, but on the main floor.  (no steps)  Since my Mom went to be with Jesus on 9/5/12, I praise God that I will see her again - that she is not "lost" or dead. 

PSALM 119:65-80                                                                                                                    

more secrets to living in God's rest: loving God's Word:  Psalm 119 is so long that it was divided into 22 sections, each one being titled with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet - and actually an acrostic.  So all the verses in Psalm 119: 65-72 begin with the 9th letter, "teth" which originally was a pictograph of a clay basket with a cross in the middle.  If you examine the letter now, you can see that it resembles a serpent and its potential power and is used in cults for that representation.  HOWEVER, the first time the letter is used, it says, "good" (Gen 1:4).  Here in Psa 119:65-72 the theme is that hard lessons "work together for good".  "Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I obey Your Word."  "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees."  What happens when we get ourselves into trouble is that the contrast with the beauty of Jesus becomes apparent. 
Psalm 119:73-80 are titled "yod", the 10th Hebrew letter, and it pictures a closed hand - a small dot almost.  Because the yod is so small, it also represents humility.  When "Jacob" was changed to "Israel", the only letter he kept was the "yod".  "Yahweh", God's name begins with "yod".  This section so titled says that when we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, He will exalt us to where we become examples for others to follow. 

PROVERBS 28:14                                                                                                                   
The "fear of the Lord" is  the trembling awareness that life has meaning, and my choices have consequences.   It is the same thing as living a God-centered life.  I am happy because the blessing and favor of God are on me.   If we harden our hearts toward God, NOTHING will ever be right, and in our heart-of-hearts we will know it. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

One Year Bible - November 24

EZEKIEL 47:1 - 48:35                                                                                                              
FISHING IN THE DEAD SEA!:  Healed by the River of Living Water.  Water typically symbolizes the Holy Spirit - see John 7:37-39.  There the river flow from the BELLY.  In Rev 22 the river flows from the THRONE.  And here, the river flows from the ALTAR - all of this river bring LIFE and HEALING.  I would like to suggest that all three rivers are One River and that all the origins are symbols of the HEART - the innermost part of a man.  In the John reference, the original language is "heart, belly, womb, the innermost part of a man".  This is also where God's throne and our altar should reside!  The River itself is the life-giving force of God's Presence in us.  It begins with a trickle, and it increases to a deluge without any other source but God!  (no tributaries).  The DEPTHS are significant merely because God makes note of them.  They probably represent our walk with the Lord, and how deep we enter in.  Ankle-deep is our beginning walk so He can draw us deeper.  Knees are symbolic of our prayer life and our commitment to the Lord getting stronger.  The loins speak of what gets reproduced in our lives, of the Life of God in us.  Being in "waters to swim in" is getting in over our heads - where the Life of the Spirit carries us as we lose control of our lives.  We don't have a life any more in the depths.  We've laid it all down as a "living sacrifice". 

THE INHERITANCE:  Note, that when the REMNANT come to the Lord, there are some from EVERY tribe!  The portion for the Zadok priesthood is called "a thing most holy". (48:12)  "JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH" - "the Lord is here".  The City of the Lord's Presence declares the PERMANENCE of the Glory of God over it.  Don't let anyone fool you: God's Presence is already on His "City", the Church and individual believers.  You don't have to wait any longer.  He promised this to His elect. 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  Exactly what do we learn from reading Ezekiel?
SET-UP:  You are surrounded by antichristian thought, reasonings, opinions, sense-of-self, ego-centered thinking, man-centered "religion", etc.  (Babylonians)  They came 20 years ago, battered the city and took the royal family and a few skilled workers captive.  (movie stars, political leaders, thinkers, people who won't shut up while the Babylonians take over).  The city was surrounded and the ins-and-outs were controlled in order to destroy the economy.  Then, some years later, the Babylonians came back.  This time they took the religious leaders, leaving one old man behind (their mistake - - - it was Jeremiah).  They also took the well-educated, the wealthy, and the rest of the thinkers.  The ones they left behind lacked the ability or the motive to think for themselves.  At this time, they also put their PUPPET in the "White House".  By this time, no one could buy-or-sell, the economy was in ruins, money was worthless because there was nothing to buy.  People were actually starving to death, or cannibalizing their families.  Those who dared to go against the flow were actually killed by their fellow-citizens - not the Babylonians.  Sometime later, Nebuchadnezzar returned to put down an insignificant rebellion, remove his puppet, and kill as many people as he could find (over one million).  It was finally over.  What does Ezekiel tell us our response should be?

