Saturday, July 31, 2010
One Year Bible, July 28
2 CHRONICLES 21:1 - 23:21
MURDER & MAYHEM: Jehoram murdered all his brothers (who God thought were better than he) and also several princes of Israel after he got the crown. He was an idolater like his father-in-law, Ahab. ELIJAH prophesied judgment against him and "all his substance, his sons and his wives" were carried off by the Philistines and the Arabians. He died of some kind of bowel disease. Ahaziah succeeded him, listened to his wicked mother, and God anointed Jehu to destroy Ahab's family line and kill him. Ahaziah's mother then usurped the throne by killing anyone who was left (except for one who was hidden).
JEHOIADA: A priest in Judah. By his courageous action, Jehoiada was instrumental in preserving the line of David, Baby Joash. Jehoiada conspired against the Queen, and slew her and her followers. Joash was crowned in his 7th year. He did that which was right all the years of Jehoiada. Unfortunately when Jehoiada died, Joash backslid.
RESPONSE: Rest came to the Kingdom when the Harlot-Queen was dead. (23:21 "the city was quiet after they had slain Athaliah") The house, altars, images, and priests of Baal were destroyed. This is a picture of the death-blow rendered to our flesh. As long as it is "alive and kicking", there is a struggle. Once we "present our bodies a living sacrifice", we can end the struggle and submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit to be dealt with.
ROMANS 11:13-36
Keep in mind, here, that this is not about WHEN or IF Jews will be saved, but HOW they are saved - which we find out is the same way everyone else does: by faith. THIS IS NOT A CHAPTER ABOUT THE LAST DAYS OR END TIMES!!! It is about salvation for WHOSOEVER. Election is PERSONAL, not NATIONAL. Instead of "national election", these chapters are about "national rejection". The stumbling block is "righteousness by faith".
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD: Received by faith without even the smallest consideration of my previous or subsequent obedience! God's righteousness in us is conformity to God's standard and God's will, of what is good and life-giving, according to the Gospel. Self-righteousness and UNrighteousness, alike, are unacceptable to God. Rom 1:16-17 says that the Gospel IS the power of God because "therein is the righteousness of God revealed". And the righteous by faith shall live (and the corollary: there is no other way to sustain life). Thus, the wrath of God is revealed against UNrighteousness and UNgodliness. The righteousness of God is the means God has provided for the satisfaction of the Law. It justifies God in saving sinners and then living with them. God's righteousness is revealed in the Gospel, just as God Himself is revealed.
GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS VS MAN'S RIGHTEOUSNESS: The contrast drawn in chapter 11 is not between grace and Law, or even between faith and works - but between God's righteousness and man's own righteousness. God's righteousness fulfills both the precept of the Law AND the penalty exacted by the Law. God's righteousness was MANIFESTED in the life and death of Jesus Christ, and was openly confirmed and demonstrated by His resurrection from the dead.
ISRAEL IS A BRANCH, NOT THE TREE: The "holy root" and the "holy first fruit" is JESUS, NOT Israel. The "good olive tree" is Jesus by faith. The "wild olive tree" is the Beast nature of unbelief. The fruit of the branches is not the result of the strength and work of the branch, but of the root, the Living Word: Jesus. To be "in Christ" then, means to draw our Life from Him as our source and to walk by that energy from Him, called FAITH. Until we are truly cut loose from the old tree (Adam - beast nature) which is wild by nature, and grafted into the new Tree (Christ for Jews and Gentiles alike), we have not yet learned to live from our new Source. Salvation is through Jesus or not at all!!!
WHAT is it that Paul does not want us to be ignorant about? (11:25) We (Gentiles and Jews) are saved, covenant people, because Israel despised God's provision, was blind, and hardened their hearts. 11:28 calls those who reject Jesus "enemies”. Christians aren't hybridized Jews: but a new thing entirely. (11:26) All those Jews who are going to be saved will be saved along with us. 11:23 the word "again" proves they were grafted in, in the first place! God concluded ALL mankind as unbelieving so that salvation came by faith alone,. and not through nationality and faith.
"THE GIFTS AND THE CALLING": (11:29) - This entire verse, along with the last 4 of this chapter are an INTRODUCTION to chapter 12 of Romans. First of all "THE gifts" are the "charismata" which are listed in the next chapter - Romans 12:6-8. Secondly, "THE calling" (vocation; God's purpose for people in Christ) that is IRREVOCABLE: To lay down our lives, to "present our bodies a living sacrifice" .
RESPONSE: God's original mission is now to ALL NATIONS. God purposed a race of people (covenant race - ONE covenant, ONE race, ONE faith, ONE body) in communion with Himself by the Holy Spirit, to secure His eternal purpose: "To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God," (Eph 3:10) We are His witness to the Nations. Chapters 12-16 reveal the outworking of the FACT of God's Righteousness by faith.
PSALM 22:1-18
When we "feel" abandoned by God, we must still trust God despite appearances, because there is no one else to help us. Faith, trust, and hope see beyond the immediate circumstances. Whatever God says, can be absolutely relied on, despite appearances to the contrary.
To walk as a righteous person, is equivalent to always doing that which is right, utterly devoted to pleasing God. The children are blessed while he is still living, because they follow his example.
RESPONSE: Psa 22:9-10 may have been written because David was the 8th child, the "runt" and overlooked by his parents. David certainly never learned to nurture his own children. However it may be, those two verses ministered healing to me at a time I really needed it. I was born during World War II. The doctors from our little town were in Europe fighting the war, and our town had one old, drunken doctor available the night I was born. Sometimes I was the butt of jokes - and in my immaturity was ashamed that I meant so little to God that He didn't bother to have a good doctor at my birth. As an adult, I ran across this verse one day - GOD was the one "who took me out of the womb" - not the doctor! God had truly "been my God from my mother's belly." I was healed. That doctor just attended my birth - GOD actually took me from the womb. I began with God, and will return to Him one day.
