Thursday, June 17, 2010

One Year Bible, JUne 16

1 KINGS 15:25-17:24                                                                                                  
ASSASSINATIONS, KINGS, AND "THE EVIL":   In the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes), we start with Jeroboam and his son Nadab. Then Basha, Elah, Zimri, Omri and Ahab. NONE of them was worth "beans".  In fact, each one was progressively worse, until you get to AHAB, who was considered the very worst of all (16:33)!  Nadab, Elah and Ahab were slain; Zimri committed suicide. "The evil in the sight of the Lord" is ALWAYS idolatry. They wanted a substitute for God - they played fast and loose with their covenant. They wanted the privileges but not the relationship - they were spiritual adulterers, speaking of which.....

AHAB AND JEZEBEL: Yowza! Ahab went to far as to worship the Baals - demon-gods. Jezebel means "frigid".  She was a cold-hearted woman incapable of normal relationships.

ELIJAH THE TISHBITE:  The prophet appeared abruptly and suddenly before Ahab.   He was sent from heaven to overthrow Baal and Asherah worship in Israel and to vindicate Jehovah's claim to be God ALONE, to the exclusion of all idols, proven by shutting up the heavens from rain for 3-1/2 years (James 5:16-17). Then Elijah disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared. He reappeared to Ahab 3-1/2 years later - for another confrontation.

ELIJAH'S PROPHETIC PURPOSE:  Demonstration of God's sovereign reign as the ONLY TRUE GOD.

RESPONSE:   God called Elijah to be bold and to do what no man could do without God. AND God made full provision for Elijah, even causing ravens to go against "nature" to feed him. When one brook dried up, God made another one in the widow's flour and oil. Perhaps what made Elijah so fearless (so far anyway) - is his conviction that Jehovah is the ONLY TRUE GOD - and as such, ruled above the Baals. Elijah appeared "primitive" and waltzed right into the palace of Ahab and Jezebel.

I remember having to bring a message from God to someone "in charge" one time. I was scared spitless! My knees shook so hard I could hardly stand up. What if God didn't do what I thought He had told me to say? What if the guy thought I was crazy? (He did.) What if no one believes me? (They didn't.) What if nothing happens? (It did.) The end of the story is this: God did exactly what He said He would do. I had reported it to the people "in charge" - and they KNEW when it was over that God had intervened, but didn't repent anyway. In fact, they avoided me! What Elijah did took lots of guts. I admire the guy!

ACTS 10:23-48                                                                                                          
GENTILES, SPEAKING IN TONGUES! These people were saved, filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues, THEN water baptized. (different order than the Samaritans - but still spoke in tongues!) Tongues is probably what Simon the Sorcerer SAW that he wanted, too.  It had to be some sort of MANIFESTATION.  Peter has some explaining to do in Jerusalem!

"NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS": "God is no respecter of persons..."   This means God is not ethnically biased.  In fact, when we are "in Christ" we aren't any ethnicity, we aren't any particular gender, we aren't any social class either. (This means there is NO SUCH THING as a multicultural or multiethnic church!)  This does not mean that God allows anyone to behave any way they want to!   Neither does it mean that God has no favorites!  Of course He does!  READ THE NEXT VERSE!   It says, "In every nation he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted with Him." That pretty much spells it out.

RESPONSE:   Once we get filled with the Holy Spirit, He begins IMMEDIATELY to move us out of our comfort zones. We learn to depend on Him to lead us, to tell us what to say, what to do, where to go - when to speak. We all are witnesses or examples of SOMETHING. What do people think about your spirituality when they meet you?

PSALM 134:1-3                                                                                                                    
FIFTEENTH STEP: Psalm 134: Blessing the Lord 24/7.   Even through the night.  In fact, especially in the night.

PROVERBS 17:9-11                                                                                                           
1 Cor 13 says that love DEMANDS that we cover sin that has been repented of.   If God has "forgotten it", then what business do we have bringing it up?  On the other hand, forgiveness and trust are two different issues.  All the same, we don't repeat "gossip".  In fact, we don't repeat "factoids" either, unless someone's personal safety is threatened.  Even then, warning people about someone's behavior can make enemies, so be SURE you are right, and that God spoke to you about it beforehand.

The "WICKED" in the original language here are "destroyers", "those who break in pieces and destroy something."  God detests this.  God created everything for a purpose of His own, and those who would scheme to destroy the ability of something to fulfill its purpose are "wicked" AND ”rebellious".

RESPONSE:   The very time it is hardest to worship God, is the time when we most need to do it. God's servants bless Him in the night.  That is what rescues us in our time of need - blessing God gets our attention off ourselves and back onto God, Who brings our help.

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