1 CHRONICLES 2:18 - 4:4
GENEALOGIES: These continue with the descendants of David, Solomon and of Judah. These become important in light of who will have rights in the Land when they return from Babylon. Your Name must be listed in the Book! (Rev 3:5)
RESPONSE: God called Israel a "fruitful vine" (Ezek 19:10). Here is the proof! But even more important, is YOUR NAME in the Book of Life? "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Rev 20:15)
ACTS 24:1-27
"I cheerfully make my defense": (24:10) The only thing Paul admits to is being a follower of "the way", also called "the sect of the Nazarenes." He describes them as believing in the Law and the Prophets, and the resurrection from the dead....which makes his accusers guilty also! "The way" is called by Felix, "faith in Christ."
PAUL'S MESSAGE: "Righteousness, self-control, and judgment to come." No wonder Felix trembled: Drusilla had been the wife of a king in Syria when Felix stole her away. He didn't want to stand before a King for judgment. He thought Paul had money, since Paul said he had gone to Jerusalem to bring an offering to the church there. So Felix held onto Paul, visiting him often, hoping for a bribe. FOR TWO YEARS!
RESPONSE: I think it is interesting that when Felix asked to hear about the "faith in Christ", that Paul didn't hold anything back! And then Felix wanted to wait for a "convenient time" to hear it again. Isn't that what lots of people think? That they can choose when and where they will come to God? We aren't in the drivers' seat!!!!! God is! We think that God is hard up. That He will wait forever for us to come to Him. That we would be doing Him some kind of favor by coming. We are talking about the Almighty King of the Heavens and the Earth! He instigates the relationship. We have to come when He calls us! "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:" (John 6:44).
PSALM 4:1-8
SECOND TIME AROUND: V.5 says that in the time of trouble, we must "put your trust in the Lord". We do that by RESTING...."upon your bed and be quiet." We lay down in peace and sleep, because we dwell in "safety". That is INWARD PEACE DURING STRESSFUL TIMES. God is our refuge, He is our defender (if we need one). We have been "set apart" by God, for God.
PROVERBS 18:16-18
"Gifts" = "offerings, presents, bribes". This is NOT speaking about your abilities or talents making a position open to you. (I've heard it told that way, tho'.) By liberal giving and offerings, one does not lose but gains, does not descend but rises. A Christian who gives is NEVER diminished by his giving.
V. 17: In other words, don't decide a matter too quickly, but listen to both sides. That's why we have TWO ears!
v.18: It says here that you can settle a dispute by the throw of the dice. That is, because these people believed that God controlled the outcome of the dice, they were really saying that God settled their fights.
However, I have found that when I am in a disagreement, I try to WAIT for PEACE. When that happens, either one of us has changed our mind, or we have come to a third decision by the Lord! Fighting never makes for peace anyway.
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