Friday, February 5, 2010

One Year Bible, February 7

EXODUS 26:1-27:21
The Tabernacle itself was a wooden building, divided by a veil into two compartments. The front compartment was twice the size of the back compartment, which was square. The front compartment was called the Holy Place, and the back room was the Holy of Holies, where the Ark and the Mercy Seat were placed.

The vertical boards of the building are the many-membered body, and stood on a silver base (price of redemption), never to touch the ground again! They are held together with five cross-bars, the five-fold ministry gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11. All those boards and bars were covered with gold. God pictures me as gold, sitting on a block of silver!

The Tabernacle building was surrounded by a "fence" covered in white linen (the righteousness of the saints Rev 19:8) , so that the passing tribes only saw the white fence. In that outdoor space, called the Outer Court, were the brass altar for sacrifices and the brass wash basin to clean the priests (brass typifying judgment). Notice, that the Tabernacle implements in the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies are made of gold. There is no judgment once you enter the building and God's Presence. The cleansing takes place in the Outer Court, by blood, by water, and by the Word and Spirit.

RESPONSE:  Just think! Jesus ascended to the heavenly Mercy Seat and put His own blood on it (Heb 10:19-21)! Provision was made for my continual cleansing - I can approach God any time without going through all the rituals I am about to read about. Jesus is the last sacrifice! We walk right in, like Moses did! Here I am again! I am amazed at my access to heaven! What a glorious concept! I don't have to wait until I'm dead to go to heaven! Heaven has come to me!

MATTHEW 25:1-30
What is the "kingdom of heaven"? The answer is important, because it will determine what you believe about judgment and when it takes place. Jesus taught the "Gospel of the Kingdom" (Matt 4:23). Paul preached "the kingdom of God" (Acts 28:30-31).

The term "kingdom of heaven" occurs 31 times in Matthew. It is noteworthy that it appears nowhere else in the New Testament. When you compare Matthew's gospel with the parallel passages in Mark and Luke, you find that where Matthew says "kingdom of heaven", Mark and Luke say "kingdom of God".  The phrase "kingdom of heaven" is the same as the phrase "kingdom of God". Neither is the kingdom of heaven the same thing as heaven. When the New Testament uses the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” it is not referring to heaven. Keep in mind that Matthew is the most extremely anti-Semitic book in the Bible, as it was written to prove that the Gospel of the kingdom of God was NOT a revision or a restoration of Judaism, but a fulfillment of the Promises and a NEW COVENANT, a NEW thing entirely, requiring a new wineskin, new commandments, new paradigm, new creatures, and even new language.

*NOTE: The Kingdom of God is the invisible realm (Luke 17:20-21) of the spirit (Romans 14:17) that is shared NOW among us as Believers. It is entered by rebirth (John 4:4) and through "much tribulation" (Acts 14:22). It is NOT an earthly kingdom (John 18:36), but it is a PRESENT reality (Mark 1:14-15; Luke 17:21; Romans 14:17).

If the Kingdom of God is a present reality and does not refer to heaven itself, then the parable of the 10 virgins cannot be referring to the Final Judgment. But it CAN refer to the fact that Israel lost sight of the fact that their Bridegroom was coming because of the delay in His coming. When they were called to the "marriage" (salvation) they weren't "ready". There came a day when it was too late because the Lord said, "I know you not".  

The parable of the talents has been interpreted so many ways, but again, v.19 shows us the DELAY-test again, and that eventually with each person, God will take away even the opportunity to obey.

This story was told about God's "own servants" who were left with God's "goods" (25:14).  How do we apply this to "the elder brother" (Luke 15:11)? First of all, who was left with "the oracles of God" (Rom 3:2)? The Jews had an advantage over Gentiles because they not only had God's "goods", but were already in the household as "his own servants". Just like the Jews leaving the Wilderness, it was through fear and unbelief that they disqualified themselves, became lazy and wicked and worthless(25:26, 30) so that (Matt 21:43) "The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof." (a return on God's goods/investment)

Once again, we are not off the hook, as fear and unbelief will also keep us from giving God a return on His investment in us. We can be disqualified as being lazy, wicked and worthless.

RESPONSE:  Lord, I want to be prepared for whatever You have for me. I don't want to be known as lazy, wicked, burnt-out, fearful, or unbelieving. Help me to stay on my toes. I will be extra careful during the dark times to always watch for You. I understand the temptation to let my light go out when I am tired, distressed, upset, but I resist that by staying ON FIRE - I'm keeping my light going, and not hiding it either. I stir up my own heart with praise and thanksgiving. I know that if I get too tired, too hungry, too rushed, then I start backing away from being on fire.

PSALM 31:1-8
Strength in the Time of Trouble: We take refuge in the Lord when we refuse to defend ourselves, do not demand our own way, and then not complain, and when we surrender to Him to "lead and guide" us. The original language means "to personally conduct us gently and with care like a shepherd". We appeal to the "Lord God of Truth" as opposed to "worthless idols". Our God is the One Who keeps His promises, because He IS Truth. The worthless idols are man-centered appeals like religious tradition or humanism, which can't be trusted with our spirits. So when we are cornered by our troubles, God brings us out into a "spacious place". 

Wisdom is the cure for falling into temptation, and so wisdom is personified as the woman who is to be chosen over the harlot. The harlot is a personification of the seduction and deceitfulness of sin. Wisdom speaks truth, and not perversion and so her words are precious and deserve our attention.

RESPONSE:  I know that when I fall into temptation it is because I am being stupid. I don't always listen to Wisdom and so I get seduced. God, I don't want to be like that. I don't want to make Jesus look like a jerk! Your grace is sufficient for me to act on wisdom. I rely on the Holy Spirit to warn me when I need it. I stir myself up to pay attention to God, to be thinking about Him wherever I am. To be conscious of His Presence at all times. I am excited to walk before Him, knowing He will "lead me and guide me."

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