Friday, July 30, 2010
One Year Bible, July 27
2 CHRONICLES 19:1 - 20:37 JEHOSHAPHAT'S SECOND REFORMATION: Jehu the prophet rebuked Jehoshaphat for helping the ungodly AHAB of Israel. Jehoshaphat repented and went out himself from south to north and "brought them back to the Lord". He also established order in the country with judges, Levites priests and chiefs, warning them to conduct their duties "in the fear of the Lord."
The prayer: To the God Who rules all the kingdoms of the earth. Now these come to DISINHERIT and DISPOSSESS. "We have no might against this great company...."
the prophecy: "Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's" They were to "set themselves" - take their stand, and "stand" - to be steadfast and firm. "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established; - believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper (succeed)". Believe the Word and the Revelation, remain firm, in the confident assurance of a miraculous deliverance without raising a hand.
and the praise: Jehoshaphat called a council of war and appointed singers to go in front of the army to animate his army and to confuse the enemy. Hosanna warfare confuses the FLESH and conquers our enemies. It took Judah three days to gather up all the spoil, because their enemies had killed one another. Everyone around them knew that "the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel."
RESPONSE: I have usually tried to fight my own battles. When that happens, there is NEVER a "winner". Everyone loses. Have you ever noticed that?
ROMANS 10:14 - 11:12
Contrast Rom 10:14-17 VS Rom 10:18-21.
Whosoever hears The Jews heard
Via a preacher From Moses and Isaiah
Faith came Disobedient & un-persuadable.
GRACE FOR A REMNANT: NO ONE APART FROM FAITH CAN OBTAIN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. Israel has a REMNANT, NOT a nation! Believers are partakers of the Divine nature, and unbelievers are blind and hardened like Pharaoh. But, they still are not fallen so far they can't be recovered.
RESPONSE: Just as God answered Elijah (1Ki 19:10, 18) that he wasn't alone in his obedience to God, neither was Paul. There is a remnant of Jews who believe God. This is not the "Last Days" scenario at all here! This is about righteousness by faith alone. Righteousness has NEVER been by works. Even Moses and Isaiah preached that Truth.
PSALM 21:1-13
The "king" here is David, "the man after God's own heart". Some of the benefits:
God's strength - the force needed to overcome and prevail.
God's deliverance and salvation.
All my heart's desire.
All my spoken requests.
"Blessings of goodness" - more than I could ask or think.
A crown of pure gold (the right to rule - authority).
God's life, and long life.
Glory, honor and majesty - favor.
Made "exceedingly glad".
Stability in time of trouble.
Overthrow all my enemies.
God's power on my behalf.
A lazy person will use any excuse not to work. Then expects someone else to help him when he wants something! The well might be deep, but a man of understanding knows how to draw all the water up - (try joyful praise - Isa 12:2). Contrast promise and performance: a person might brag about how good he is, but does he actually come through when he's needed?
RESPONSE: There have been times I haven't known what to do, and it feels like the counsel I need is hidden deep. Joyful praise to God for His goodness and greatness is one way to draw the wisdom and understanding we need from our spirit to our mind and heart. God wants to help us in the context of our daily lives. He wants to know us and share our lives in the practical events of everyday life. Be a person of understanding - draw the wisdom and counsel from the Spirit of God by orienting your day around God.
One Year Bible, July 26
2 CHRONICLES 17:1 - 18:34
TEACHING PRIESTS: These teaching priests brought revival wherever they went because the "fear of the Lord" fell on the surrounding nations and held their enemies at bay. Even the Philistines brought them gifts! Jehoshaphat sent the priests, the Levites and the "book of the law" throughout JUDAH.
A LYING SPIRIT: God sent a lying spirit on all Ahab's prophets in order to entice Ahab onto the battle field to be killed. Jehoshaphat the king of Judah was preserved in that battle.
RESPONSE: Sometimes our assignments from God don't make any sense - but God has a plan. When Jehoshaphat heard what the trustworthy prophet had to say, he must have been tempted to stay home instead of keeping his word to Ahab about joining him in his battle! But he kept his word, and God preserved him. The "fear of the Lord" was still with him.
ROMANS 9:22 - 10:13
(1) Salvation is not based on nationality, education, inheritance, or privilege, but on the grace of God to whom He will. He is the Almighty and "will have mercy on whom He will have mercy."
(2) When God's grace is extended to us, God precedes it with His promises. He never bases salvation on what man does. It is not even based on our behavior, because Jacob was chosen before he was born. He raises us up "to show His power in us." So some are given mercy and some are hardened. AND GOD IS NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO ANYONE, NOR DOES HE ANSWER TO ANYONE. Redemption is NEVER based on human effort.
(3) God has purposes and objectives that we do not see. One of those objectives is not only to display His power and His wrath by allowing and permitting man to oppose him and to resist him, but also to display His amazing patience and longsuffering this way. Therefore the bitter argument that God is not fair, doesn't hold water.
WHICH KIND OF VESSEL AM I? A "vessel of wrath" vs a "vessel of honor": The way you can tell is by what you do with that BIG STONE in your path. Did you stub your toe on Jesus, or did you throw yourself down on Him? Jesus is the test.
"THE RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH IS OF FAITH": (Rom 9:30) Jesus' death on the cross as a means to righteousness by faith alone is "a stumbling block and rock of offense." The walk of faith causes self-righteous people to stub their toes (get offended).
HOW TO BE "SAVED": Chapter 9 showed God's responsibility. Chapter 10 shows man's responsibility. You don't have to wait until you die to be lost! If you are not saved, you are lost already. Some are lost because they have all the information and reject it because the means of FAITH ALONE is a "stumbling block". But even Moses taught that the salvation was by faith and grace. Others are lost because of ignorance. LAW is not the issue - Jesus is. The Law tells us what is destroying and killing us. It fences us in until our hearts is changed and the Law is fulfilled in us by faith. A "religious spirit" goes about to establish their own righteousness because they have not submitted themselves to the "righteousness of God which is of faith." The mouth is the expression of the outward man, the evidence of intellectual understanding of what has happened inside, expressed in words; the heart is the inner man, the spirit inside us understanding the basis on which God saves. Therefore, if we confess with our mouth, it is based on what already took place in our hearts. The acknowledgement that must take place is that Jesus is LORD, and He is risen and available. Scripture never tells us to "receive Jesus as Savior" - but to acknowledge Him as Sovereign LORD. Those who do will never be disappointed.