(1) Life is hard and you're going to get your hair messed up.  But God is good.  We don't always get to be comfortable, but we can be CONTENT.  We don't avoid conflict, but we are AT PEACE.  We don't run from trouble, but we have VICTORY.  In fact, we are the world's resource person - right in the thick of things.
(2) Even in the midst of feeling trapped, imprisoned, and in the midst of a hostile environment, God will find you, give you your assignment, and be with you as you carry it out.
(3) Every knee will bow - voluntarily or involuntarily.  God has said that "they shall know that I am God".   God is ALWAYS in control. 
(4)  God has a plan and it will not be thwarted. (Job 23:13; Eph 1:11; Rom 8:28; Isa 46:10; Psa 115:3; Psa 135:6) 
(5) Everybody works for God!  Even the devil, who is an agent of evil.  (My "freedom" is the freedom to chose to do good.)  Everything and everyone is created by and for God's purpose and pleasure. 
(6) All suffering is not punishment (or even deserved). 
(7) Disobedience and rebellion ALWAYS leads to captivity and death
(8) When we despise the holy things of God, "the glory of God" departs from us. 
(9) God is holy and God is jealous.  Substitutes and counterfeits are an abomination.  When we use them, God considers it adultery and calls us a "harlot".  Don't cheat on God.
(10) Jesus has triumphed over sin and death in bringing forgiveness and holiness to man. 
(11) Sometimes the greatest revelation of God comes during the worst of times. 
(12) We can "lose it" over small things.  God cares about all the details.  There is nothing insignificant to God.  Something small now, can grow into a horrible mess of a tree later. 
(13) God no longer inhabits a Temple made with hands, but in man's hearts.  This means we are HOLY - "in God's possession". 
(14) When we have "blown it", there is still hope for us if we repent.  We don't have to "get saved" over again - that's not possible.  We repent, re-connect with God, re-orient our lives around Him - and move on, asking Him for our next step. 
(15) When God restores our lives, He starts with something that is totally devastated, burned over, and worthless, then He begins again.  "All things become new". 
(16) God checks our motives.  If we are doing things for the wrong motives, especially if we are exploiting someone, God will step in and judge us. 
(17) Sometimes you may be the only one who heard God right, and everyone else is wrong! 
(18) God always has a REMNANT (called His "elect") of people who obey, and "keep the faith", through whom He continues to reveal Himself. 
(19) When the REMNANT is re-gathered, it will be around Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 
(20) Delayed judgment is to give us time to repent, not to grow cocky, thinking it isn't coming.  The only way to avoid judgment is through repentance. 
(21)  The "cure" for our wandering heart and our proclivity to sin is a NEW NATURE (a new heart, new spirit).  Egypt is the world-spirit that hates God.  Babylon is when we are trapped and in bondage to the world-spirit.  We must never turn to Egypt to get delivered from Babylon!  
(22)  God will use our circumstances and other people to correct and punish us, and then punish the punishers because they delighted in seeing us get hurt!
(23) The ONLY thing that will satisfy our abysmal hunger and thirst is JESUS.  We must stay in His Presence until we are filled up and satisfied to keep us from going back to our "other lovers". 
(24) Every problem or trouble or affliction in life is an opportunity to deny the flesh.  Opposition and hindrances to God's will for us, give us opportunity to develop spiritual maturity and faith-muscles.  They "prove" us.  (Adam was "perfect", but not proven.) 
(25) The "Day of the Lord" is the day of REVERSALS, when God judges the unrighteous and avenges the righteous. 
(26) The Living River of God flows OUT from the Temple, it doesn't form nice pools IN the Temple! 
(27) Some chastisement is because of sin, either as a fruit, or because the Holy Spirit is confronting us.  Chastisement and correction of God's elect is to bring us to repentance and to RESTORE, not to DESTROY.  It is remedial.  It is NOT PUNISHMENT for sin - Jesus already took that.  Sin is too deadly for us to pay for it.  It is a horrible affront to the Living and Loving God. 
(28) It is important as part of God's REMNANT, that I not embrace APPEARANCES, but accept God's Word and God's Voice as REALITY.  As bad as things may appear, whatever God says can be absolutely relied on. 
RESPONSE:  Ezekiel's vision of the Throne of God and the "wheel within a wheel" showed him the origin and the set-up of God's progressive revelation.  He saw the whole Word at once.  And so, he seems to treat every theme in his prophesy before he is done!  How do I respond to what I learned here?  I am especially caught by the fact that GOD IS BEHIND EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS in one way or another.  Nothing has "gotten away from" God.  Whatever is on my own plate, God put it there.  I have to deal with it.  I can quit stressing out over time management (my biggest problem).  I am free to interact with everyone I meet, without having to rush away to keep my schedule. 
The other thing that really got my attention was God's attention to details.  It is so tempting to let little things slide because I am so busy that short-cuts are tempting.  Or some things I would like to skip altogether! 
1 PETER 2:11 - 3:7                                                                                                         
STRENGTHENING FAITH:  Every problem or trouble or affliction in life is an opportunity to deny the flesh.  Opposition and hindrances to God's will for us, give us opportunity to develop spiritual maturity and faith-muscles.  They "prove" us or "test" us.  (Adam was "perfect", but not proven.)  Denying the flesh by ignoring it, causes it to weaken and die.  When we trust our outcomes to God and give Him thanks, we default to joy and rejoicing.    This section of 1 Peter gives us the "will of God" (2:15) that will strengthen our faith by how we interact with various groups of people:

Toward outsiders:  Everyone is watching us, expecting us to disappoint them.  We do not live in fear of what others think.  What we can't be negligent of is the fact that "fleshly lusts" are at "war" against our souls.  Remember, the goal of faith is the "salvation of your souls". (1:9)  The word "abstain" (from these fleshly lusts), means "to distance yourself from them."  Run, if you have to! 

Remember, we are free - not free from suffering or pain, but free from self-pity and self-preservation.  So submitting to laws and to "governors" (or bosses) does not diminish a Christian.  We are free to love everyone because vulnerability is not an issue with us - we trust our outcomes to God.  Notice, we suffer "wrongly" (meaning we didn't do anything to justify it), and we suffer "silently" , in fact we are CALLED to suffer "silently" and "patiently".  So Jesus was not only our Substitute, but He was also our Example! (2:21)

Toward "insiders":  If there is anywhere that faith gets tested the most, it is at home where people know you.  The one place where you'd think people would excuse bad behavior, overlook shortcomings, you would think it would be at home.  But not so!  First of all, this addresses women who are married to men who were probably unsaved.  I think what he is saying here is not to preach to them, but just live before them like Jesus would.  The wives are probably already considered out of order because of getting saved without their husband's input. As far as the "Sarah" example, that happened only once, and Abraham wasn't even present!  (Gen 18:12)   Ladies, our husbands are not our "lords".  In fact, he isn't lord of anyone! Being "in subjection" is the opposite of demanding your own way, being independent or aggressive.  That will kill the flesh!  The word for husbands "loving" and "giving honor" to their wives means the same thing as "being subject". Husbands are to give their wives some dignity because they operate at a disadvantage ("weaker vessel") in society.   Keep in mind that Peter is teaching us about strengthening our faith in God, which makes our vulnerabilities a non-issue. 
RESPONSE:  I grew up in a church where women were taught to obey their husbands as if they, themselves, were little children, whose husbands were to take care of them.  If you didn't do what your husband wanted, of if you argued with them, you were considered a bad wife.  That is oppression and God hates it!  Where husbands and wives can't argue or discuss anything, one of you is being oppressed! 
A wife is her husband's alter-ego, filling up his weaknesses as he does hers. We yield to one another. Don't confuse submission with servility. Philippians 2 teaches us that we are to have the same "mind" that Jesus does: He gave up his rights, his reputation, and his dignity when He came to earth as a servant (a voluntary love-slave).  He loved us all the way thru the Cross!   And while we are on the topic of Sarah, remember, they "obeyed" (which really means "to listen to") each other!  Sarah was not a servile spouse who did whatever Abraham told her to.  Submission and self-sacrifice flow back and forth - because the real issue here is not "who is the boss?" - but "Who do you trust?"
PSALM 119:49-64:                                                                                                               
more secrets to living a god-centered life of faith:  (v.49-56) all begin with the Hebrew letter "zayin", which is also the number 7.  The hieroglyphic was a sword or a sharp weapon.  It is also considered an instrument for producing food or nourishment.  Here we see that it is the first letter in "Remember" - remember the Word of God by which v. 52 says "I have comforted myself."  God's Word is our nourishment as well as our sword, filling us with hope.

