Tuesday, June 29, 2010
One Year Bible, June 29
2 KINGS 15:1-16:20
UZZIAH (AZARIAH), KING OF JUDAH: Reigned in Jerusalem 52 years. He was successful in warfare and commerce, defeating the Philistines and Ammonites. But his heart was lifted up with pride and he went into the Temple to burn incense, invading the priest's office. So GOD smote him with leprosy in the forehead, which he had until he died.
ZACHARIAH, KING OF ISRAEL, ETC. ETC. ETC. : He lasted 6 months and was assassinated by SHALLUM, who ruled in his stead - thus ending Jehu's dynasty. SHALLUM ruled one month and was assassinated by MENAHEM, who then ruled in his place. MENAHEM was Israel's army general, and ruled in Samaria for 10 years and died a natural death. PEKAHIAH , his son reigned 2 years and was assassinated by his captain, PEKAH, who ruled 20 years. PEKAH was so evil that JEHOVAH GOD brought the Assyrians to carry parts of Israel into captivity. HOSHEA assassinated PEKAH and ruled in his place. He was the last of the 19 kings who misruled Israel. When Assyria came against him, he became a tributary. He turned to Egypt for help and Shalmaneser of Assyria put him into prison! Assassinations and anarchy mark the last rebellious years of Israel's existence.
JOTHAM, KING OF JUDAH: (meanwhile, in the Southern Kingdom once again:) Jotham was 20-years-old when his father was smitten with leprosy and became co-regent, then taking the throne when he was 25. He had a godly mother, but the people around him were corrupt. He became mighty because "he prepared his ways before the Lord his God" (He established and ordered his business in alignment with the word of the Lord.)
AHAZ, KING OF JUDAH: VERY WICKED!!! Began his reign at age 20. He committed gross idolatry including human sacrifice. He brought darkness to Israel. People were carried away into slavery, some were slaughtered. He himself cut up the vessels of the Temple, then shut the Temple doors, built his own altar, rearranged the Temple furniture, practice astrology, and worshipped the gods of Syria.
RESPONSE: Never disregard the warning voices from God, whether they be friends, Scripture, television preachers, circumstances, the Holy Spirit inside you! God even used a donkey to speak to a prophet! Are we getting the message yet? Man cannot rule himself! It is a joke to say you are "self-ruled" or even "self-made". There is no such thing! SELF, and the flesh are the arena where Satan rules. So, if God is not ruling your life, then guess who is! We think many times that we are "doing our own thing", but that's self-delusion. There are only TWO WAYS TO DO ANYTHING: GOD'S WAY AND THE WRONG WAY!
ACTS 19:13-41
See yesterday's blog.
PSALM 147:1-20
NOTE: This Psalm begins and ends with "Praise ye the Lord." Now we praise Him for His power and His great mercy and grace. "the outcasts of Israel" are those outside the Church, those without a covenant with God (Eph 2:12-13) which is not gentiles, by the way - but "outsiders". We all know that "outcasts" are those that no one else wants. But here we see that God gathers up the outcasts, heals their broken hearts and binds their wounds! God does not delight Himself in the strong, the rich and the talented; "He takes pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy." God wants us to depend on Him! "His Word runs swiftly..." He speaks things into existence, and even inanimate objects obey His voice.
Understanding and wisdom are deep, not just on the surface for display, like the fool's words. Words of wisdom are ever-flowing, not at all like the fool's shallow knowledge.
As for Prov 18:5, we all know that there are no rich people on death row! In fact, I read somewhere that no one currently on death row ever earned more than $8000/year! You can't convince me that a rich man NEVER committed an offense that carries the death penalty. In other words, if you are rich, you can beat the system - even though this verse says that is "not good".
RESPONSE: Thank God He gathers up the outcasts! And praise the Lord that He heals our broken hearts and binds our wounds. And hallelujah! I don't have to be good-looking, mighty, or athletic for Him to delight in me! And according to Psa 147, as long as I am "meek" or flexible and teachable - willing to be corrected and willing to change - God will "lift me up".
One Year Bible, June 28
2 KINGS 13:1 - 14:29
IDOLATORS: Israel is being slowly destroyed because of idolatry. IDOLATRY: Anything that substitutes for God in our quest to fill the abysmal hungers in our heart. Idolatry is man-centered religion - departing from God-centeredness. Whenever we act independently from God, we immediately identify with the heathen world around us. Idolatry is hypocrisy and doublemindedness. Idolatry is when we believe any kind of man-centered ideas, opinions, actions, beliefs, systems, anything at all that does not have the ability to satisfy us, in substitution for Truth. When we do that, we are vulnerable to destruction by Satan and the world-spirit.
ELISHA: Now over 90 years old, and 63-66 years since his call to ministry. Joash, King of Israel, came to see him on his deathbed, not out of love for Elisha, but out of fear for himself and his kingdom.
"THE ARROW OF THE LORD'S DELIVERANCE": With Elisha's death, Joash fears that his "link" with Jehovah will be gone. Israel's future will be shaky at best without Elisha's intercession. And so, Elisha tries to demonstrate to him that this is wrong thinking. After firing an arrow to symbolize Israel's victory over Syria, Elisha expected Joash to "get it", and really trample the ground with arrows to signify a slaughter! With this chapter, we come to an end of an era—the times of Elijah and Elisha. The time for Israel to repent is running out.
