Saturday, November 3, 2012

One Year Bible - November 27

DANIEL 4:1-37                                                                                                                      
DUMBSTRUCK FOR AN HOUR!  Nebuchadnezzar's nightmare should have been for those that hated him!  Nebu saw himself as a "shepherd-king" - the source of life to "his" people, who controlled everything.  He rivaled God in their affections.  He was the Center of their world!  God would cut him down to the size of a stump!  He would graze on grass like a beast with the heart of a beast - - - "until he knoew that the most High rules in the kingdom of men, and give it to whomsoever He will."(4:25) 
REPENT!  Daniel pleaded with Nebu to repent.  It is believed that for 12 months Nebu submitted to Daniel, trying to outrun that prophesy.  But God is Sovereign.  One day Nebu entered the palace and shouted, "I built Babylon, by MY power, for MY majesty."  While he was still talking, God interrupted saying, "The kingdom is departed from you."  Nebu actually grew eagle talons and hair all over his body that looked like feathers and he grazed on grass outdoors in the dew.  "At the end of days" is how the Bible puts it.  Outside history books state that Nebuchadnezzar had a four-year absence from the palace - whereabouts unknown.  When his understanding returned to him, he "blessed the Most High, praised and honored Him that lives forever, Whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation."  He ends his speech with "And those that walk in pride He is able to abase."  His end was greater and more blessed than his beginning because his lesson was learned:  that God rules the rulers.  God is Sovereign and His will and purpose prevail and no one can stop Him. 

RESPONSE:   "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Phil 2:10-11)  I think the real question for most of us is, "Who is in charge?."  And if the answer is, "God", then it stands to reason that things must be done on His terms.  And that's the rub.  That requires submission.  As Nebuchadnezzar found out, we really can't challenge God's right to rule without being brought low. 

2 PETER 1:1-21                                                                                                                   
true freedom comes when we are in god's rest (steadfast faith & patience), understanding that jesus is enough.  Keep in mind that Peter's calling is to strengthen the brethren's faith.  Faith is based on Truth, which is only found in Jesus and His Word.  When we go outside the Word and turn our back on Jesus to have what we think we want, we are now enslaved to wickedness.  What we see outside of faith, we have to sin to get it, even tho it is pictured as freedom.  We are free ONLY when we are at rest. 

Living by faith brings a changed life:  These changes happen over time, and keep us from being deceived by false teachers.  Without this character development, we are irrelevant.  We are only relevant to society when we go against it with the Truth.  And note: this changed life is "given" to us as our faith gets stronger.  They come with "life and godliness" - living to please God.  The God-centered life is the life of freedom and choices.  It is a satisfied life in God's sanctifying presence.  We have "escaped” the corruption that is in the world; why would we go back to it?  We belong to the "everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" - we are not to be a part of the kingdom of darkness.  So press in to what is our inheritance - God's own nature. 

Stick with the Scriptures:  The key to our freedom and contentment in Jesus is loving His Word.  The Bible is "a more sure word of prophecy" than what Peter heard called down from heaven!  So "voices", other preachers with their "private interpretation" are not to be trusted when they disagree with Scripture. 

RESPONSE:   Most of my Christian life, I believed Christianity was a life of restrictions.  There were lots of things I wanted to do, but I couldn't because I was a Christian.  I wanted to do them, but I couldn't.  That's not freedom!  So, I decided to go "outside the box" and do whatever I wanted to do.  As a result, I hurt everyone I loved, including myself.  I could have ruined my life and theirs.  I became a slave to sin.  I thought I was free! 

Now I really don't want to sin.  I have learned that to stay free, means to stay close to Jesus, to be thankful for all He is in my life, to look on His loveliness and beauty.   I only get into trouble when I become self-centered and think about me.  I am free to be happy.  I am free to be joyful.  I am free to be a witness for God's love and mercy.  I am free to speak up for God's glory.  I am free to do the disgusting jobs no one else wants, because I work for Jesus.  There is NOTHING that feels as good as pleasing God.  Read the character traits listed in 2 Pet 1:5-7 - this describes real power.

PSALM 119:97-112                                                                                                      
more secrets to living in God's rest and god's joy:  The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. That is why it is divided up into 22 sections, an acrostic in the Hebrew language.   For example, Psalm 119:97-104 all begin with the Hebrew letter "mem", which is also their number 40 (testing).  The letter "mem" in hieroglyphics is "flowing water" and thus describes the source of life.  This section of Psa 119 shows us that our source of life is "every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God": His law, commandments, testimonies, precepts" etc.  Remember, these are not external restrictions; they are internal instructions that bring us rest, freedom and joy. 

Psa 119:105-112 all begin with "nun", which has the numeric value of 50 (deliverance, freedom and fullness).  The pictograph is a fish, a symbol of life and activity.  This letter came to symbolize faithfulness and the reward for faithfulness.  The first time it is used as a word is Exo 33:11, "Joshua, the son of Nun".  The way to deliverance and freedom is thru Jesus Christ, Who is the Word made flesh.  The Word of God shows us the way, the path to freedom. 
PROVERBS  28:17-18                                                                                              
The person committing willful murder can never rest.    When he falls, he shall never rise again, according to these verses.  By the way, if you help him, you might be getting in God's way! 

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