Monday, May 31, 2010
One Year Bible, May 29
2 SAMUEL 14:1-15:22
ABSALOM: Absalom represents the spirit of antichrist or the natural mind (Rom 8:7). Joab tricked David into letting Absalom come back to Jerusalem, but under house arrest. Absalom (like the natural man, the FLESH) was selfish, arrogant, rude, proud, haughty, insolent, self-willed, bitter, and ignored his own crimes. He took advantage of David's love.
ABSALOM'S BETRAYAL: David is 56, Solomon is 6, and Absalom is 24 years old: Absalom was real handsome and he undermined David's judiciary system (almost nonexistent) and so "stole the hearts of the men of Israel". Absalom made HEBRON his capital and forced David out of Jerusalem. AHITHOPHEL, Bathsheba's grandpa and David's counselor, was actually the behind-the-scenes ring-leader of the rebellion (Satan/Judas). Like Judas, Ahithophel hung himself.
CROSSING THE KIDRON: Psa 3 tells us that when David fled, God went with him. KIDRON means "deep darkness" and represents the boundary between light and dark. It flowed between Mt. Zion and the Mt. of Olives. "Over the brook KIDRON" is GETHSEMANE. (John 18:1). (2Sam 15:23-37) After crossing the Kidron and before David climbed Mt. Olivet to Gethsemane he sent the Ark back to Jerusalem (represents the sending of the Holy Spirit). Then he and his followers climbed Mt. Olivet, barefoot and head covered in shame, weeping as they climbed. In Gethsemane, David learned he had been betrayed by Ahithophel. When he reached the summit, David WORSHIPPED, even though the Ark wasn't there. He may have written Psalm 22 at that time. Also Psalm 41 and 62-63.
RESPONSE: It is almost as if David's experience were a dress rehearsal for Jesus! "And He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning Me." (Luke 24:44) We have ALL been betrayed by someone close to us and know the soul-pain that comes with it. But to compound that, David's own son betrayed him too! His house was troubled because of his own sin. But, God was with him anyway. Psa 4 was also written during this time and in it, David reminded himself to keep his feelings between himself and God, and to trust God completely. "But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him." (Psa 4:3)
JOHN 18:1-24
From Philippians 2 we learn that every one of us passes through the cross with Jesus as our example. In these next four chapters, we learn HOW to "lose our life", so that we can gain "THE LIFE" (His, Gr: zoe) (Matt 10:39, etc). From Phil 2, we know that Jesus VOLUNTARILY gave up His rights and privileges, His dignity, and His reputation. So we must Never defend ourselves; never demand our own way; never complain.
CHAPTER 18 - THE GARDEN: OBEDIENCE AND SUBMISSION. In the Garden of Eden, the "first Adam" (1 Cor 15:45) was rebellious and disobedient. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the "last Adam" (1 Cor 15:45) was submission and obedient. It was man's worst vs God's Best. The Jews were afraid of Jesus. Pilate was afraid of the Jews. And Jesus was afraid of nobody. He had placed Himself in the Father's hands and trusted Him fully.
TRUTH: (v.37) Jesus was born to bear witness to "THE TRUTH". Pilate asked what is TRUTH? Today, TRUTH is seen as the root of bigotry and intolerance and prejudice, because Absolute Truth is binding on everyone the same whether they believe it or not! Truth is Ultimate Reality, and God's glory is the Ultimate Reality. Reality is total indifferent to whether you believe it or not. No one has ever yet made a BELIEF true by believing it. Truth is totally unyielding to belief or tradition or even reasoning. So, what is "THE TRUTH"?
(1) "And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:6-7) The Spirit is Truth, and since they AGREE, then so is the Father and the Word.
(2) "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." (John 17:17) God's Word is THE TRUTH.
(3) "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) Jesus is THE TRUTH.
(4) "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) So, Jesus, the Word and the Spirit are the GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.