BUT THERE IS MORE...... After Elisha died and was entombed, there was another funeral nearby, that got interrupted by marauding Moabites. So the family tossed the body into Elisha's tomb, which was apparently easily accessible. When the dead body landed on Elisha's bones, the man came to life! This miracle was designed to give Joash courage and hope, so that he would engage Syria in battle, and experience the victories that God had promised. If Elisha’s bones still had power in the tomb, then surely his words were also to be trusted. And so the chapter ends, "Three times did Joash beat him, and recovered the cities of Israel."
AMAZIAH, KING OF JUDAH (the good guys): This king had a good beginning. Prideful because of his successes (14:10), he decided to take on the King of Israel, Jehoash. Jehoash defeated him and pillaged the Temple and the Palace. This was Amaziah's punishment for defeating Edom and then bringing their gods back to Jerusalem and setting them up to worship! Fifteen years later, there was a conspiracy that murdered Amaziah and buried him in Mt. Zion.
JEROBOAM II, KING OF ISRAEL: Ruled 41 years, the longest and most prosperous reign of any Northern Kings. He did more of the same as his fathers: "the evil" (idolatry). God is setting us up to see the justice of what He did to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and even to the Southern Kingdom of Judah.
RESPONSE: God HATES idolatry! Yet, for some reason, these kings thought that they could get away with it. In fact, they had come to believe that by "covering all their bases", they would prosper. So, they thought that the more gods they collected, the better off they were. And so, we try that too. We have hobbies, more electronics, more children, more boyfriends, more money, another house, a bigger car --- whatever makes us "happy" and "complete". But these things don't work! Being TOLERANT of other "religions" doesn't work either. Fortunately, as we grow and mature as believers, God strips away our other dependencies. We have to teach our hearts that God is enough. If we have nothing but God, He is still enough. We must constantly be on guard against ever thinking that we need God AND......, whatever it may be. If we would worship and give thanks until we are satisfied, we would find that He really and truly is sufficient and does satisfy the hungers of the heart.
ACTS 18:23 - 19:12
Paul is learning how the Kingdom of God gets extended:
PHILIPPI: Acts 16:12-40: The importance and POWER of prayer and worship.
THESSALONICA & BEREA: Acts 17:1-14: The importance and POWER of the Word.
ATHENS: Acts 17:15-45: Man's problem is MORAL, not intellectual; so intellectual arguments fail to convince.
CORINTH: Acts 18:1-17: The importance of the of strength and authority of the Gospel.
EPHESUS: Acts 18:18-28: While in Corinth, Paul met Priscilla and Aquila. When he left Ephesus, he left them there as intercessors, along with Apollos who joins them later. After returning and reporting to his "sending church" in Antioch, Paul returned to EPHESUS.
EPHESUS: Acts 19:1-20:1: The importance of the POWER and authority of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The believers in Ephesus had been baptized in repentance of John, but not in the POWER of the Holy Spirit. First they were instructed to believe on Jesus, then they were baptized in the Name of Jesus, THEN, with hands laid on them, they were filled with Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues. Paul taught there at least two years (v.10). EPHESUS was the center of Diana worship and so was held by strong and entrenched demonic powers. (Incidentally Diana was a mother-goddess.) V. 37 says that Paul and his group were "nor yet blasphemers of your goddess." WHICH IS PROOF THAT PAUL DID NOT "COME AGAINST RULING SPIRITS" in Ephesus, but PREACHED THE GOSPEL in the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.
RESPONSE: Going by the response of the people in Ephesus, it becomes obvious that the Presence of the Lord had infiltrated and influenced their systems. It says that the "word of God prevailed". Why did the Ephesians wait two years to say anything? Obviously because of the power and authority of prayer, worship, the Word, the Gospel and the Holy Spirit!
PSALM 146:1-10
Psalm 146-150 are "HALLELUJAH!" Psalms, each beginning and ending with "praise ye the Lord" or "hallelujah". They were sung at the dedication of the post-exilic Temple and were Psalms sung by Haggai and Zechariah. This is a personal Psalm revealing our lifelong confidence in God. As long as I live, I will praise God! He shall reign forever! But God turns the world of the wicked upside-down.
A fool doesn't seek knowledge because he thinks that he already possesses all he needs to know. And so, he is talkative, showing off his "true greatness" - which is actually just foolishness because it's based on a contempt for true knowledge (which begins and ends with God). When the wicked comes among wise men, he comes not to learn but to speak contempt on every persons and everything, especially on the godly. He has no respect for true knowledge either.
