Monday, March 29, 2010

One Year Bible, March 29

DEUTERONOMY 11:1-12:32                                                                          
One of the goals of Bible-reading is spiritual maturity. Truth is what frees us from SELF and selfishness. The first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) sets the pattern for man's spiritual growth and maturity. Deuteronomy specifically describes how God makes us fit for Canaan. This is a picture for God making us fit to live in His Presence, in the invisible spirit realms, otherwise called "the Land", "our portion", "our inheritance", "the Rest", "the Life," "Kingdom of God". The emphasis and our supreme duty to God is obedience. (Deut 12:26-28) If we obey God, we'll be blessed. If we disobey God, we'll be cursed.

Everything about the Land, the Life, (John 10:10) is by GRACE. God will not only give us the Kingdom/Land, but He will water it Himself, make the grass grow, cause other tribes to be afraid of us, give us joy and fulfillment in our work, give us plenteous fruit for our labors, and put His blessing on us. All we have to do is obey.

CONDITION OF THE BLESSING: What is it that we have to obey in order to be blessed and not cursed? That's what Deut 12 is about.

(1) "Destroy utterly" every place where pagan worship took place - and every "altar, pillar, grove, graven image, names of gods". The place is our flesh. The "altars, pillars, groves, graven images, names of gods" are our "lusts and affections" that are in our flesh. Gal 5:24 says, "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." And Rom 8:12-13, "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify (put to death) the deeds of the body, ye shall live." And then Gal 6:8, "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." Gal 5:19-20 tell us what that is - what is produced by the flesh. It sounds like it actually came from the devils in hell - but THE BIBLE SAYS it comes from our own flesh. Obedience gives us the opportunities to crucify the flesh.

(2) When you enter the Land of Rest, you can't do "whatsoever is right in your own eyes." You can't follow human reasoning. You can't live independent from God. You may not worship like everyone else, or do it because "everyone is doing it." There is to be no compromise with the people around you. You may not adjust your worship style to please people. Don't be snared by your enemies out of a desire to "fit in".

RESPONSE:   When we quote this verse, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Mat 6:21), do we really know what we are saying? If our "treasure" is anything but God, we will eventually be tempted to betray Him for our "treasure". A "treasure" is "anything that motivates us to some action". So, if it isn't God, it may be an "altar, pillar, etc." When my obedience makes me chose between something I want and something God wants, THAT is my opportunity to crucify the flesh - or kill a Hittite.

LUKE 8:22-39                                                                                                  
FEAR AND FAITH ARE NOT COMPATIBLE:  In fact, they are pretty much opposites. The disciples were rebuked for their lack of faith because they feared. What did they fear? V. 25 says they feared the Truth about Jesus! That fact that His authority caused them to fear, showed a lack of faith, according to Jesus' rebuke. Now look at the townspeople of Gadara. They preferred the status quo to the Truth. They cared more about their pocketbooks than about the monster who lived in the graveyard. They feared Jesus, too, because He upset the way things were. But the demon-possessed man has faith in the One Who rescued him from hell and wants to be a follower.

The disciples and the people of Gadara were fearful because of the Truth about Who Jesus is and the consequential requirement that they would have to change. The absence of fear (the demon-possessed man) was the result of believing faith in Jesus, Who is the Truth, and his faith changed everything.

RESPONSE:   Jesus isn't just a "nice man". He holds all authority, and isn't afraid to use it! He is savvy, compassionate, wise, and always knows what to do. That is scary if you don't want to change. Faith and "the fear of God" are not only compatible, but the fear of God is necessary for faith to operate. BUT, the fear of anything but God will hinder faith from working. Fear is actually a negative-faith.

PSALM 70:1-5                                                                                                 
This is a repeat of Psa 40:13-17 - and so it is called "Remembrance" when God seems to forget us.

PROVERBS 12:4                                                                                              
What kind of woman is a CROWN to her husband? The original Hebrew word is "chayil" which refers to the strength and force of an army; valor; power; wealth; substance; virtue. It is the word used in "mighty men of valour" in the Bible.

RESPONSE: Wowza! A good woman is a powerful woman, a useful woman, a strong, take-action woman. Contrary to what some people think, she makes her husband look powerful too!

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