(v. 57-64) all begin with the Hebrew letter "chet", the number 8 which stands for "new beginnings".  The "chet" itself is a picture of a tent wall that protects the inhabitants and is the letter for "life" - "chaim".  And so in this section of Psalm 119, the wicked had succeeded in nearly causing David's overthrow, but he did not allow himself to be lured into abandoning the Word because "God is my portion."  My spiritual possession.  "At midnight" - at the darkest hour - "I will rise to give thanks to You".....for Your goodness and Your greatness. 

PROVERBS 28:12-13                                                                                                          
See Prov 29:2 - it is frightening to be ruled over by someone wicked, and so some people "hide".  The word used for "sins" in 28:13 is "transgression" or "willful rebellion" or deviation from godly living.  It says here that that person cannot "prosper" or succeed in living free.  He can't hide it forever, and in the meantime, he will fail at life. 
RESPONSE:  In Psalm 32, the Bible also says that unconfessed sin can cause us to be sick.  If nothing else, it makes us feel guilty.  I believe that the Blood of Jesus keeps us clean, and is mighty and powerful to present us righteous before God.  However, Romans 13:8 says not to owe anyone anything because we have defrauded them somehow.  No man lives to himself, and there is a price to pay for our selfishness - not to God, but to others.  We live to please God, and that means we do what He says.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

One Year Bible - November 23

EZEKIEL 45:13 - 46:24                                                                                                            DETAILS!  DETAILS!  DETAILS!:  Remember, God is VERY INTERESTED in details.  He cares about every little thing.  In fact, it is often the little things that end up ruining us.  We get into sin in little increments - and before we know it, we're trapped!  Obey God in the little things.  Yes!  We must "sweat the small stuff" - because nothing is "small" to God.  Luke 12:6-7 says, " Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."  Details! 

RESPONSE:  This means that nothing and no one is INSIGNIFICANT to God.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  This is why we don't take shortcuts, do sloppy work, skip steps, don't keep our promises - and on and on.  It's all the little things that will bring us down.  Remember that next time you speed - - just a little.

1 PETER 1:13-2:10                                                                                                                 STRENGTHENING FAITH:  Peter is our "expert" on getting our faith strengthened - Luke 22:32 is proof.  The word used for "strength" is also translated "resolute; stabilized; steadfast; encouraged; hardened."  It means "to act like a man", rather than panicking or wavering back-and-forth.  In his introduction, Peter lets us know that joy is our default!  No matter what - when we take the time to put our focus back on being God-centered (instead of self-centered), the joy is still there!  Not only that, but the source of our joy lives inside of us, having given us "new birth", guarding us, cleansing us continually, empowering us, showering us in grace and mercy, and overwhelming us with joy! 