RESPONSE: Trust in humans is, at best, temporal because they die just like everything else on the earth. If you want Someone you can trust beyond the grave, it must be God - Who made heaven and earth and sea, and reigns forever. We shouldn't even trust our politicians or leaders to deliver us or rescue us. They are only human and their deliverance won't be lasting. Only God is worth praise FOREVER - and FOR AS LONG AS WE LIVE. He will never disappoint.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
One Year Bible, June 27
2 KINGS 10:32 - 12:21
"God cut off Israel": (destroy, cut away) In fact, the 2-1/2 tribes living EAST of the Jordan River were destroyed or captured and taken away. The people who are content to live on the perimeter of the Kingdom of God, are the first ones to be captured by the enemy.
ATHALIAH: Daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, married Jehoshaphat's son Jehoram, king of Judah. Ahaziah, king of Judah, was her son. When Ahaziah died, Athaliah, the queen-mother, determined to rule, and so she wiped out the "royal house of Judah", all except for one child - JOASH - hidden by his auntie (for 6 years).
JOASH: When Joash was 7-years-old, JEHOIDA, the priest, conspired against Athaliah the queen and slew her and her followers. He crowned Joash king in the Temple with guards surrounding him. As long as Jehoida lived, Joash mounted restorations to the House of the Lord, but left the high places intact. Jehoida died at 130-years-old and was buried with the Kings! With his faithful counselor dead, Joash backslid. Jehoida's sons warned Joash with prophesies, but Joash had them killed! When Hazael of Syria prepared to invade Jerusalem, Joash bought him off with the gold and the "hallowed things" from the Temple and Palace. His own officials killed Joash in his bed after a 40-year reign. He was NOT buried with the kings, but in the family plot.
RESPONSE: When we come to God, we must come ALL the way in! Hanging out in the doorway will get you excluded, then captured by the enemy. 2 John 2:12-14 tell us that in the faith, there are "little children, young men, and fathers". It also lists the characteristics of each category. I won't go into it here, however, until you lay down your life (your rights, your reputation, and your dignity - Phil 2), you are not a Biblical "father" (you won't reproduce - John 12:24-25). When the 2-1/2 tribes made the decision to live EAST of the Jordan River, they were a type of the Christian who doesn't grow beyond "young men". The Jordan River is a type of "death to the SELF or flesh". Even though the "young men" knew the Word and cast out devils, they were not considered mature because they still were aggressive, easily offended, independent, mixing works with faith, and "claiming" things by faith instead of possessing them by the Cross. AS A RESULT: they were picked off by the enemy. Hazael is a type of the FLESH, or the "world-spirit" of antichrist at work IN THE CHURCH. By tolerating even a LITTLE BIT of idolatry, Joash also left himself wide open and vulnerable to the enemy.
ACTS 18:1-22
Paul is learning how the Kingdom of God gets extended:
PHILIPPI: Acts 16:12-40: The importance and POWER of prayer and worship.
THESSALONICA & BEREA: Acts 17:1-14: The importance and POWER of the Word.
ATHENS: Acts 17:15-45: Man's problem is MORAL, not intellectual; so intellectual arguments fail to convince.
CORINTH: Acts 18:1-17: The importance of the of strength and authority of the Gospel. Paul learned his lesson in Athens. "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (1 Cor 2:4-5) He was now deep behind enemy lines - deep into pagan territory in the power of the Gospel, and it works! It says that Paul "continued" there 1-1/2 years. That word in the original language actually means he "sat in a place of authority". And no wonder! When he was kicked out of the synagogue in Corinth, he started a church right next door!
RESPONSE: Always remember, the Gospel is the POWER of God (Rom 1:16). It has inherent power IN it, and puts inherent power IN us! What resides inside of us is much stronger and much more enduring than ANYTHING in the world! Or anything owned or practiced by the world-spirit of antichrist (1 John 4:4)! With the Gospel, we are actually armed to the teeth to be God's representatives in the earth! We are sent into the world like sheep among wolves - HOWEVER the spirit of wisdom rests on us and we are not a victim, but we are a sacrifice. Paul was NO ONE's victim. But he was willing to be sacrificed for the sake of the Gospel.
PSALM 145:1-21
If you are pursuing God with your whole heart, and if your motive is to please God, then Psalm 138-145 describe you and your mission. Psalm 145 is the last one that actually lists David as its author. It is the last of the acrostic Psalms; and should contain twenty-two verses, as answering to the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet; but the verse between the thirteenth and fourteenth, beginning with the Hebrew letter nun (n), is lost out of the present Hebrew copies. This Psalm tells of the goodness and greatness of our God and His kingdom. "I will extol, I will bless, I will praise...." For God's greatness, for His works (goodness), His abundance of love and mercy, His glorious kingdom (v.11ff), for His liberality and and bounty, for His nearness, for His justice and righteousness.
"An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends" - which is probably why single people die younger than married people! Being close to another human being is what smoothes off our rough edges. We learn to be flexible, to adapt, to be humble, how to rejoice with someone else, how to fight being self-serving, how to lay down our lives for another, to name just a few. The Bible reveals that our destiny, our purpose, God's will CANNOT BE COMPLETED outside the Body of Christ. Everything the Bible teaches is in the context of the Body.

