Saturday, November 3, 2012

One Year Bible - November 28

DANIEL 5:1-31                                                                                                                         
LIKE GRANDPA, LIKE GRANDSON:  Nebuchadnezzar's grandson is named Belshazzar.  Belshazzar is the son of Evil-merodach , who reigned for only two years, then was murdered by his brother-in-law.  Thru a series of assassinations and intrigue, Belshazzar finally got the throne.  While Belshazzar and his friends were feasting in the palace, the city was actually surrounded by the Persian army.  The city was thought to be impregnable, but remember, God had a plan.

Belshazzar, in a deliberate act of sacrilege, commanded that the gold and silver vessels that Nebu had taken out of the Temple in Jerusalem, be brought to the banquet so they could eat and drink from them.  He was sitting as God, thinking he ruled the world, sipping wine from the holy vessels and "in the same hour" a hand appeared, writing in the plaster of the wall in the banquet hall.  5:6 says he probably soiled his pants and his knees were knocking.  When the "experts" couldn't tell him what it said, he sent for Daniel - but not before putting him in his place: "remember who you are." "Don't preach to me, just tell me what it says."  and offered Daniel a bribe. 

DANIEL PREACHED:  He said, Rulers rule by God's decree, not by their own "right or might".  Remember what God did to your grandpa.  You knew all this, but you defied God anyway.  You worship Mammon.  So that night, Belshazzar was killed and Darius came in to rule Babylon. 

RESPONSE:  We know it was God Who told Darius how to defeat Babylon.  Babylon fell without a fight, just like God said it would.  The Persians diverted the Euphrates and came into the city under the watergate.  God decreed the Medo-Persian empire in order to bring His remnant back to Jerusalem.  I am getting the drift, here:  God's will is the most important thing in the universe.  Ps 33:11says "The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations."

What is God's will?   God's will is what gives God pleasure.  God's will can be the same thing as God's purpose or His decrees, as we see in Daniel.  He directs what comes to pass.  God's purpose is ALWAYS accomplished; God's commands are not always.  God's purpose is not always known ahead of time, but God's commanded will is known and is our obligation to obey by faith.  God commanded will is general (the same for everyone) and specific (individual). 

SOME EXAMPLES OF GOD'S WILL: (wherein we cooperate with the Holy Spirit):  1 Pet 3:17; 4:19 says sometimes it includes suffering for the believer.  1 Pet 2:15 says it is God's will that our good behavior silence the naysayers.  Heb 10:36 tells us that it is God's will that we obey Him.  Heb 10:5-10 shows us that God's will is a life of self-sacrifice.  1 Thess 5:16-18 says that rejoicing, praying, and thanksgiving "in everything" is God's will for us.  Our sanctification is God's will (1 Thess 4:3).  Eph 6:6 and Col 4:12 tells us God's will is that we have the attitude and behavior of a servant, seeking to please God, not man.  Rom 1:10, Jam 4:15 and others shows us that God's will determines what will happen with us.  2 Peter 3:9 and John 6:40 says that it isn't God's will that ANY should perish.  Psa 147:11 the fear of God is God's will for us.  Rev 4:11 says that everything was created by and for His pleasure (His will).  So pleasing God is doing the will of God.  Phil 2:13 says that it is God's will to work on our inner man to bring us into agreement with God.  Eph 1:5-12 that we "praise His glory".  2 Co 8:1-7 (esp v.5) it is God's will that we be gracious and generous givers.  1 John 2:15-17 that we not be conformed to this age.   Eph 5:15-17 that we walk in wisdom. 
I believe that when we do the KNOWN WILL OF GOD, He reveals anything else we need to know.  We can "obey" our way into our calling, one step at a time.  Just do the next step.  That's usually how God leads - we are led by obeying the Voice we hear BEHIND US (Isa 30:21).
2 PETER 2: 1-22                                                                                                                    
False teachers are inevitable because what we have is so good!  They will be judged for misrepresenting Jesus, for presenting counterfeits and substitutes.   Notice: they don't fall under anyone's authority.  No church, no bishop or overseer.  Some Characteristics of false teachers:  Presumption: They are all talk, and no real power (clouds without water). Power is to be found in 2Pet 1:5-7, not in tricks or shows. Ignorance: v.12 says that they don't know what they are talking about! Their speech is rash and undisciplined - scary.   Shamelessness: They offer us things beyond what the Scriptures say!  That is their lure - appealing to our lust.  Their appeal is to "unstable souls" - those who are discontent and not steadfast in their faith in God.  Greed: The false teachers are in this for the money and will bind you to themselves if they can.  Pretentiousness: Claiming to be free, they "walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness". 

RESPONSE:  Why do we listen to false teachers?  I have done it, and when I looked back, I wondered what I was thinking?  Why didn't I see it at the time?  They must have said what I wanted to hear: that I could have what I wanted, when I wanted it.  That is actually a working definition of sin:  "I want to do, what I want to do, when I want to do it."  The essence of sin is rebellion against authority.   False teachers appeal to the lust of our flesh, offering something outside of God's purpose and plan for us.  Sometimes they take a Scripture out of context with what the Bible as a whole teaches.  The Church is a good idea - more accountability.  If a false teacher manages to slip in there, there are more opportunities to stop him. 

PSALM 119:113-128                                                                                                       
more secrets to living in God's rest and god's joy: The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. That is why it is divided up into 22 sections, an acrostic in the Hebrew language. For example, Psalm 119:113-120 all begin with the Hebrew letter "samech",  which is also the numeric value of 60 and symbolizes support and protection, and to uphold.   These verses reflect that the Word of God upholds us, protects us from being influenced by rebellious suggestions.  The Word of God has the ability to wash out impure thoughts as we meditate on what God has said. 

Psalm 119:121-128 all begin with the letter "ayin", which is a fountain or an eye, and has the numeric value of 70 (increase).  It's spelling "ayin" means "eye" and also means "understanding, watchfulness, desire, and compassion.  Here David declares himself to be God's servant, and therefore God's responsibility.  And so, David says he is oppressed, but never crushed; pressured, but will never give in.  Psalm 119:121-128  also contains the only verse in Psalm 119 that does not have a word in it that refers to God's Word (122). 

PROVERBS 28:19-20                                                                                                         
My mother used to tell me to wish in one hand, and spit in the other, and see which hand fills up first.  Wishing won't get you anywhere - but hard work will.  The opposite of poverty is not wealth, it is stewardship.  Work what you got!  As Christians, we see first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness - "things" are added to us (Matt 6:33).  Sometimes seeking the Kingdom includes getting wealth - but wealth is not our aim: God is. 

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