"Salvation of your souls":  Just a reminder: Just as our spirits were saved by faith in Jesus, so our SOULS (mind, will, emotions) are saved by faith in Jesus.  Make no mistake, what the Bible calls "flesh" is also part of the soul - and it can't be "saved".  It must be "mortified".  (Rom 8:13; Col 3:5; Gal 2:20) - which is an Old English word for "killed".  The mind, will, and emotions must be submitted to the Spirit, and the "old man" (self) must be killed.  That is the way to unspeakable joy!  All that stands in the way of all that is self-preservation, and that is what the fire is for! 
"Prepare your minds for action.."  (1:13) Peter is going to teach us how to acquire this kind of strong faith is by keeping ourselves God-centered, or "holy".  "Holy" and "sanctify" (v.2) are the same word in both OT and NT.  There is an interesting definition of "holy" in Exodus 13:2: where it says, "Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever first opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is Mine."  In case you didn't catch this, God is speaking there.  To be "holy" or "sanctified" is to be "distinctive because of belonging to God."  It makes us different.   The change process is called "sanctification".  Our part is to believe.  God's part is called "grace".  V. 13 says to "set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."   When you get a revelation of Who Jesus is on the inside of you - for example - His irresistible, radical love for you - the next time you are challenged by something that makes you feel UNloved, God's grace is there to stay "in rest" because that feeling is recognized as false.  (v.21) "You faith and hope are in God."  The principle here is: What God has already done and is doing inside me is eternal and everlasting; His Word stands forever;  and what is external is perishable and subject to change. 
"Lay aside anything in our flesh that draws us back into the natural realm in rebellion to Truth."  (2:1) And then stuff yourself with the Word of God as if it were food.  The Word of God will actually address all our "sinful desires" - not by saying "don't touch, don't look, don't listen."  It says, "look at Jesus!  He is not just good, He is delicious!  He is loving and kind.  His blood is more powerful than anything you may have done wrong. He brought you out into the light because He is proud of you and of your relationship to Him!  He bathes us in mercy.  He calls us His own possession!"
RESPONSE:  Faith's biggest work is getting us to lay down our lives and let Jesus live in us.  Die to self and live to God.  Don't demand my own rights, but trust God with my outcomes.  This takes strong faith, and so I cling to the thought that I belong to God.  Nothing that anyone can do to me will ever change that.  I am God's child.   My MIND is what needs to be prepared for action, NOT necessarily my mouth!  The stuff I am told to "lay aside" - are like laying clothing on the floor when I take them off.  They actually FALL OFF as I become more God-centered.  It is when I start feeling sorry for myself, or wanting to defend myself, that I get into trouble.  My mind is no longer "prepared for action". 
PSALM 119:33-48:                                                                                                                

The secret to knowing how to live the Christian life of faith in God: The Love of God's Word: The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the header of this section of Psalm 119: "he"  and it means "Hey!"  Originally the hieroglyphic was of a man with both arms raised as if pointing out a great sight, or to reveal something of importance by pointing.  It came to mean "behold, look, to breathe, to speak, mouth, an opening or window.  Today it looks more like an opening or a window.  Light comes in through the window, and you can see what is outside or on "the other side", referring to the spiritual world.  And so in verses 33-40, we ask God to instruct us, teach us and give us guidance to God's world - the invisible, spiritual realms, so that we escape selfishness and self-centeredness. 

Verses 41-48 are in the section denoted by the letter "vau" which is a hook or a tent peg.  As a tent peg it was used to secure the ropes from slipping off.  As a hook, it was used to connect things, and so was used as the word "and" .  Here we plead with God to be close to us, so give us His mercy, His presence, and in return we pledge our faithfulness, which results in inner freedom and boldness to speak of our love for God.  We are connected and secured from slipping away.

PROVERBS 28:1                                                                    
Anyone with discernment can see right thru someone who thinks he already knows it all just because he has money.