Friday, April 30, 2010

One Year Bible, May 1

JUDGES 13:1-14:20                                                                                                   
SAMSON: Although Samson is mentioned in Heb 11:32 as obeying "by faith", nevertheless, his failure came because he did not live a separated lifestyle. He was a Nazarite, the their key characteristic was their separation . Samson's name means "Sunshine" or "Brilliant" and the Holy Spirit came on him as a young man. Samson could "rend a lion", but he could not rend his own flesh. Although powerfully anointed, he was drawn away by lust and pressure.

RESPONSE:  What a warning! Just because you are spiritually powerful, does not mean you have God's approval.

JOHN 1:29-51                                                                                                                
"BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD":  John's Gospel is the only Gospel to call Jesus "the Lamb of God" (v.28 & 36).  This means that Jesus is the sacrifice for sin and that He saves sinners. Jesus was the meeting-place of God and Man, so that those who came close "beheld His glory".

"COME AND SEE":  The invitation of a lifetime.  Andrew saw "the Messiah".   Peter saw One who could change his character.   Philip saw Him Who was the fulfillment of Scripture.   Nathaniel saw "good out of Nazareth", the "Son of God", and the "king of Israel".

JACOB'S LADDER BECAME THE SON OF MAN. Communication between heaven and earth now takes place through Jesus Christ.

RESPONSE:   "Come and see". NOT "Try Me out" , but "Watch me".

PSALM 102:1-28                                                                                                         
FAITH TRIUMPHS OVER AFFLICTION. Prayer is like breathing; without prayer, the spirit will suffocate. Prayer sustains the life of God in us. V.12 turns the Psalm with "But Thou O Lord...." with unshakable faith in God. He is the never-changing, eternal God (V.27).

PROVERBS 14:15-16                                                                                                
The fool is without principles, and without foundation in Truth, lacks judgment and discernment, so he can be conned.  It is wisdom to be cautious. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thess 5:21)

Be grateful for the fear of the Lord.  It will keep you from willfully sinning.   I understand that God is great, terrible, earth-shaking, mountain-splitting, and stormy, yet He loves me.  Here is a definition you should never forget: FEAR OF GOD: Acute awareness of God's power that produces respect. Overwhelmed by the Greater One. Trembling awareness that life has meaning, and my choices have consequences.

Matt 10:28, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

Jer 5:22, "Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD. "Should you not tremble in my presence?"

Fearing God means you have to act consistently with God's commands. So the fear of God is inconsistent with evil or deceit.

RESPONSE:  I laugh whenever people describe the fear of God as just "respect".  I think they are trying to keep God "manageable".  Of course, if by "respect", you mean submissive, then I could buy it.  But if you are a believer living in sin, you should be very afraid.  Part of what it means to have the fear of God is to recognize that our choices have consequences, and some of those consequences are eternal.

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