Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Year Bible - October 7, 1020

JEREMIAH 8:8 - 9:26                                                                                                         
"IS THERE NO BALM IN GILEAD"? (8:20-22) "The summer is ended and we are not saved."  False prophets have insisted that Jerusalem was in no danger ("peace! peace!") and became Jeremiah's most difficult problem.   The truth is that things will get so bad that people will choose death rather than life.  Jeremiah is pouring out his soul in grief.  Rebellion is the serpent's venom.  Bitterness is the adder's strike, and "cannot be charmed".  But Jesus will bruise his head!  YES!  THERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD.  HIS NAME IS JESUS!

MAN OF SORROWS: Jeremiah is a type of Jesus. He weeps day and night over the impending judgment.  He moved about among the people, warning, begging, pleading, threatening, persuading, imploring - in vain.   They don't know the truth about God, they don't know God at all, or they would repent and return to Him. (v.23-24)   The knowledge of God transcends anything the world has to offer.  Knowing and understanding God is not a common thing - it is a privilege.  Let this thrill you: "that you understand and know God."  In the day of trouble and judgment, you won't be able to rely on man's wisdom or man's might, or even man's wealth.   It is all insufficient and powerless to save you and avert judgment.

CONFIDENCE IN THE DAY OF TROUBLE & JUDGMENT:   We know that God makes a distinction in who is His (circumcised in their hearts) and who is not.   People value wisdom, might and riches.  They view the Word of God as worthless or irrelevant.  In fact, they set up their value system in COMPETITION with God.  They think they are blessed, even tho' they are alienated from God. God values lovingkindness (God's affectionate response to His own, full of favor, mercy and goodness) , justice, and righteousness.   God loves us when none is required or even deserved.  His "justice and righteousness" speak of His faithful protection by which He preserves His people in time of trouble.   It defines the way God governs and regulates the world.   It is always just and right.   If we glory in anything, it should be in God alone.  God hates that confidence by which men presumptuously boast in themselves, thinking they can take care of themselves.   All men without God are miserable.

RESPONSE: The whole concept of "knowing God" was so foreign to me that I didn't even know that I didn't really know Him!  I thought that if I was saved, I knew God.   Now I know that I am only getting started with that knowing!   And as my knowledge of God grows, I have to keep adjusting to what I know.   This is because revelation about God is progressive and supplemental, enlarging and clarifying as we go on with the Lord.   And we'll never plumb all the depths!  There will always be more and more - on into eternity.  With each revelation, more freedom comes because of His lovingkindness, justice and righteousness.

COLOSSIANS 3:1-17                                                                                                         
CURRICULUM FOR CHRISTLIKENESS:  Removing our automatic responses against the Kingdom of God.

THINK HEAVENLY THOUGHTS (1-4): We must break the power of the evil patterns that governed our lives when we were alienated from God.  Our habitual patterns of thought, feeling and behavior are deeply entrenched, but are not who we are any more.   Whatever we choose to dwell on, determines how we live.  Our NEW man must purposely disrupt our thoughts with new ones that orient themselves around God.   So we "set our affections on things above".  "Set your affection" - means to set your mind on something that will determine your behavior.   We are "savoring" the thoughts.   It is the Greek word, "phroneo".  The "things of the earth" are under a curse, and our obligation and relationship to them was terminated when we died "in Christ".   To keep us safe, our lives are now "hid with Christ" and we are intimately bound to Him.   The sign that the battle is over, is that Christ is "seated on the right hand of God".  This means our thoughts need not dwell on "battles" here on earth.  One day, we will be in heaven, physically - we will be where Jesus is - and must keep this goal before us.  It is a waste of effort to spend all our thoughts on earthly things.  So heaven becomes "north" on my compass.  My thoughts always "default" to "things above".  This allows my preoccupation with heaven to govern how I live minute-by-minute.  THIS TAKES PRACTICE TO GET GOOD AT IT.  I purposely interrupt myself to give praise and thanks to God.  I resist the idea that happiness or contentment can be found in anything this world has to offer.

KILL OFF THE "OLD MAN" (OLD NATURE - NATURAL, EARTHY PERSON): the "old you".  "Mortify" means "put to death" - - - what belongs to our earthly nature, our old self.  These characteristics are of the FLESH - another NT word that refers to the SELF.  This is strong language to address a strong enemy.  The flesh is represented in the OT by all the Canaanite tribes that had to be butchered as the Israelites moved into the Land.  They were to make no deals with them, kill them all, tear down all their objects of worship, and never marry any of them!  Even in Colossians 3:5 "fornication, impurity, lust, evil desires and covetousness" are called IDOLATRY.   God ALWAYS goes after idolatry because it is so repugnant to Him that we would prefer substitutes and counterfeits.   These things manifest in a life that feeds on earthly philosophies of life.

So, like dirty, foul-smelling clothes, "take off" these old repulsive habits.   Habits are just that - and can be changed by replacing them with new habits.  Then, we put on our brand-new clothes and live in conformity of the One Who created us.  When we "clothe ourselves with Christ", we lose class, gender and ethnic distinction.

"PUT ON CHRIST": Clothe yourself. (Eph 6:11 - same word)  The chief item of clothing is "love". It is foundational (like a girdle?).  "Peace" is our "umpire" - letting us know when we made an "illegal play."  And we must be a THANKFUL people.  INgratitude is the beginning of a downward spiral that ends in death.

WORD-SATURATED:  As "the Word becomes flesh in us," our behavior more accurately manifests Jesus.   It helps us to inter-relate with other parts of His body.

RESPONSE:   Just a few details about the "how to..."   For example, "killing  our flesh", also called "dying to self", happens many ways. The most prominent way to deny the flesh is in obedience to God.   Each time we deny the flesh to obey the Word or the Voice of God, we are killing more of it.  We also deny the flesh when we worship God.   Worship breaks the addiction to ourselves by taking us outside of ourselves and into the spirit realm.   Serving others helps crucify the flesh also.   Giving money not only denies our flesh, but also documents gratitude - and refusing to give documents INgratitude.   Expressing appreciation helps breaks the repulsive habit of criticism and fault-finding.  Rom 12:21 tells us to "overcome evil with good".

PSALM 78:32-55                                                                                                              
COMPLAINING:  Complaining is negative meditation and documents  ingratitude.   Complaining is usually rooted in anger, and it is self-righteous and self-centered.  There is a degree of "entitlement" to it, too.  People who complain often see themselves as victims, when Believers in Jesus are sacrifices who are full of power.   Complaining is actually UNBELIEF.  It blinds us to Truth and hinders the work of God in us.  In Psalm 78, we learn that the people whom God miraculously provided for:  (v.22-29) complained about the food and God's provision.  (v.30-35) didn't believe God despite all He'd done for them.  (v.36-37) Lied to God and didn't keep their promises to Him.   (v.38-41) Were ungrateful and grieved the Holy Spirit.   (v.42-55) forgot God's goodness and God's greatness.   (v.56-58) were treasonous and betrayed God.

RESPONSE: My first reaction is to say that I'd NEVER do that!  But I complain a lot!  It is a very difficult habit to overcome.  It must be overcome with "good" (Rom 12:21).   When I am in a situation where I feel a complaint "welling up" inside me, I purposely interrupt my thoughts with 1 Thess 5:16-18, and  "rejoice evermore" ("at all times".) and "give thanks in everything." I will keep you posted!

PROVERBS 24:27                                                                                                               
This is why it is impossible to keep a farmhouse clean.  There is always something that needs to be done outside.

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