RESPONSE: When we quit waiting for LIFE to be "fair", and choose joy instead, our lives will turn around for the better. Be grateful that LIFE is NOT "fair" - but full of mercy and grace from God. It wasn't fair that Jesus took OUR sin on Himself, but He did. It wasn't fair that they beat Jesus and pulled out His beard for US, but they did. It wasn't fair for Jesus to sacrifice Himself for me, but He did! I CHOOSE LIFE! AND JOY!
PSALM 20:1-9
When the heat is on, in the midst of a battle (usually in our thoughts and attitudes), Psalm 20 is our battle song: OUR DELIVERANCE DEPENDS ON PRAYER, NOT POWER. We trust in "the Name of the Lord our God." God's Name is God's Presence and His impact on the circumstances.
In the OT, a "king" is the person in authority. He may be a fool or a righteous one, but his authority comes with his assignment, with God's permission. So, don't provoke his anger on purpose. People who make it a practice to intentionally provoke arguments are FOOLS. Honorable people don't do that.
RESPONSE: When we pray and call out on God, it is IMPOSSIBLE for NOTHING to happen. God always hears us and gives an answer. We can sing for joy because we are heard! Sometimes the victory is a quiet one, sometimes it is raucous and noticeable. But if we don't pray and put our trust in the God Who hears, we will suffer some defeats for sure.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
One Year Bible, July 25
2 CHRONICLES 14:1 - 16:14
ASA, KING OF JUDAH: Reigned 41 years. GOD helped him defeat Zerah the Ethiopian. In the time of RESTORATION and REFORMATION and REVIVAL, he did not even spare the Queen-Mother! "And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul." Asa used the treasures of the house of the Lord to buy Syrian help against Israel. The truth was that Asa could have OWNED the Syrian army if he had relied on the LORD. "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect (at peace, or loyal) toward Him." God is actually looking for those whose confidence in God enables Him to demonstrate His power!
KING ASA'S FEET: He was diseased in his feet (His walk with God) and instead of seeking the Lord, he went to PHYSICIANS. His feet must have stunk, because his deathbed was filled with spices and perfumes.
RESPONSE: Asa did not endure to the end. (Mark 13:13) "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Did Asa get scared by the opposition? Somehow he lost his confidence in God and didn't listen to God's voice in the prophet (imprisoned him). He had a good beginning, but didn't finish well. That is a warning to the rest of us - finish your race! Endure to the end. Keep your confidence in God.
ROMANS 9:1-21
MAIN POINT: God is calling people to Himself, made up of whosever believes on Jesus. Salvation is not by nationality, but by election - God's choosing in grace. Even with all the "proofs", (eg. sonship, the Ark of glory, covenants, Word, Temple services, promises of God, examples of church fathers, and Jesus being a Jew Himself), Israel rejected salvation. When the Jews refused to be persuaded of the Truth, God hardened their hearts in order to make known the riches of His glory on "vessels of mercy." NOTE: We were all "vessels of wrath" and some were "chosen" to show God's power and glory, the elect being BOTH Jew and Gentile. The glory and power of God is not that He chose some and rejected others. It is that He chose ANY. Although Israel will be numbered as the "sand of the sea" only a REMNANT will be saved. Paul's thrust is not WHETHER Jews are to be saved, but HOW. Chapters 9-11 are about SALVATION, NOT ESCHATOLOGY. The only Seed (Rom 9:8) that counts is faith, being born of the Spirit of Promise. It has ALWAYS been God's intension to extend salvation to the Gentiles (Gen 26:4; Gal 3:7-9), but He has not completely rejected the Jews from His plan. WE GENTILES ARE NOT SPIRITUAL STEP-CHILDREN, BUT CHOSEN ONES (Phil 3:3).
WHY DID GOD”HATE" ESAU? Actually, the word for "hate" isn't used like we use it. When we say "hate", we mean something like malice or murder. The way it is used here is like Luke 14:26 where Jesus said we had to "hate mother and father" in order to follow Him! "Hated" is a Hebraism for "not chosen, spurned, unloved." It is used to mean that we PREFER something else and treat with DISREGARD the thing hated. That we have set a priority on the preferred thing. This becomes necessary to keep us from vacillating in our decision to obey God. Here, Esau represented the flesh, Jacob represented the spirit. God wants our flesh to SERVE the spirit, and never the other way around.
RESPONSE: I am not "second-best", because God would rather have saved someone else. However, I know that I am saved because He came after me, and He chose me! Sometimes when I really goof up, I remind God that He chose me - now He can help me work out my salvation. Like v. 16 says, I couldn't chose God, it took God's mercy to come for me. And He lives in me, "that He might show His power in me." Wow!
PSALM 19:1-14
The heavens declare God's work, but not God's will, which is demonstrated in His Word. God's revelation demands, effects, and maintains the fear of God. The spiritual man relies on the Word of God as a mirror for self-knowledge, so he can submit and repent.
"secret sins": Unknown even to me, ignorantly or inadvertently sinning.
"presumptuous": Daring, prideful, intentional (Deu 17:12) and has the power to enslave us and leads to #3.
"unpardonable": To knowingly refuse to obey, to break away in revolt. (2Pet 2:10).
MEDITATION: Our speech ("words of my mouth") gives away what we have been "meditating in our hearts". What we think about all the time, comes out our mouths. If you want to change how you talk, then meditate on the goodness and greatness of God. That's what Psalm 19 is about. Verses 1-6 are His works, and Verses 7-14 are His Word.
Alcohol (including wine and beer) causes nothing but trouble. It destroys careers, marriages, families, reputations, finances, health, mental capacity, spirituality. They also make a fool out of the person who is drinking it and causes them to mock the God Who made them. In addition, it is addictive and enslaving, and destroys personality.