Saturday, June 26, 2010
One Year Bible, June 26
2 KINGS 9:14 - 10:31
HE DRIVES LIKE JEHU!" Apparently Jehu raced his chariot from place-to-place. With the goal of destroying the "House of Ahab", he killed the king of Israel (Joram), the king of Judah, (Ahaziah, Jezebel's grandson), and finally, Jezebel herself. Actually, he had Jezebel's eunuchs throw her out a second-story window, her blood splattered on the walls, then stomped on her body. By the time he got around to giving her a burial, the dogs had eaten all but her head, hands and feet...just like the prophet said. STILL NOT DONE: Ahab had 70 sons in Samaria (his capital). Jehu had the Jezreelites bring the sons' heads in baskets. Just to be sure he got them all, Jehu also killed the "great men, kinfolks, and priests." Then he met 42 "brethren" of the king and queen of Judah and he killed them too. Then on to Samaria to exterminate anyone still in the palace.
JEHU ERADICATES BAAL WORSHIP: He had a "solemn assembly" (wink-wink) for all the "prophets, servants and priests" of Baal, then killed them all! He broke down their images, and broke down the house of Baal. BUT.....he didn't destroy the golden calves in Bethel and Dan. Jehu didn't walk in the law of God "with all his heart."
RESPONSE: With God, it's all or nothing! This is because those little pockets of resistance will cause you to BETRAY God at some point. God and Satan both will make sure it comes right down to the wire for us - where we have to choose. ALL idolatry must be rooted out. That is, any SUBSTITUTES we make for God, whether they be pastimes, habits, fear, stuff, entertainment, whatever soothes our hearts and our flesh - all SUBSTITUTES for God must be dealt with.
ACTS 17:1-34
Paul is learning the apostolic role of how to establish the Church in cities:
PHILIPPI: Acts 16:12-40: The importance and POWER of prayer and worship.
THESSALONICA & BEREA: Acts 17:1-14: The importance and POWER of the Word.
Again, Paul "turned the world upside down." In both cities, "chief and honorable women" made up most of the believers.
ATHENS: Acts 17:15-45: Man's problem is MORAL, not intellectual; so intellectual arguments fail to convince. NOTE: In a city wholly given over to "idolatry", Paul did NOT pray against strongholds, or whatever; he proclaimed the Truth. V. 22 The word "superstitious" means "Fear of demons". IMPORTANT: V. 26-27 God chose the time and place where I would be born so that I would seek Him early in life!
RESPONSE: "In Him we live, and move and have our being". If this is not true of you, then you have a big problem with the Holy Spirit. But don't worry! He will war with those things in your flesh that are stopping you. Christians, by definition, must be God-centered, or they will betray the Lord eventually.
PSALM 144:1-15:
The Septuagint title for this Psalm is "Concerning Goliath". It is our BATTLE SONG to the God of Victory. Or, we can call it "Happy are the people whose God is the Lord." It is a prayer for the MANIFESTATION OF GOD'S POWER. Just notice the mindset of someone who is battling anything: Dependency on God to be "my goodness (lovingkindness, affectionate One), my fortree, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield (of faith), my trustworthy One, my strength, my teacher, my provider". Yes! We are happy!
PROVERBS 17:27-28
An "excellent spirit" is literally a "chilly spirit" (cool-tempered). He doesn't spout off! In fact, saying nothing or holding your peace is such a virtue, that even a fool can be thought wise and understanding if he does it!
RESPONSE: "That there be no complaining in the streets"....or in the house either! And it looks like being talkative is NOT a virtue.
Friday, June 25, 2010
One Year Bible, June 25
2 KINGS 8:1 - 9:13
HAZAEL: Elisha anointed Hazael to be king of Syria. Ben-hadad recovered from his illness, but died anyway (Hazael smothered him!)! Elisha wept because the prophet knew the evil that Hazael would bring to Israel.
SOUTHERN KINGDOM OF JUDAH: (8:16-29) Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat was married to Ahab's daughter. EDOM (descendants of Esau, a type of the FLESH), was a perpetual problem to Judah. Ahaziah replaced Jehoram - another wicked king like Ahab.
JEHU, NEXT KING OF ISRAEL: Elisha sent another prophet to anoint him king of Israel. The prophet also prophesied that Jehu would destroy the House of Ahab and Jezebel...and the dogs would eat Jezebel and there will be no one to bury her.
RESPONSE: If it's evil, it has to go. Anything produced by the FLESH has to go too. If it isn't "crucified", it will plague us all our lives. (Gal 5:24; 5:17). I have thought that there are some things in my flesh, that if God didn't kill them off and burn them, I would have found a way to return to them! Actually, the further out I get from their "death", the easier it gets to deny them. God takes the destruction of evil and of hindrances very seriously, as seen is all this killing.
ACTS 16:16-40
Paul is learning the apostolic role of how to establish the Church in cities:
Acts 16:12-25: The importance of prayer and worship. Actually the foundation of the church in Philippi was laid with prayer meetings. Arrested for "troubling our city", Paul, beaten until his back was opened, put into the inner prison in stocks with Silas, learned firsthand the POWER of prayer and worship.
