Saturday, January 2, 2010

One Year Bible, January 1

GENESIS 1:1-2:25
It is interesting to me that "Genesis" means "come to birth" or "beginning". And so, it should answer the questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

I believe that most of these questions are answered right up front. Identity: Image of God. Heritage (where I'm from): Father God in heaven. Purpose: Dominion (as described in Genesis 1:26-28). Destiny: God's Presence.

Why did God call everything He made "good"? In the Bible, goodness is the quality that makes a person or thing useful and able to fulfil its purpose. For example, some old jumper cables with one handle missing, laying on the back seat of the car is "NOT good", because it can't fulfil its purpose.

Because I brought it up, I'd better define "dominion" also. If my purpose for being here has to do with dominion, I'd better know how to fulfil it. I believe that the NIV calls it "rule". However, the Bible word, "rule", has more to do with responsibility, than it does with control. In fact, it has NOTHING to do with control. God defined it as "be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it". In other words, our actions should be redemptive and aid in having things fulfill their purpose.

RESPONSE: Because the Bible is an interactive book and is God's Words and thoughts, it demands a response from me. My response is this: Genesis 1:1 says that the earth (I am an "earthen vessel") was "formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." The King James says "without form and void". This is actually a definition of "chaos".

God, my life is like that at times - "formless and empty and dark". Please, let Your Spirit hover over me and bring forth order and life.

MATTHEW 1:1-2:12
In the geneology of Jesus, I see two "outsiders", Rahab and Ruth. Both WOMEN, by the way, were Gentiles. Rahab was a harlot! But they brought forth Jesus! "'Nuff said."

The kings who came to see Jesus brought Him the ingredients of burial spices. I don't know if anyone else thinks that is significant.

PSALM 1:1-6
This is one of my favorite Psalms because it introduces us to the concept of "meditation". Biblical medication does NOT involve emptying the mind or an altered mental state. I FILL my mind with the goodness and sufficiency of God. I focus on what God said, regardless of the bludgeoning of my circumstances. I learn to enjoy God more than food (according to Psa 119) and this has the power to reassure my heart about the rightness and goodness of God. Complaining is negative meditation and it documents ingratitude and unbelief and brings spiritual darkness.

Wisdom is the art of being successful. It is the skill to make right choices. Wisdom is the ability to see all of life from God's point of view and all wisdom resides in God.  Proverbs starts out by telling us that if we want wisdom, then we need to read and understand the Book of Proverbs.

RESPONSE: God, teach me wisdom. I set myself to learn from Proverbs and from the Spirit of God. I meditate right now on how faithfull You are. You are wise and savvy. There is nothing You can't do. You have my best interests at heart and all understanding resides with You.

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to reading with others and studying it at the same time. And I LOVE the blog idea. I know this will be a lot of work for you but I hope it will be a labor of love. Thanks for taking it on :)