RESPONSE: Have you ever tried to control your tongue? I have, many times! My mouth gets me into more trouble than anything, except for my attitude. In order to control the mouth and the attitude, we MUST control our thinking, or at least what we habitually think about. That's why it is so important NOT to allow our thoughts to run wild or uncontrolled. We can't always control what flies in there, but we don't have to allow it to land!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
One Year Bible, July 24
2 CHRONICLES 11:1 - 13:22
REHOBOAM: Characteristics: (1) Infatuation with power. (2) Intolerant attitude. (3) Arrogance. He gathered 180,000 warriors to fight against the rebels that gathered to JEROBOAM. The prophet, Shemaiah, warned him not to - because GOD tore the Kingdom apart. Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines. (12:1): When Rehoboam had all his ducks in a row, he forsook the law of the Lord and took all of Israel with him. He provoked the Lord to jealousy. Rehoboam's apostasy begin in his 4th year, and judgment came in the 5th through the Egyptians (12:2) who stripped the palace and the Temple of gold.
JEROBOAM: A model for walking in WICKEDNESS. God raised him up from nothing to rule the 10 northern tribes. To prevent the people from going to Jerusalem to worship, Jeroboam erected TWO GOLDEN CALVES and placed them in Dan and Bethel as substitutes for Jehovah. He made the lowest people into priests, held substitute festivals, used false altars and false worship. Jeroboam is a type of the antichristian world-spirit. He is also a type of the FLESH.
THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH: The 10 northern tribes (Israel) had Judah (the 2 southern tribes) in a pincer move - "the battle was before and behind". The people cried out to the Lord and gave a shout - and GOD killed Jeroboam and delivered Israel into Judah's hand. Because, as Judah reported, "God Himself is with us for our captain."
RESPONSE: The northern tribes were TOLD that by coming against Judah, they were fighting against GOD and couldn't succeed (13:12). Our flesh can fight against God. And when it does, it can't succeed because God won't let us "win". I was reminded of that one day when I watched my daughter correcting one of her children. My little 6-year-old granddaughter was determined to outlast her mother. I kept wishing she was capitulate, because the sooner she gave up, the quicker this thing could be over. My grandchild used pouting, crying, arguing, and anything else she could think of, but to no avail. Our flesh is like that. This is why we define sin as, "I want to do, what I want to do, when I want to do it."
ROMANS 8:22-39
See last night's blog.
PSALM 18:37-50
WHO IS MY ENEMY? God has "girded me with strength for the battle." The word, "strength" is the OT word, "chayil" and the NT word, "dunamis." It is the word used for "valor, force, heroic strength, might and wealth." Inherent strength (resident within me - not "coming upon") is the pressing REALITY of God's Life in us. It is what is necessary for me to OBEY God in the humanly impossible things. BUT WHAT BATTLE IS THIS TALKING ABOUT? We don't want to fight "like a man beating the air" (1Co 9:26) because I'm fighting the wrong thing. In fact, I don't want to take a chance that I am fighting against GOD!
We learn in the NT, that we have opposition from three things: the world, the flesh and the devil. All three are driven by the world-spirit of antichrist. One of them can be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. One of them was already overcome by the death and resurrection of Jesus. And one of them should be "mortified" (NT word for "killed"), or "crucified" - and is in its death throes. The world-spirit can be cleansed away, specifically from individuals. The devil has been defeated by Jesus (The devil not even listed in Romans as something we have to be concerned with in our metamorphosis.) But the FLESH, the thing giving Paul and us fits in Romans 7 - is OUR CONCERN. According to Rom 8:7, man's flesh is an enemy of God - and that makes it my enemy too.
In the OT, enemies were to be killed, destroyed, their gods and worship implements burned, the children and women destroyed, and their territory taken over. There were no be no agreements made with enemies, no mercy shown to their leaders, no marriages made with them. THIS DESCRIBES OUR BATTLE WITH THE FLESH. We don't "kill" devils and we don't "kill" people. That only leaves one thing: the flesh. When we obey our own flesh, we give voice to the world-spirit of antichrist! Let's "subdue it under me", "beat them like the dust before the wind", "cast them out as the dirt in the streets." Or, as Paul has said, "I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." (1 Co 9:27)
PROVERBS 19:27-29
We need not hear anything that will lead us away from God and from Truth. Someone who serves himself (he is his own god), has no respect for the fact that one day he will be judged for all of it. Like a fool, he is heading for defeat.
RESPONSE: I need a reminder every day that my body, specifically my BIG MOUTH, is to be a servant of the Lord (and of my own spirit). My attitude MUST be that what I want is irrelevant most of the time. I must do what God said. There is no room for compromise. God disqualified King Saul for allowing the enemy king to live. Joshua's army was defeat when he allowed Babylonian (world-spirit) gold and garments to be hidden in the camp. There are so many examples of what happens when I allow one tiny complaint to get away from me. When I let one ounce of self-pity go through my head. When I bang one kettle too hard on the stove. I am just one step away from being disqualified for the Kingdom. I must be on guard. Jesus is worthy of every sacrifice. I can either give my life or waste it.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
One Year Bible, July 23
2 CHRONICLES 8:11 - 10:19 SOLOMON'S SPLENDOR: Solomon used slave labor from the surrounding tribes that had opposed them in the very beginning (Deut 7) for his grand building projects. He moved his Egyptian wife out of the palace David built because she wasn't holy and the palace was!
QUEEN OF SHEBA: She brought a large caravan loaded with gifts to see Solomon and his great Temple. This is a picture of the "three kings with their gold, frankincense and myrrh" (that's tradition - we don't really know how many kings, and for sure they had more than three gifts!), coming to see the Baby Jesus - the true Temple. The Queen of Sheba was overwhelmed by all the splendor and all the WISDOM. She was also impressed by the SHEER JOY AND HAPPINESS of Solomon's servants. Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she asked for and she left with more than she brought to him! "All the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon..."
SOLOMON'S FAILURES: (Occurred during the good times, not the difficult times.)
(1) Extravagance and ostentation.
(2) Evil companions - foreign women.