RESPONSE: Paul and Silas must have been forgiving guys because they led their jailer to Jesus and baptized him! In fact, they ate dinner and rejoiced together! After being freed, Paul and Silas comforted the local church before leaving town. We can read about prayer all we want, but until we actually go through some things, we don't really EXPERIENCE what prayer does. Wouldn't you have loved to hear what Paul prayed? I'll bet it had nothing to do with railing on his tormentors. He probably even encouraged Silas while he was at it! They were sharing in the sufferings of Jesus - so I think Paul was probably not just making the best of it - I think he was praising and thanking God for His goodness and His greatness.
PSALM 143:1-12
THE CRY OF AN OVERWHELMED SPIRIT: His son, Absalom's, revolt may have been the occasion of this Psalm. We can absolutely rely on God's faithfulness and His righteousness. When we are "desolate" and "crushed" and "in darkness" and "thirsty", we cry out to God, "hear me...." "cause me to hear", "cause me to know", "deliver me", "teach me," "revive me".
It is ab awful perversion of justice to punish those who deserve commendation. The misuse or abuse of power is never right.
RESPONSE: "Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God." ("Train me") God shows me what pleases Him by His Spirit and by His Word. I must instruct my heart that this is a trustworthy thing to do, that it is a GOOD and RIGHT thing to do. "God's will" is what is pleasing to God. That should be the MOTIVE for everything we do - pleasing God.
One Year Bible, June 24
2 KINGS 6:1-7:20
THE FLOATING AXE-HEAD: Falling into the Jordan River is a picture of spiritual death. We sank to the bottom, helpless to save ourselves. A tree branch (the Cross) thrown into the water retrieved the sunken axe-head.
SEE THE INVISIBLE - DO THE IMPOSSIBLE: The King of Syria (Satan) made war plans, but Elisha was "not ignorant of his devices". He heard plans being made in the King's bedroom! When the King of Syria found out where Elisha was staying, he surrounded Dothan with horses and chariots while Elisha slept. HOWEVER, the Kingdom of God has "horses and chariots of fire" if we could only see them. And the enemy is BLINDED.
SAMARIA, the city: The burying place of the Kings of Israel (Northern Kingdom). The famine was so great that they ate an "ass's head and dove's dung". People were eating their own children! Elisha reassured King Jehoram that "TOMORROW ABOUT THIS TIME" there would be plenty provision. The unbelieving servant answered, "If the Lord would make windows in heaven,...." it won't happen! So Elisha cursed him saying that he would SEE it, but not PARTAKE OF IT. (Like Moses seeing the Land).
FOUR LEPERS: (Separated, shunned, shamed, disgraced, contagious, deforming, unclean, the walking dead.) "Why sit here 'til we die?" "If I perish, I perish" (Est 4:16). There was NO ONE in the enemy camp "for the Lord had made the army of Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and noise of horses and the noise of a great army!" The enemy had all run away, leaving their banquet behind them! ("the wealth of the wicked" Prov 13:22). When the lepers reported this, there was a STAMPEDE, and the royal servant was guarding the gate (too bad - he was trampled to death.).
RESPONSE: You know what they say: "Get in! Get out! Or get run over!" The enemy even dropped stuff along the way when they were running away! We don't have to DEMAND anything from the enemy. He's afraid of the sound we make! Apparently when we worship and praise, we sound like an army to him! The unbelieving King and his servant thought it was an ambush - "too good to be true". I know some Christians who are just like that. And so they are "unbelieving Believers". Huh?
ACTS 15:36 - 16:15
THE TABERNACLE OF DAVID: A place of INTIMACY with no rituals. There was praise, dance, worship, access to the Ark of God's Presence. BUT, to bring the glory to the Temple, ORDER had to be added: Intimacy and order.
BARNABAS AND PAUL, and Judas and Silas: Judas and Silas were sent along to confirm the word of Barnabas and Paul. THE SPLIT: There was a disagreement about Mark's suitability for missions. Silas was still in Antioch, so Paul took Silas, and Barnabas took Mark. Then they circled around to all the churches they had established, strengthening the believers.
PAUL, SILAS, TIMOTHY: As they went, they preached: (1) The "dogma" determined by the Jerusalem council; (2) Established them in "the faith"; (3) "Strengthened" the churches. The Holy Spirit forbid Paul to go to Asia, or to go back to Bithynia. Paul wanted to establish the Body of Christ in an unevangelized part of Europe or Asia, so they traveled on to TROAS. From Troas, Paul was directed into Greece.
RESPONSE: Paul is not content with just "beachheads"; he wants whole cities and regions! Paul is learning as he goes. The Holy Spirit is a good teacher, as is the Word of God and his circumstances. ALWAYS LEARNING IN CONTEXT. Remember that. The Gospel is immensely practical.
PSALM 142:1-7
WHEN I AM HEMMED IN: David is in the cave at Adullam and his followers soon join him there. He sang, "as I praise God, the righteous will surround me." Sure 'nuff! "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me"......"when no man cared for my soul", ...."when I am brought low",.... "when I have no refuge".... THEN I will I "will pour out my complaint", "cry out to God", "praise the Name of the Lord", for He "shall deal bountifully with me!"
PROVERBS 17:24-25
The wandering "eyes" indicate the unsettled mind, as the fool is everywhere with his thoughts, except where he ought to be.
