Saturday, April 17, 2010

One Year Bible, April 16

JOSHUA 13:1-14:15                                                                                           

JOSHUA'S OLD AGE: "old and sticken in years" - the war had taken a toll on Joshua. There are areas that have not yet been subdued, but God told him to divide that land even though it was not yet taken!

(1) (14:9) Based on obedience - "wholly followed the Lord".
(2) (Num 26:53-56) Based on numerical strength.
(3) (14:2) Amount and quality of inheritance determined by God (1Co 12:11; Heb 2:4).
(4) The allotment was a reward and it differed in degrees of glory.

THE CITY FOURSQUARE: "Kirjath-arba" means "City Foursquare", and was another name for Hebron - the inheritance Caleb wanted. He is 85 years old and his name means "ferocious; "whole-hearted", and that he was! "Give me this mountain". (v.12) spoke the giant-killer (he killed the Anakim that were there.) Num 14:24 says he was "a man of another spirit".

RESPONSE:   Caleb was probably built like a fireplug and resembled a bulldog, especially in his tenacity.  His attitude and his ability were based on the Presence of God on him, (v.12) "if so the Lord be with me".  He had what it took to go the distance.  He was a seasoned believer whom God had kept alive for that day (V.10). He still had a marriageable daughter living with him, as we will see in Ch.15.  I have met people like that, who, in their old age, are still vigorous, healthy, and ready to go!  We need seasoned believers in our midst who can tell us how to live the life of an overcomer.  Who can show us how to kill a few giants in our way.

LUKE 18:1-17                                                                                                     

SELF-RIGHTEOUS VS SELF-SACRIFICE: Prayer is the urge of a life toward God, setting our minds on things above (Col 3:2).  When the pressure comes to walk the talk - when pressure makes you choose between the flesh and the spirit, Jesus says to PRAY. In another place He said, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." (Matt 26:41)  When you are in a helpless situation with no way out, PRAY.  If the unjust judge finally gave in, just think what a willing God Who loves you will do!  We don't have to nag. When we keep coming, it is because we want to be connected with God, Who is our Father and our Source. Continual prayer is an outward evidence of faith. Prayer is faith expressed. Prayer is to keep us in communication with God, to bring US to an understanding of how things work in the spiritual realms.  But, the self-sufficient, self-righteous Pharisee "prays" what sounds more like a self-eulogy that explains why he doesn't need God. His fasting and tithing were substitutes for relationship with God. The publican demonstrated real pain in his soul and couldn't find words to explain the depth of his need. He was like the "little children" - humble, needy, and dependent.

RESPONSE:   So, on one side you have the Pharisees who are interrogating Jesus, the Pharisee in the story, and the disciples scaring little children. On the other side were the widow, the publican and the little children. Once again, Jesus the King was being stampeded. He didn't say, "Bring them here". He said, "Don't keep them away from Me." They came on their own. While the Pharisees only came around to criticize and trap Him. The real star of this story is the approach to Jesus. The most despised members of society were justified before God, and their approach was simple and childlike. Humility is self-sacrificial. It's the way of the Cross, that Jesus has been talking about to His disciples. It not only recognizes our own unworthiness, but it also knows there is nothing we can do to make it any better. We can only repent and bow. And the beauty of it is that God respects that!

PSALM 85:1-13                                                                                                  

RESTORATION IN THE MIDST OF OPPOSITION: (V.6) "Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?" (V.1-3) We have been freed from the consequences of sin and we are saved. (V.4-7) Restore spiritual vitality through the conversion of our SOULS (sanctification process). (V.8) The turning point: Submit to and obey what God SAYS (not wait for what He DOES). (V.9-13) God's will is to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Heaven and earth come together when Truth springing up from earth meets righteousness coming down. Truth springing up is our faithfulness to the conditions of covenant. The righteousness coming down is the fulfilling of God's promises.

PROVERBS 13:7-8                                                                                        
Someone told me once that that poor people are poor because they live like rich people. And rich people are rich because they live like poor people. I think that's what this proverb is trying to say. And a poor man never has to worry about being kidnapped for ransom.

RESPONSE:  I have always thought of revival as God DOING something in our midst, not SAYING something! And this definition of "revival" is different too: heaven and earth coming together. There is reconciliation between heaven and earth because IN JESUS "mercy and truth are met together." KISS! KISS! Let glory live in our land!

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