Now can I answer the question? The glory of God is "THE TRUTH" - the Ultimate Reality. This is why the "Spirit of Truth" glorifies Jesus and the Father (John 16:13-14). This is why the real mark of a new Believer is that he SEES God's glory (His goodness and greatness). (2 Cor 3:14-16; 4:4) This glory is all through the earth and in heaven too! (Psa 148:13; Mt 24:30; Num 14:21). His glory is ABSOLUTE.
RESPONSE: I believe Pilate is just minutes away from going bonkers. He is not really interested in Truth. Truth was standing right in front of him. The only Person in this whole scenario with any dignity and majesty is Jesus. The rest of them are pitiful. In His submission to death, Jesus was the only One with any class. His acts were totally VOLUNTARY. He was a SACRIFICE, not a VICTIM. If He had not GIVEN HIMSELF, they would not have been able to kill Him. In the face of such horrible hypocrisy and hatred and hostility, how many of us would be able to stand silent? Or to come off classy? We must be about the business of manifesting TRUTH to the world. Even though the world denies Truth and embraces relativism. Just because they "believe" it, doesn't make it so! "What's true for me" - is actually a "belief", NOT "truth". Don't confuse the two.
PSALM 119:97-112
MEM V.97-104: The mem is also the number 40. Forty is the number of trial and testing, proving time. This portion of Psa 119 is about proven wisdom. And so he has more "understanding" ("proven wisdom") than his "enemies", "teachers", "elders". The mem is also the pictograph for flowing water. And so the words, "rain, flood, bath, wells, baptism, water" all begin with mem in the Hebrew language. Water is a universal symbol of the source of LIFE. Jesus is "the fountain of living waters" (Jer 17:13).
NUN V.105-112: The nun is the number 50. Fifty is the number for Penticost and deliverance. It is a pictograph of a fish because the fish is so prolific and the NUN is the symbol of posterity, perpetuity and eternality. "I have inclined mine heart to perform Thy statutes always, even unto the end." The Word of God never changes and "they are the rejoicing of my heart."
GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY: I've heard a saying that goes: "Man plans, God laughs." I don't think that is what this verse means. I think it means that we can make plans, but that God ultimately decides how, when, and what things will take place. HOWEVER, that is what we want, isn't it?
RESPONSE: I think it is interesting to note that in Psa 119 we can learn wisdom and knowledge and gain understanding by the Word, by the Spirit, and also by our circumstances, especially the SUFFERING ones! When we are "afflicted" we take God's Word to our hearts, to our minds, to our footsteps. Under pressure, sickness, disappointments, losses, we take all God has said and actually LEARN wisdom, knowledge, and GAIN understanding. I believe that "understanding" comes by actually EATING the "honey".
Thursday, May 27, 2010
One Year Bible, May 28
2 SAMUEL 13:1-39
SOAP OPERA LIFE: David's son, Amnon, in line for David's throne (age 26), raped his half-sister Tamar, who was 15 years old and full sister to Absalom. After he raped her, Amnon hated her. Absalom waited two years, then killed Amnon and fled to grandpa (maternal grandfather, Talmai, the son of Ammihud, king of Geshur). "And David mourned for his son every day." (for 3 years)
RESPONSE: The judgments against David's sin are coming to pass. Two sons are dead: the unnamed baby and Amnon. There is violence in his house. And Absalom is on the run. Sometimes even though we repent, the judgments still stand. There is a forfeiture that gets made when we sin, and oftentimes it can't be reversed. I hope I have enough sense to FLEE from temptation if it comes. To walk away from losing my temper. To shut up when gossip occurs to me. To clamp my lips together when a lie seems good. To be quiet and smile when I want to answer back and "be right". Some of these things can have long-range effects.
JOHN 17:1-26
Chapter 13: A NEW COMMANDMENT: "LOVE one another as I have loved you."
Chapter 14: A NEW PEACE: "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you."
