Monday, May 17, 2010

One Year Bible, May 17

1 SAMUEL 20:1-21:15                                                                                                    
DAVID'S WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE: (Chap 20-30) David makes 10 stops during the next 13 years - each representative of specific spiritual experiences of every believer "after God's own heart".   Here at the beginning in his "teen" years, he makes three mistakes: (1) Married Michel, Saul's daughter (a daughter of the flesh); (2) Forsook Samuel; (3) Turned to Jonathan for soulish deliverance.

JONATHAN:  Represents a mixture of soul and spirit. He entered into David's sufferings (1 Pet 4:13), but still did not leave Saul's table to partake of the uncertainty of David's wilderness experience. Jonathan would not admit that Saul (the flesh) is wrong and violent in its approach to the Kingdom. When Saul threw a javelin at Jonathan and he escaped, he was released from all allegiance to his father and free to choose, and he still spent the rest of his life defending the flesh (Saul) while loving the new (David).

#1. NOB:  Here David ate the "shewbread' - the literal meaning of which is "face of God". David was alone, hungry and unarmed.  He gets Goliath's sword and is now an outcast and an outlaw.  Doeg spied on David and ran to tell Saul where he was hiding.  David wrote Psalm 52, the wicked man will be rooted out, but David will be like a "green olive tree in the house of God.” From that point on, David sought the Lord's face.

#2. GATH:  "Gath" means "winepress" which is a Biblical symbol of the pressure of being purged (Gethsemane also means "winepress".).  David went to Gath "for fear of Saul" and was there purged of the fear of man.  He wrote Psalm 56 at that time, singing, "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."

RESPONSE:   David isn't much older than 17 when all this stuff happens to him.  His "hero", mentor, sponsor, teacher, father-figure has turned on him and wants him dead.   It must have pained his heart.  But it makes sense in hindsight as we see the types played out.  Saul is the FLESH and David is SPIRIT.  They war against each other.  The flesh is a madman, violent, rude, unfaithful, lying, arrogant ....etc, etc, etc. The spirit, on the other hand, believes God is full of mercy and grace and truth, believes and trusts God, runs to God for deliverance and safety, loves God with a passion.

JOHN 9:1-41                                                                                                                      
BLINDNESS:  Jesus is the "light of the world", and as such, heals spiritual blindness. The spiritual bigots (Pharisees) don't like being accused of being blind - but if theyclaim to SEE, and still reject Jesus, they are accountable indeed!

How does one become spiritual blind? First of all, through willful and stubborn unbelief. Also through ignorant and uninformed unbelief. The cure? Repent of being independent from God, admit your need, your spiritual impoverishment, and turn to God with your whole heart. He will open your eyes to see. 2 Peter 1:8-9 also tell us that the failure to produce obedience from your faith will also render you blind and useless.

RESPONSE:   Whenever I get too independent, I fall on my face somehow.  It is a learned behavior to go to God about everything.  To stay in communication with Him constantly.  I am having to form a habit - make it automatic to consult God before I open my mouth, before I make a decision, before I commit to anything.  But I don't want to end up blind and unable to "see afar off" because my eyes are shut!  That's the implication there - someone has actually shut their eyes to what God is showing them!  Jesus calls us "the light of the world" - and we are to BE light to the darkness around us. That takes being connected to the Source - Jesus.

PSALM 113:1-114:8                                                                                                       
Psalm 113-118 are called HALLEL Psalms, sung at the Feasts.  Psalm 113 and 114 are sung before the Passover meal, and Psalm 115-118 are sung after it.

PSALM 113: OUR INCOMPARABLE GOD:  He is high above the heavens, yet  "humbles Himself to behold the things in the earth."  God is to be praised for what He IS (v.1-6, His greatness) and for what He DOES (7-9, His goodness). He lifts the failures out of the rubbish heaps. (v.7)

PSALM 114: THE EARTH-SHAKING EXODUS: The Passover hymn. The earth, sea, rivers, mountains, and hills all tremble at the Presence of the Lord.

PROVERBS 15:15-17                                                                                                     
TALKIN' ABOUT FOOD!  When we are happy and content, we are always "full"!  Actually, when we CHOOSE to be happy, it makes everything around us more bearable.  Actually if you "fear God" you are in the position of having God take care of you!  When God is against you, everything is against you!  I can't swallow my food when I feel hatred for anyone.  It might be because the Holy Spirit has His hands around my throat - saying, "REPENT!"

RESPONSE:   When we have the FEAR OF THE LORD we should tremble in the Presence of the Lord too - FEAR OF GOD: Acute awareness of God's power that produces respect. Overwhelmed by the Greater One. Trembling awareness that life has meaning, and my choices have consequences.

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