(3) Lost his "first love" for God, and placed it on other things
(4) Compromise - contradictory loyalties.
(5) Ingratitude - Turned from the God Who had appeared to him twice!
(6) Idolatry - To please his wives, he "went to church" with them.
(7) Disobedience.
(8) Oppression of the people.
DEATH OF SOLOMON: Solomon reigned 40 years. At his death, JEROBOAM returned from Egypt and offered counsel to REHOBOAM (Solomon's son and successor). Because REHOBOAM foolishly rejected the counsel of the "old men" and instead followed the "young men" who oppressed the people, the KINGDOM SPLIT in revolt. GOD instigated it and GOD tore the Kingdom apart. REHOBOAM ruled the people of the SOUTHERN KINGDOM, JUDAH. JEROBOAM ruled the people of the NORTHERN KINGDOM, ISRAEL.
RESPONSE: When the Queen of Sheba left Solomon's presence with more than she came in with, this was a picture of when we bring gifts and offerings to God, and leave with much more than we gave Him. Giving NEVER DIMINISHES a Believer in Jesus. And we should also be joyful and happy in His Presence.
ROMANS 8:9-21
OVERCOMING THE REAL ENEMY: Rom 8:7 says the REAL enemy is the "mind of the flesh" or our own flesh. Because the flesh is basically evil, the Law can't make me live better. I need to be changed inside - my HEREDITY must change for me to be "in Christ", rather than "in Adam". Once I am IN CHRIST, I must be changed - or live an EX-changed life. God will NOT ”fix" my old life. It can't be fixed or the Law would have done it. Our natural man is corrupt because of its deceitful lusts, and it is self-centered and immature, which makes it vulnerable to devils. My old life must be offered up for crucifixion and then I must never make a "place" for it or give in to its demands. When we offer ourselves up, the Holy Spirit will make that death effective and war against our flesh as we watch our corpse disintegrate. The KEY is submit and obey.
THE HOLY SPIRIT, OUR HELPER: Rom 8:14 says if we are "led" by the Holy Spirit, THEN we are sons. The word "led" means "to be driven along as if by wind or water." This means we are COMPLETELY VULNERABLE to the Holy Spirit, as we have no lives of our own any more and have crucified the will and its desires. "the spirit of bondage again to fear" is mentioned here because this vulnerability crosses the line of "no more I but Christ living in me" and so the fear comes that God won't be enough to sustain me. The truth is that Jesus is everything that my soul needs or wants. To conform us to Jesus, or "sons", the Holy Spirit now confronts the practical issues of OBEDIENCE. The spiritual man no longer bothers himself with "cause and effect", but looks for purpose, knowing God is in control and has a plan. The Holy Spirit witnesses to our spirit about our being God's sons so we know why we are being disciplined, redirected and trained by Him. And so the Holy Spirit searches us out, destroys the flesh, crosses our will, teaches us, weans us, gives mercy and grace, gives understanding and recall, a prayer language, comfort, strength, and He pushes, tests, give discernment, shows favor --- all to conform us to the image of Jesus.
"US, WE, OUR, AND YOU-ALL": The pronouns changed to plural with Rom 8:14. Alone, in isolation, man can NEVER fulfill God's purpose. It requires the Body. The Body of Christ is NOT AN ILLUSTRATION or an allegory, but a FACT. In order to "fit in", we have to lose our SELF-life, crucify the flesh.
SUFFERING: Rom 8:17 says that "suffering" and "glorification" go together. 2 Cor 4:17-18 say that "momentary light affliction" and the "exceeding and eternal weight of glory" go together. James 1:12 says that "testing" and the "crown of Life" go together. 1 Pet 4:13-19 says that "Suffering according to the will of God" brings the "spirit of glory" on us. Heb 5:8-9 says that "Suffering in the flesh" teaches us obedience, which brings us to completion or maturity. Romans 8:19-23 says that the whole earth is waiting for the Church to grow up!
HUMAN INFIRMITIES: This refers to our "human-ness". The limitations of weakness, the inability to achieve results. God's will is clearly stated about many things, but there are things we DON'T KNOW HOW TO PRAY ABOUT: The formation of the Church, the Body of Christ and our mission to bring forgiveness and deliverance to the earth. And so the Holy Spirit brings to a reality in us, the mind of the Father. God declares a thing "good" when it is properly ordered, in its place, and can fulfill its purpose for being - no bent nails, no mixture of flesh and spirit. All the things that come against us, lead us progressively deeper into the love of God. When circumstances speak against God's character, we must hold to the LOVE GOD HAS FOR US. NEVER let tribulation, pressure or affliction separate you from the fact that GOD LOVES YOU. We put our faith in the fact: GOD IS LOVE.
WALK OF FAITH: The Holy Spirit's goal is to re-create us in the image of Jesus Christ. We live by faith in and faith OF God. Our daily lives are a test of loyalty concerning God's character. Real faith does not CLAIM anything because real faith is more than believing, it is KNOWING that we are already in possession of all things in Him. Every spiritual reality comes through promises and is appropriated by the obedience of faith.
RESPONSE: In looking at the big picture, I really appreciate the Holy Spirit more and more. He is tireless, relentless, insisting, probing, and pressing me on and on and on into God. Thank you, Holy Spirit! It is not enough to be "in Christ". I must also walk "in the Spirit" or my life contradicts the Truth of being in Christ. If I live "after the flesh" then I will manifest ME. And my flesh is in conflict with God. I must live by the Life of God in me. I have ONLY ONE NEED: MORE JESUS. To get more Jesus, I must have an increasing awareness of my need. My hunger will increase my capacity. Greater capacity means greater supply. My soul-life, my flesh, must be violently pruned and burned. If I want His Life, then I must lay mine down.
PSALM 18:16-36
God's conduct toward man is the reflection of the relationship man has placed himself to God. It is good to know that God does not cast us off, even when we sin and when our human limitations become evident. God then strengthens us so that we stand firm and endure until we can come off victorious over the flesh. "God's gentleness (humility, condescension) makes me great (increase, abundance, multiply)."