Foolish children are an affliction to both their parents. They cause anger in the father because they challenge his authority, but sorrow and bitterness to the mother, because they abuse her tenderness. Solomon often repeats this remark, because it was his own case.
RESPONSE: I don't do well when I feel pressured. If I am behind in my work (the list I made for myself) - I forget to roll it onto the Lord. He knows how many hours are in one day, and He has priorities for me, if I would just check with Him. When I begin to praise the Lord, my spirits are immediately lifted, I feel lighter, the pressure leaves, because I am TRUSTING God to care for me and for those around me. I am not in charge of the Universe!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
One Year Bible, June 23
2 KINGS 4:18-5:27
"SEVEN SNEEZES": Sign of life. Elisha's position over the child was a picture of the Holy Spirit coming into us - matching us face-to-face, hand-to-hand, etc. warming up our spirit and bringing resurrection life into us. The "seven sneezes" are the seven evidences of life within, as stated in 1 John.
THE FEEDING OF THE HUNDRED: Elisha performed Jesus' miracle in miniature! Only he fed them stew, bread and corn-on-the-cob!
LEPROSY: A type of sin. It begins as a small, insignificant event. It is progressive and affects the whole man. It is contagious and can affect others. It brings estrangement, numbness, baldness, isolation - and is incurable except by Jesus.
NAAMAN: HE WAS A LEPER. Naaman had a reputation of being a "great man, honorable, and a mighty man of valor." HOWEVER, his pride had to be dealt with....his remedy demanded submission. He went to a man of POSITION for healing, rather than to a man of POWER. But even then, Elisha wouldn't wave his "magic wand"! So he left in a rage, but his servants talked him into obeying the prophet. The original language says that when he was healed that his skin was as smooth as a baby's! NOW he wants to BUY SALVATION!
THE LOVE OF MONEY: Gehazi could have been Elisha's successor, but he was now rotting away of leprosy because of his own selfish desires. He "went out from his (Elisha's) presence a leper as white as snow." He did not realize the seriousness of his greed.
RESPONSE: I second-guess my motives often....trying to be SURE that I'm not doing something for the notoriety or for money or to be noticed. The best way I know to be sure, is to stay in constant contact with God, talking to Him, thanking Him, praising Him for the strength, the grace, the "know-how" to do what I'm doing. Being sure to acknowledge Him "in all my ways" (Prov 3:6) and giving God credit and honor for what He is doing in my life IN THE CONTEXT of my day.
ACTS 15:1-35
THE COUNCIL OF APOSTLES AND ELDERS: (Otherwise known as the "Jerusalem Council"): The root of the conflict between Paul and Barnabas, and the Judaizers in Antioch was a difference over the definition of the Gospel.
BOTTOM LINE: (1) Salvation is by God's grace alone, through faith in Christ alone. Salvation by keeping the law is impossible because God requires obedience on the heart level. Gentiles need not become Jewish to be saved because Judaism has never saved anyone.
(2) Out of love for the lost, we should not do things that are culturally offensive, that would cause people to reject the Gospel.
(3) Out of love for fellow believers, we should not do morally permissible things that would lead them into sin (eat food offered to idols).
(4) Out of grateful love and obedience for God, we must never do things that are culturally accepted but absolutely forbidden by His Word.
(5) Our authoritative guide for all faith and practice is God’s Word, which should be taught and learned.
RESPONSE: Tere are things we lay aside, as we "crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts..." (Gal 5:24) Jesus lived a very narrow lifestyle, and that NARROW (Mat 7:14) way is the "way that leads to LIFE." Living a broad, wide-open life, leads to DEATH. Anyone who has lived in bondage to emotions, or to their flesh, knows what I am talking about. All that "baggage" makes it almost impossible to serve God with gladness. We can't run our race when we are encumbered with all the trimmings that our flesh demands. We can't go forward when we are anchored in the past either. All our old ways, our old standards, our old comforts, our old fears, ...have to go when we toss out the "old wineskin".
PSALM 141:1-10
Do you remember when Saul was hunting David so he could kill him? Saul had gone into a cave to go potty, and didn't know that David was already back in the dark corner of the cave. David sneaked up on him and cut a piece out of Saul's pants just so he could brag that Saul's life had been in his hands, and he had let Saul go. (David regretted his disrespectful deed later.) This Psalm is probably the outcome of that little adventure.
Psalm 141 is a prayer for Right Reactions. We know God IN CONTEXT of daily living - Jesus came to give "the life" the right kind of life. BEFORE I react in the wrong way, HELP ME, GOD. "Put a guard on my mouth", "don't let my heart be inclined to evil", "let righteous men reprove me when I'm wrong", "keep me from falling into the snare and traps of the wicked."
Perverting justice is shameful - so the bribe is given in secret and received in secret too.