Chapter 15: A NEW LIFE OF DEPENDENCY: "without Me you can do nothing."
Chapter 16: A NEW JOY: "your joy no man takes from you."
Chapter 17: A NEW INTIMACY: "I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." (John 17:23) Jesus wants to share EVERYTHING with us: His Father, His love, His life, His glory, His work, His character traits. We are truly His Bride - one Spirit with Him. He raised the veil and we see His glory as He moved toward Gethsemane. He says He is "glorified in them" - meaning us. He sanctified Himself so that we could be sanctified with Him. His Father loves us as much as He loves Jesus! Jesus wants to share that closeness with us!
RESPONSE: Song of Solomon comes to mind. He just wanted to get His Bride alone. When she emerged from His Presence, she was "fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.." (Song 6:10) In other words, she looked just like Him! This intimacy is what changes us! The more time we spend in His Presence, the more like Him we become. Just like married couples, we begin to look alike, to talk alike, to act alike. We don't have to be "controlled" with external law anymore, because it's being written in our hearts. This new intimacy changes everything! This is the real sanctification - close personal contact with Jesus! There is more JOY, more LOVE, more PEACE. The glory Jesus gives us is reflected from Him - and it gets on us because we are His Bride - His one-and-only!
PSALM 119:81-96
KAPH V.81-88: The kaph is the palm or hollow of the hand, and is the number 20. It shows familiarity. In this alphabetic section, David feels he is at the brink of ruin: "my soul eyes fail....I'm shriveled and black like a burnt wineskin." "for I am become", how many days?, have dug, all, they have consumed me, According to Thy lovingkindness.---all kaph word. "When will You comfort me?" David is asking for help from God, whose hand is OPEN to him.
LAMED V.89-96: The lamed is the ox-goad or the rod of the teacher or the shepherd. It speaks of someone who is not moved by circumstances, but rather prodded by the Word and the Spirit. The WORD, "lamed" means both "teach" and "learn". These verses emphasize the faithful rod of God (His Word), by Whom all things are established so that they remain, abide, and continue. Without the Word of God, the whole world would despair. Our Great Certainty is God's Word - it stands firm FOREVER.
GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY: This is still the theme through v. 7: Mercy and Truth - the affection and the actions come together and break the power of sin; however, the fear of the Lord reminds us of the consequences of sin.
He that has all hearts in His hand has access to men's hearts and power over them.
RESPONSE: What God has said is TRUE, despite any appearances to the contrary. God's Word is the most CERTAIN thing in our universe!
One Year Bible, May 27
2 SAMUEL 12:1-31
DAVID'S CONSEQUENCES: (1) perpetual conflict; (2) evil from his own house; (3) he would be publicly disgraced. David wrote Psalm 32 and 51 at this time. His deed gave opportunity to the enemy to blaspheme God (12:14). David lost four sons because of his sin. BUT, Psalm 103 shows that God met David that day!
DAVID'S RESTORATION: (12:20) (1) He arose from the earth (stopped looking at his failure and his FLESH.) (2) He washed and anointed himself (took his thoughts captive to God). (3) Changed his apparel (began acting like a King again). (4) Came into God's Presence and worshipped (got his groove on). (5) He ate (in celebration that the fasting was over; he could rejoice now.) (6) (12:30) He took the enemy's crown! It came off the head of Molech, their chief demon, weighed about 80 pounds of gold and precious stones.
RESPONSE: Don't mess with God. And don't mess with God's anointed either! Even though it was David's sin, his whole family suffered. No one sins to himself alone. The degree to which it affects those around you, depends on how closely associated they are - but ALL will suffer. He actually caused their deaths. In spite of his lavish adoration of God, David found it virtually impossible to love others in a productive, enduring way. He never totally gave himself to A woman - he had several. Yet, David personally was totally restored. WHY? He knew how to repent and cling to God for his help. He had a lot of issues with anger and lust, but over it all, he wanted God's Presence in his life. If we fall, we should fall TOWARD God - He will lift us up if we repent.
