Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One Year Bible - November 29

DANIEL 6:1-28                                                                                                                          
WHEN THE PRESSURE IS ON:  Daniel was made prime-minister of the realm, and one of three overseers of Babylon, of whom he was chief.  Then under them were 120 satraps.  Daniel was above all of them because he had "an excellent spirit" (6:3).  This means his "spirit" was "abundantly greater than anyone else."  He was faithful, solid, trustworthy, and totally honest.  He was in charge of the treasury, so trusted was he.  He was probably about 87 years old by now and still had what it takes.  In fact, v.4 says there was "no fault found in him".   The others envied him and hated him because he kept them honest!  This is because Daniel always obeyed God's known will.  So, they spied on him and looked for something to pin on him.  They talked the king into making a decree that anyone who prayed to any god but Darius for 30 days would be cast into the den of lions.  Daniel knew that the decree was aimed at him.  So what did Daniel do when the pressure was on him to compromise his faith?  He prayed three times a day JUST LIKE HE ALWAYS DID.  The world around us doesn't mind if we pray, as long as we FIRST bow to their system and give God the left-overs.  

 KING DARIUS:  Darius, a Mede, received the kingdom of Babylon (and the Chaldeans) from Cyrus the Persian King and thus is called "king".  He thought a lot of Daniel and worked to save Daniel from his own decree!  When Darius went to see if God had delivered Daniel from the lions, he cried out in pain!  The king had Daniel's accusers, along with their wives and children, thrown into the lion's den and they were chewed to pieces before they even got to the bottom of the den!  NEW DECREE:  Everyone must tremble before the God of Daniel, for "He endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end." (6:26). 
RESPONSE:  Darius learned the EASY WAY what Nebuchadnezzar learned the HARD WAY.   If Daniel had succumbed to the pressure to compromise even a little bit, he would have become ineffective and probably would have been killed.  The thing that made him so useful was that he was distinctly different in his faith.  He drew attention - some good and some negative.  When he was publicly pressured to "surrender to the system" - he just kept walking - kept his established routine - prayed like always.  I would imagine he thought just like the 3 who went into the furnace: "He can. He will.  Even if He doesn't."  He was confident because he had integrity, he stayed faithful, and he believed and trusted God with his outcomes.  And he maintained that attitude for at least 70 years in Babylon!
2 PETER 3:1-18                                                                                                                       
staying faithful in the face of false teachers:  (1) Keep your faith stirred up with what God has already said in His Word.  (2) Realize that people scoff the truth because they want to live in their own lusts.  They are willfully ignorant, and their problem is not an intellectual one, but a moral one.  (3) The real reason that God has held off in judging the world, is to give everyone time and opportunity to repent and return to God.  His promise can be counted on - He is coming back. (4) Temporal, man-made things are not worth living for; eternal ones are.  Thus, we want to be found "blameless" by living to please God, not trying to please ourselves.  (5) "Grow in grace" - get an ever-expanding understanding of what Christ has already done.  Keep your eye on the prize - knowing Jesus. 

"new heavens and new earth": The word "new" here is Gr: "kainos" which means "RE-newed" - "new in nature", like in 2 Co 5:17, where our nature is new, but our bodies stay the same (rats!).  Just as there was still an earth after Noah's flood, there will still be an earth after the fiery trial.  "The meek (Noah) inherit the earth."  The fire, like the water, is for cleansing.  A farmer burns over his fields every three years to cleanse them, not to destroy them. 

RESPONSE:   I used to be terribly gullible.  If everyone said that grass is red, I thought that somehow there was something wrong with me  that grass appeared to be green!  I was easily led because I was so insecure.  I didn't really know anything for sure!  Unfortunately I attended lots of "Christian conferences" back in my immaturity and followed a lot of "rabbit trails".  So, I went after wealth, position, etc.  NOW I HAVE FOUND THAT the God-Centered life is the ONLY WAY TO LIVE and to STAY AT REST (in faith).  Remind me, dear Lord, to think about Your goodness and greatness every hour, at least once! 

PSALM 119:129-152                                                                                                               
more secrets to living in God's rest and god's joy: The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. That is why it is divided up into 22 sections, an acrostic in the Hebrew language. For example, Psalm 119:129-136 all begin with the Hebrew letter "pey", which means "mouth, breath, speech, word, voice", and has the numeric value of 80.   This particular section of Psalm 119 is about the delivery of God's Word giving us illumination and revelation.  When we understand the intention of the Word, we receive light in a dark area of life.  God's Word guides us to our destiny to be like Jesus - in the center of His will. 

Psalm 119:137-144 all begin with "tzaddi".  The word "tzaddi" means "to be on the path".  The pictograph is a picture of a trail as leading to game when hunting.  "Tzaddiyq in Hebrew means "righteousness".  This section of Psalms is about righteousness and uses the word three times!  Romans teaches us that God has GIVEN us His own righteousness in Christ, and v. 142 & 144 say that God's righteousness is "everlasting". 
PROVERBS 28:21-22                                                                                                           
People who take bribes for favors, will eventually do it for pennies.  People who pursue money, never have enuf.  They hate people who have more than they do, and feel entitled to more.  Not only that, but, as my mother always said, "easy come, easy go." 

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