A son who assaults his father and runs his mother off is a disgrace. I think this might be talking about adult children who don't take care of their elderly parents, but just take over their business, their home, etc.
RESPONSE: God's way is perfect; and He makes my way perfect. This word, "perfect" is the same as the NT word - complete, entire, lacking nothing, with integrity, mature, ripe, unimpaired, whole, sound.
One Year Bible, July 22
2 CHRONICLES 6:12 - 8:10
SOLOMON'S PRAYER: He had a brass scaffold made for him to speak from, measuring exactly the same as the brass altar in the Tabernacle of Moses - speaking of himself as a living sacrifice. God keeps covenant and mercy with those who walk with Him. To experience God's fullness and glory takes a walk in obedience, a sacrifice so great it can't be measured (by you). The place of God's fullness is bathed in YOUR blood (your life laid down). "Arise, O Lord God, into Thy resting place..." (see Psa 132). As Solomon finished his prayer, fire fell from heaven and consumed the offerings and sacrifices, "and the glory of the Lord filled the house." The people were "glad, joyful and merry."
THE STRUGGLE: The sin nature is stronger than the Law that would suppress it. LUST in me - the desire to gratify the flesh. In my flesh, there is no good thing. There is an inner conflict because I know the good thing to do, but the harder I try to do it, the worse I become. The purpose of the conflict is to show us our selfishness and destroy our independence. WE NEED GOD.

GOD'S APPEARANCE TO SOLOMON: (second time) God knew Solomon's heart, and warned him AGAIN against apostasy. This is actually 13 years since the dedication of the Temple. God had heard the prayer of 2 Chron 7:14 and had CHOSEN and SANCTIFIED the Temple. BUT, Solomon must walk like David walked, "in integrity of heart and in uprightness." He must "do, keep and observe the Word of the Lord."
"IF YOU TURN AWAY,": If you forsake God and God's Word, He will not only forsake you, but He will "pull you up by the roots and cast you out of His sight!" It will be so bad that everyone who sees you will wonder what on earth you did, that God is so mad at you!
RESPONSE: This reminds me of Hebrews, where we learn that we are better off never knowing God, than if we know Him and then forsake Him. God takes it very seriously when we don't believe Him. He expects us to keep pushing forward - never turn back.
ROMANS 7:14 - 8:8

GOD'S ANSWER: We don't get our lives "changed", but "EX-changed." His for ours, and ours for His. The independent self must be crucified with Christ. Deliverance from hurt, offense, bondage, selfishness and lust is through that Cross working IN me. The Law does its job: it brings self-discovery and an admission of helplessness. We are freed from the law of sin and death by a higher law of life in Christ Jesus. The Law could not make us righteous or produce the image of Jesus in us. It was "weak through the flesh" - impotent, because the law works through the flesh, not through relationship. The Law lacks the power, and it is impossible for it to change my heart. Jesus "condemned sin in the flesh" by living an overcoming life.
THE REAL ENEMY: "The mind of the flesh" is our desires, doing what we want to do. When we live according to that, we die because the mind of the flesh hates God, isn't subject to Him, and can't please Him. Our REAL enemy is our own flesh and mind.
RESPONSE: The day we got saved, a war started. Some of us think we were doing "just fine" until we got saved - then the struggle began. However, we were going to hell. Now, the Life of God is in us to war against our flesh. If it weren't for the Word and the Spirit, we would never CHANGE. I was sick of myself. I blamed everyone else for my misery. As long as it was someone else's fault, I would remain a victim - but I didn't know that. Now I know I must submit to God. Submit everything to God. What I think. What I reason out. What I want. What "makes me happy" (nothing much). God kills it - then I can't go back to it. Then He gives me Himself! His happy, holy self! As long as I keep my focus on Him, remain thankful for His goodness and greatness, then I can overcome anything.
PSALM 18:1-15
When we are praising and thanking God for His goodness and greatness, Psalm 18 is a good one to real out loud. The names of God in verses 1-5 are the fruit and results of long and varied experiences of troubles and perils, and acknowledges that although David hid in rocks and caves, only God could actually deliver him.
PROVERBS 19:24-25
Imagine being so lazy you won't even feed yourself! When a person gets caught in sin or foolishness, a fool is sorry he got caught; but a wise person is sorry for his foolishness and learns not to repeat his deed.
RESPONSE: Have you ever asked yourself why God would even NEED to be "rock", "deliverer", "fortress", "refuge", "shield", "horn of my salvation", "stronghold". It's because that is what most of us are looking for - SECURITY and SAFETY. And God is all those things. What we must learn is how to get INTO that place of safe keeping. A lot of times I feel like a real fat lady trying to hide behind a skinny sapling of a tree. Anyone can take potshots at me. This is because I am not always successful at "hiding" in Christ, instead of letting my flesh get out of control. When I feel myself getting angry, hurt, offended, etc. - I KNOW I must get busy thanking and praising God and being grateful for His mighty faithfulness to me, His ability to shield me from darkness, His strength and sufficiency in providing for my deep hungers and needs. Then, what other people do to provoke an emotional response from me, becomes immaterial.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
One Year Bible, July 21
2 CHRONICLES 4:1 - 6:11
THE TEMPLE: The NT Greek word, "hieron" refers to the physical building, and it was not used again after the book of Acts, with one exception in 1 Co 9:13, which referred to the physical building. The word used after that is "naos", which means "to dwell". God will never again dwell in a Temple built with hands. We, His people are being built into a Temple for God's dwelling-place - the Church. " What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1Cor 6:19) Moreover, Solomon was instructed to use only the best materials, the most precious materials, to be set in place in a specific manner - because everything in this Temple is a type of the spiritual Temple.
FULL OF HIS GLORY: 120 trumpets, cymbals, tambourines, psalteries, harps, singers - all dressed in pure white - all sounding together as one! They sang, "God is good and His mercy endures forever." The Temple filled with God's glory cloud so that the priests could not continue to minister.
