1 CHRONICLES 7:1 - 8:40
The sons of Issachar were "valiant men of might". The sons of Benjamin were "mighty men of valor". Naphtali, Manasseh, and Ephraim are listed with one TRAGIC note. All of one man's sons were killed by the men of Gath. The sons of Asher were "choice and mighty men of valor", meaning they were polished and select, reckoned by their ability to make war.
The tribe of BENJAMIN is now brought down to SAUL and JONATHAN. The Benjamites are left-handed and were well-known archers.
RESPONSE: It interests me that the tribes were important only so far as they provided an army of valiant men. This tells me that we must be watchful and valiant against our enemies. It matters not to which "tribe" (denomination) you belong - CAN YOU FIGHT? ARE YHOU COURAGEOUS? To take a passive, non-growing stance as a believer is a position utterly vulnerable to our enemies.
ACTS 27:1-20
LESSONS FROM A SHIPWRECK: (V. 17) "helps" are "a rope or chain for frapping a vessel:" They actually sent divers underneath the ship, and wound chains around-and-around to hold the vessel together so it wouldn't break up in a storm. Look where else that word is used! "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Heb 4:16)
(V.38) They threw out the "wheat"(Egyptian wheat) - "Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,.." (Heb 12:1) "Every weight" is anything that holds me in place....or holds me in my flesh.
(V.40) They took up the "anchors". Put the past behind you and move on.
(V.40) They "committed themselves to the sea". They were all the way in, and committed to growth.
(V.40) They "loosed the rudder bands and hoisted up the mainsail to the wind..." Like Noah in the ark with no rudders, they handed over control to the Holy Spirit. This is not a surrender, but a celebration. Rom 8:14 says that God's sons are "led by the Spirit" (The word "led" means to be carried along by the water or the wind.)
(V.40 They "made (held fast) toward shore." This means to hold your course in the face of opposition, pressure, or storm. "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)" (Heb 10:23)
Although God WARNED them twice and they ignored His warning (by the Holy Spirit - you know what I mean), they did it anyway and got caught by the storm. GOD HAD MERCY and rescued them, BUT they lost everything but their lives.
PSALM 7:1-17
This pertains to the "baptism of fire" that happens to anyone who pursues God. The purpose of the fire is to remove self-preservation and uncleanness. This song is the ROAR that comes in the intensity of this struggle. He says (probably shouting) "IF I have done what they say, then let them kill me!" That's the result God is looking for - death to the flesh. "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." (Gal 5:24) Then we are resurrected "like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." (Rom 6:4) V. 9 says that "God tries (examines thoroughly) the hearts and inward affections."
What can I say? I am Dave's "good thing". And I am a token of the fact that God has favor on him!
RESPONSE: I'll admit, I had to ask myself if I am really a "good thing" or am I the booby prize? I believe God showed favor on BOTH of us by putting us together. If we had gotten to know one another better BEFORE the marriage (we knew each other 5 months), we probably wouldn't have married each other. God knew what we both needed better than we did!
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