RESPONSE: Psa 141:3 used to be my most-quoted verse. I am one of those people who tend to blurt things without thinking. I thought that if an angel put his hand over my mouth when he knew something was coming, God would stop me. I even prayed that God would give me an instant to think before stuff flew out my mouth. But, I found Matt 12:34, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" to be true. That if I wanted to change the outflow, I had to change the pool. Garbage in, garbage out. I HAD TO CHANGE WHAT WAS "IN ABUNDANCE" IN MY HEART. If my heart was filled with anger, defensiveness, offenses, self-pity, unforgiveness, bitterness------then that was what I would spew on others. Until I changed that, my mouth continued to be offensive and abusive. I needed to be cleansed, and to teach my heart to trust God, to fear God, to obey God.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
One Year Bible, June 22
2 KINGS 3:1-4:17
JEHORAM and ELISHA: Jehoram, King of Israel; Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, and the King of Edom joined hands to war against the MOABITES, who had rebelled against Jehoram.
BEHIND THE SCENES: Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel (of Israel), had married another Jehoram, son of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. This is PROBABLY why Jehoshaphat was willing to team up with the ungodly King Jehoram.
PANIC BUTTON! The three joined armies took the long way around to confront the Moabites, but there was NO WATER in the valley! Jehoram panicked, but Jehoshaphat called for the "prophet of the Lord".
"BRING ME A MINSTREL". A musician anointed by the Holy Spirit can "oil the spirit" of a prophet, so he can prophesy. The praise stirred up the Word of the Lord.
THE WATER AND THE BLOOD: Brought the victory. When the sun shone on the water in the ditches, it appeared to be blood. There was a five-point victory that day!
"VESSELS, NOT A FEW": Elisha knows that God is going to do a miracle. But it will start with what she already has. Make room for God's abundance. As long as there were vessels to be filled, the oil flowed. (Oil a type of the Holy Spirit being poured out.)
THE PROPHET'S ROOM: "A great woman" - a woman of good reputation and of wealth. She set aside a room for Elisha to stay whenever he was in town. GEHAZI, is Elisha's servant or assistant. Keep your eye on him! And on your wallet! When Elisha told the "great woman" she would have a son by this time next year, she said, "Get out of here!" ("Don't lie to me!")
RESPONSE: The Holy Spirit will flow into us as long as we have the CAPACITY and can receive more of Him! So, the secret is to increase my capacity! How do I do that? HUNGER for more of God. I can teach my heart to do that by constant PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING to GOD for His goodness and greatness. It makes my heart want more. Now I am a HUGE VESSEL. Fill me up, Holy Spirit! Every day!
ACTS 14:8-28
HERMES AND ZEUS: The pagans believed Barnabas and Paul to be Roman or Greek gods because of a supernatural healing. Paul actually went from being thought a GOD to being STONED TO DEATH and left on the road outside town.
AFFLICTION: "CONTINUE in the faith" ("persevere") We "MUST" through "much tribulation (affliction) enter into the kingdom of God". The PURPOSE of AFFLICTION is to die to yourself and live to God. Affliction gives us the OPPORTUNITY to die. It comes because we choose Jesus. Affliction is not judgment, but it is the dealing of God for growth. Affliction breaks our stubbornness and resistance and teaches us to cling to God in utter dependency. When we complain and whine instead of giving up and growing, God doesn't give up --- He afflicts. This death process to SELF that comes with AFFLICTION or TRIBULATION, is also referred to "refining or purging silver or gold; breaking the outer shell; pressing the grapes; breaking up the fallow ground; winnowing the wheat; separating out the chaff". This is all so that His glory may be revealed in me. (2 Cor 4:17; Heb 5:8; 1 Pet 2:21)
RESPONSE: Even Job thought that God was mad at him! Yet God called him "a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?" God was showing Job off! Think about it! At a time when Job couldn't see God anywhere, was when he was actually under God's most intense scrutiny! When I feel abandoned or distant from God, I wonder if the Truth is, that God is watching me most closely to see what I will do. Especially if things are "going wrong" at the time. Every time I am tempted to get mad, feel sorry for myself, be offended, lose my temper....I remember that there are beings that are watching me. It is my opportunity to kill my flesh again! Sometimes I try to see how "low" I can go - doing the most detestable jobs, doing things no one else wants to do, giving away something valuable, paying a complement, etc.
PSALM 140:1-13
If you are pursuing God with your whole heart, and if your motive is to please God, then Psalm 138-145 describe you and your mission.
Psalm 140 reveals that "in the day of battle" we cling to God because in ourselves we are utterly helpless, but assured of the ultimate destruction of the wicked. This deals with the enemies without. There seems to be a conspiracy of wickedness around us.
A "merry heart" is one that is content and rejoicing in the Lord. As we place our confidence in God, and as we "delight ourselves in the Lord", that communicates itself to the extremities of life. The spirit, on the other hand, when it is "broken" is like having a wounded conscience or a sense of guilt and fear of wrath. It can make us physically sick.
RESPONSE: I can tell when I have unresolved issues with the Holy Spirit. It's not the same as when I am being "afflicted". When I am being "refined, afflicted, pressured, winnowed" - the ONLY way out is DOWN. Submit my FLESH to obedience and it will die. HOWEVER, when it is an ISSUE with the Holy Spirit, God feels distant, and I feel insecure. The longer I wait to submit, obey, forgive, repent, or whatever the issue might be......the more sickly I feel.