The ARK represents:
God's Throne on Earth
Presence of God
Glory of God
Government of God
Fullness of God
Total and Complete Victory of Jesus over all enemies
The Glorious Church
Kingdom of God in Power
DEDICATION OF THE TEMPLE: "God said that He would dwell in thick darkness." To the natural man, God appears to be obscure. The Temple was a "habitation" for Jehovah.
RESPONSE: Will God's glory be poured out on individual Temples? Or only the corporate Temple? If I am God's Temple, then I was made for Him to dwell in. I was meant to be filled with worship and praise and music. I was meant to be precious. Without the worship, I have no purpose at all for being!
ROMANS 7:1-13
ONE WIFE, TWO HUSBANDS: My first husband, with the first claim on me, is THE LAW. My second husband, whom I can't claim until the first marriage is dissolved, is CHRIST. The Law is ETERNAL, therefore I MUST DIE TO THE LAW. Now I am free to marry Jesus and produce HOLINESS (fulfillment of the Law IN ME).
MARRIAGE TIES: The purpose of marriage is to produce an heir. The marriage ties are only dissolved by death. The Law is holy, just, good, spiritual, perfect. Man is unholy, unjust, evil, carnal, imperfect. The problem is in man, not the law. Deliverance from the Law is necessary to be free from sin. After our Romans 6 experience, we set out to know and do the will of God, and discover we cannot and we don't want to!
BODY OF DEATH: Sins give me a body full of sin. In trying to do the will of God, my failure brings death. Chapter 7 is the struggle of every believer in his own strength. As soon as I try to please God in the flesh, this is my experience. It is as I try to DO something that my sinfulness comes to light. The Law makes my weakness (death) manifest.
SIN: "sin took occasion" - found a place to start trouble in me. I was fine until God asked me to do/not to do something. That commandment stirred up my own human lust. Sin uses forbidden things to stir up lust. At the same time, forbidden things (the Law) exposes us for what we really are - rebels from God. Sin uses the Law against us. But SIN, NOT THE LAW, brings death.
COVETEOUSNESS is the root. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:" (Col 3:5) The word "covet" here is the same as the word "lust". Once the commandment against covetousness was given, it stirred up sin - "lust of the flesh" in this case, and I was doomed. Even if I could keep all the other 9 commandments, this one would get me because that's where sin originates in me - the lust of the flesh (Jam 1:14-15).
RESPONSE: It's a good thing Paul wrote all this! Wouldn't it be frustrating if he left us with just this much? The Law - which is "thou shalt not......" is how most of us try to change. We make new rules for ourselves, resolutions, promises to God and to each other. Willpower is a work of the flesh, and as such, is tainted with sin and deception. That's why it doesn't work. The heir - Jesus formed in me - can only be produced by God. The harder I try, the worse I am. The Law showed me how weak and helpless I really am. (in trying to be good) I cannot trust Bible study or prayer for victory. It is only to be found in Christ. This whole chapter makes me feel cornered with no way out but Jesus! I think that was the intention!
PSALM 17:1-15
My VINDICATION comes from God's Presence. That means that sometimes He and I are the only ones who know I am righteous. God has "proved"(examined and scrutinized) my heart, "visited"(probed my motives) me in the night, "tried"(melted me, refined by fire, purged away) me .
HEBRAIC SAYINGS? "They are enclosed in their own fat." - They are spiritually callused.
"keep me as the apple of the eye." - The part most carefully guarded from external attack.
"hide me under the shadow of Thy wings." - Hide me in the Holy of Holies - God's Presence in the Mercy seat where the angel wings touched.
SATISFIED: Is literally "fully satisfied" - sated, enriched, to have one's fill. Sinners can be satisfied by seeing their own likeness in their children. The righteous are satisfied by God's likeness being seen in themselves.
PROVERBS 19:22-23
Speaking of being SATISFIED. "The Life", referred to as "eternal life" in the NT is characterized by contentment. There is nothing that can diminish us - because we are connected to the Infinite Source. We can give freely, not just material things, but also the intangibles like forgiveness and appreciation. "The fear of the Lord" is an acute awareness of God's power that produces respect. Trembling awareness that life has meaning, and my choices have consequences. This is a basis of "the Life".
RESPONSE: "Men of the World" have their portion "in this life" - which we know to be really short in the light of eternity. The righteous have their portion in God - giving Him glory is satisfying to US. Knowing that we have a place in God is our treasure. We have peace and joy and righteousness - no one can take it from us. In addition, no one can reach the real person in us. We are hidden in God's Presence. We are secure there - because our portion is intangible and can't be touched.
One Year Bible, July 20
2 CHRONICLES 1:1 - 3:17
RELAPSE & REFORM: 2 Chronicles covers about 400 years, from the beginning of Solomon's reign to the decree of Cyrus for the rebuilding of Jerusalem. After Solomon, when the kingdom divided, 2 Chronicles concerns itself with the history of Judah, ignoring Israel. The book is primarily a history of the TEMPLE: from its being built, to its destruction. And so the story is of the Kings and their relationship to the Temple. There are five reformations OR revivals documented here. This Chronicle reminds us that the continued Presence of God is contingent on worship. Spiritual victory is determined by whether or not we seek after the Lord. If we say one thing and do another, we will fail as Christians.
SOLOMON: WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE: Solomon wanted wisdom and knowledge so he could "go out and come in before this people". This is an allusion to a shepherd's ability to successfully lead sheep. (Sheep are NEVER driven - they are led.) Wisdom is the ability to function successfully. The knowledge spoken of is NOT the "knowledge of good and evil", but the knowledge that proceeds from the throne of God, where ultimate reality resides. If knowledge is power, then wisdom is strength. Because Solomon's request was so pure, God added RICHES, WEALTH, HONOR, and the promise of LONG LIFE (conditional).