One Year Bible, June 21
2 KINGS 1:1-2:25
2 Kings covers 300 years from Jehoshaphat of Judah and Azariah of Israel....to...the Assyrian and Babylonian Captivities. 2 Kings ends with Nebuchadnezzar and the burning of the Temple.
MAIN THEME: Man is unable to successfully rule himself. Man loses his consciousness of God by his idolatry, which is actually attempts at substitutes for God! Rejecting the Word of the Lord will result in rejection by God, and then captivity. Chap 1-17: Deterioration of the Northern Kingdom. Chap 18-25: Deterioration of the Southern Kingdom.
AHAZIAH: Inherited his father, Ahab's, lack of regard for God's Word and is also confronted by ELIJAH. Ahaziah fell through the latticework of his upper chamber in Samaria, enquired of "Baal-zebub" ("lord of the flies"), the Philistine god of Ekron. Elijah prophesies his death and is sent for.
ELIJAH THE TISHBITE: "A hairy man dressed in leather". He called fire down from heaven in judgment. Like Enoch, Elijah was translated, and did not die.
JEHORAM (not Jehoshaphat's son, but another son of AHAB). Ahaziah's brother, succeeded Ahaziah, who had no sons.
ELISHA: The prophet of the "double portion of the anointing". Elijah pronounced that to be "a hard thing". IT COST HIM EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. Elisha was mentored by Elijah, tested by both Elijah and God, proven in the areas of faith, his affections, and character. He learned early on that he must NEVER allow the pressures that come through other leaders to cause him to doubt the will of God (2:16).
"SALT": The "salt" is a type of INTEGRITY, what gives Christianity credibility. Elisha certainly was salty, and didn't allow children to cast aspersions on his credibility and reputation.
RESPONSE: It is only when we are submitted to God's authority and rulership that we can succeed at ANYTHING. There is NO SUCH THING AS "MY WAY". There is only God's way or the Wrong way.
ACTS 13:42 - 14:7
THIS COMPLETES THE 70TH YEAR OF DANIEL 9: The last 7 years began with Jesus' ministry, and continued on for 3-1/2 years after His death to now with the turning to the Gentiles. Paul's Scriptural proof is from Isaiah 49:6 where we learn that the Israelites were supposed to spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth - including to Gentiles.
JOY OR JEALOUSY: Two reactions to the popularity of the Gospel among the Gentiles. What is interesting is that there are no reported miracles or signs - just preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit. The "jealous" "older brothers" of Luke 15, are cut off, are considered outside the grace of God, and have lost everything! They no longer served the purpose to which they were called.
Which leads to another thing: The reason we were chosen by God.....was to benefit those who don't yet know Him. We are only INCLUDED BY GRACE....God didn't OWE us anything! We "freely give", because we have "freely received". (Matt 10:8)
A "THORN IN MY FLESH": Speculation has it that it was these jealous unbelieving Jews that pursued Paul from town-to-town.
RESPONSE: I used to think that I was saved so that I could go to heaven, and that's all! I didn't know I had a purpose for being saved, or was supposed to change anything! I WAS SO MISERABLE BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE! I didn't care about anyone else, as long as I could get through life. I looked forward to the rapture, when all those HEATHEN that hated me would be left here to burn! YES! My attitude was an ABOMINATION to the Lord! He HATES religious pride - especially in a Believer. I had forgotten that everything I have is from God. Anything I "achieve" is because of God's grace. Anything worth anything in my life is because of God. And GOD'S grace is always FREE, UNEARNED, AVAILABLE, UNLIMITED, SUFFICIENT.
PSALM 139:1-24
If you are pursuing God with your whole heart, and if your motive is to please God, then Psalm 138-145 describe you and your mission.
Psalm 139 reveals that God knows all about us, and still never leaves us. He even knows what we are going to say before we say it! Psalm 139 reveals the God Who is Always There! He is not distant, and He is intensely personal. In fact, we can't hide from Him! He is behind and in front of us, and all around us, and we cannot make any move He doesn't allow. If I "make my bed in hell", He will accompany me in there!
"WONDERFULLY MADE": "God formed me in my mother's womb". Actually, He wove me together in there. "In God's book" all my days were written before I was born! HE SAW ME THEN! Jesus, Himself, said: "Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God." (Heb 10:7)
"SEARCH ME": Examine intimately, looking for cares, distractions, anxieties, ways that will bring grief or pain. "Lead me in the way everlasting." The abundant, truthful, fulfilled life that comes from being in God's Presence.
PROVERBS 17:19-21
Some people seem to get a kick out of playing "the devil's advocate" and debating everything. THAT'S A SIN and it invites strife - which divides. A person whose heart and tongue twist things all the time cannot be successful the way the Bible describes successful.
RESPONSE: Somehow, in my youthful misery, I got it into my head that I was a mistake. That I should not have been born, and therefore there was no purpose for my life. Psalm 139 totally healed me from the shame of those lies. I, too, am come to do the will of God. God had a will, a place, a time, a purpose, a plan for me BEFORE I WAS CONCEIVED!
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