BUILDING THE TEMPLE: The "heavens and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him.." Hiram, king of Tyre, helped Solomon because he had loved David. TEMPLE LOCATION: Mt. Moriah (where Abraham sacrificed Isaac). Also where the angel's hand was stopped from destroying Jerusalem. Also called Mt. Zion, the threshing floor of Ornan. The pattern of the Temple, the size of the furniture, and the worship was ordained by Jehovah. The cedars of Lebanon were regarded as the stateliest of the trees and symbols of strength and power. They were the most sought-after and highly prized trees in the ancient world. This timber from Lebanon was floated in rafts by sea to Joppa. Thousands were conscripted to get the timber to Jerusalem and to hew them and put them into place. The measurements of the Temple were 90 feet long (60 cubits) X 30 feet wide (20 cubits) X 45 feet high (30 cubits). These linear measures are exactly double those of the Tabernacle of Moses.
JACHIN AND BOAZ: Two ornately carved brass pillars that stood "before the Temple", 35 cubits tall with 5 cu crowns on each one, totaling 60 feet tall! Jachin means "He will establish". Boaz means "In Him is strength." They were probably fire altars that lit up the front of the Temple at night. The pillars, which were hollow, were broken up and carried to Babylon at the fall of Jerusalem before Nebuchadnezzar.
RESPONSE: What would I ask God for if He promised to give me whatever I asked? Hmmm. I don't think I would have asked for wisdom a few years ago. That was back when I thought I either knew everything, or could figure it all out. Now, of course, when I am over 60, I know that KNOWING something doesn't make it yours - DOING it does. And we need wisdom to know how to use the knowledge we have! I am going to be thinking about this though .... whatever I ask for, huh?
ROMANS 6:1-23
FREEDOM FROM THE TYRANNY OF SIN: The Holy Spirit lives in us to re-create the image of Jesus in us, and to empower us for the change. My SELF or soul, is no longer my life source. When I live by the life of my flesh, allowing it to motivate and energize me, then I am a rebel and a fugitive from God.
THE SOLUTION: We do not suppress sin and temptation. When we are tempted to sin, we draw near to God and submit to Him, and then deny the flesh the right to rule us. Our real problem is the "body of sin". (6:5-6) "He that is dead is freed from sin." To be baptized into Christ's death is to join ourselves to Him in such a way that we acknowledge we were in Him when He died. All the verbs in Romans 6 are AORIST TENSE - which means it is done, finished, over. It is NOT AN ONGOING PROCESS. The process comes in because we are forming new habits that are consistent with our sanctification. We don't need more power for that; the flesh already has too much power and it needs to be broken! We live by the Life of God, Who holds all power. We actually need more of Jesus, and less of ourselves. Self-preservation puts us in conflict with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
THE CHALLENGE: When Adam sinned, taking the whole human race with him, we became self-aware, self-conscious, self-serving and self-defensive. From then on, man has viewed everything with a man-centered view, to glorify man. I must "lose" my life - separate it away from me for destruction - through obedience to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Sin comes through the flesh. BELIEVERS SIN BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. It is a challenge to "live unto God" because of the mixture that's in us. The root of all sin is HUMAN LUST, the demands of the flesh.
THE WEAKNESS OF THE LAW: Being under the Law causes sin to have dominion over us because the Law does not deal with the heart condition. It only deals with externals. Deliverance from the Law is necessary to be free from sin and sinning. In the flesh, we are truly impotent. This discovery is made with the help of the Law! GRACE, God's answer, is God's supernatural enablement to obey. Grace is God's strength, His power, and His sufficiency. The only way to free ourselves from being self-destructive is to SUBMIT TO GOD. Not being "under law, but under grace" does NOT means that we are without law or that we are not subject to the Old Testament!!!! Believers in Jesus obey the Law because they WANT to and because they are full of God (who can't sin).
THE RESULTS: The fruit of submission to God in the obedience of faith is holiness and the Life of God being seen in us. The fruit of disobedience (sin) is premature death because we become slaves to the devil's rival system of death. Obedience is the final test of faith.
RESPONSE: Whenever I say something I shouldn't, or think thoughts that are contrary to the Word of God, I tell myself that I only sin because my FLESH WANTS TO!! When I deny my flesh the right to act, it gets disappointed. T he way I deal with the "WANT TO" is with praise and thanksgiving to God for His goodness and greatness - it takes me right into His Presence. That is "presenting myself to God".
PSALM 16:1-11
Another Psalm describing the "Man of the Spirit". Here we learn that we find total satisfaction in Jesus and no other. There is nothing good apart from Him. Multiplied sorrows and pains and vexations are to them who chase after substitutes. I "set the Lord always before me" by speaking to Him always, making Him the center of my life, living as if I am in His Presence. That is where I find "fullness of joy" or complete satisfaction - because Jesus alone can be trusted wholly.
PROVERBS 19:20-21
Wisdom, the ability to function successfully, is aided by advice and instruction. The best teacher is not experience; the best teacher is someone else's experience! I shouldn't have to experience everything to learn the truth of it!
God's purposes prevail. We know that is true, but sometimes we think we can plan things without consulting God. Eph 1:11 says, "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.." And I like this one: "But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased." (Psa 115:3)
RESPONSE: "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:" (1 Pet 1:8) If we do NOT have that kind of joy, SOMETHING IS WRONG! When I was younger, I didn't know that I could expect joy in my life! That's because I was never happy. I was always complaining, always depressed, always feeling that someone owed me. Now I know that happiness is a CHOICE! I can choose to be happy. I can refuse to dwell on thoughts that are MAD, SAD OR BAD. I want to be the kind of person who doesn't get mad, who doesn't ever feel sorry for themselves. THAT IS MY CHOICE. And I have chosen it.
"Fullness of joy" is found ONLY in God's Presence. So, my next step was to "practice the Presence of God", by speaking to Him often - at least 2-3 times in every hour. By centering my mind on His goodness and greatness. I drew Him to me because I was drawing near to Him! (James 4:8) As I began to experience satisfaction from Him, my heart lightened up. Another thing I did was to express my thanks and appreciation for EVERYTHING, like it says in 1 Thess 5:18. This caused my mind to turn the corner - away from negativism and into hope. Someone is the recipient of my appreciation regularly. Not just God. These are habits that conform to our sanctification. The power to make new habits comes from God intermingling Himself with the new me, and death working in my flesh.
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