JOHN 16:1-33
Chapter 13: A NEW COMMANDMENT: "LOVE one another as I have loved you."
Chapter 14: A NEW PEACE: "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you."
Chapter 15: A NEW LIFE OF DEPENDENCY: "without Me you can do nothing."
Chapter 16: A NEW JOY: (v.22) "your joy no man takes from you." Joy is an outcome of the love and peace. I read somewhere once that joy is peace, dancing. Actually joy is a characteristic of the Kingdom of God (Rom 14:17) and a work of the Holy Spirit (our Comforter). We may sorrow because of personal loss, but "your sorrow shall be turned to joy." "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;" (2 Cor 6:10) ALL our sorrows are temporary! Jesus has given us access to the Father and that makes our joy FULL, complete in every way. We ask for power for victory over the HATING WORLD, and God will give it to you so your joy continues to be full. (v.22-24) The devil is cast out of heaven, and Jesus has overcome the world. All the world can do is "pressure" (tribulate) us. So, as Jesus said, "CHEER UP!"
"THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD STANDS CONDEMNED." Actually if Satan is NOT judged and condemned, then he is not REALLY under our feet, and we can only wage war on him if we don't sin - because otherwise he could still accuse us in heaven. HOWEVER, heaven has already been cleansed of Satan's presence (Rev 12:7-8; Luke 10:18) and his sentence passed.
RESPONSE: The only real problem I have is ME. And I have the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and His purging circumstances to take care of that problem! I have access to the Father, Who LOVES me because I believe in Jesus. What a wonderful life! All my sorrows are temporary!
PSALM 119:65-80
TETH V. 65-72: Teth means serpent, referring to the force of the serpent Moses lifted up for healing. It is the symbol for inherent power (Gr: dunamis, Heb: chayil). This section of Psalm 119 actually shows us that GOD "causes all things to work together for good..." even the hard things in life. The word "GOOD" begins with teth. God's goodness teaches us "good judgment," whatever that takes! "Before I was afflicted, I went astray". (Afflicted=chastened, humbled) "It is a GOOD thing for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes."
YOD V. 73-80: Yod is a closed hand or fist, and the number 10. These 8 verses are about growth through hardship coming from God. God humbles, but He also exalts. God's judgments are the declaration of God's will. They are the right order for things. I want my heart to be "SOUND" so I won't have to be embarrassed. "Sound" means whole, unimpaired, having integrity, not deceived, but completely in accord with Truth and fact. So, "in Your faithfulness, afflict me." I don't want to live according to self-deceptions.
I guess the question is, "Who is in charge?" "I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Isa 45:7) Now we have two witnesses to this truth: God creates evil. What is really interesting is that God USES evil people and evil situations for His own purposes. There is not one single thing outside God's control. But He has CHOSEN to give us freedom and to allow us to participate in His work and to influence Him in prayer. God hates pride because it makes us independent. Joining forces against Him won't help you either.
RESPONSE: Here is Job's experience with God: "God has turned me over to evil men and thrown me into the clutches of the wicked. All was well with me, but he shattered me; he seized me by the neck and crushed me. He has made me his target; his archers surround me. Without pity, he pierces my kidneys and spills my gall on the ground. Again and again he bursts upon me; he rushes at me like a warrior." (Job 16:11-14) WHY? That's what Job wanted to know! God even called Job the "most righteous man that lived". And even though God never told Job this, God was showing Job off to the principalities and powers in heavenly places. God was so sure that Job would "keep the faith", that He dared to let the devil test him. I know that at other times, God used evil to wipe whole countries off the map! Judas was evil, but God USED him to accomplish His own ends. There is no lack of examples in the Bible. But the fact remains, God is in charge.
DAVID'S CONSEQUENCES: (1) perpetual conflict; (2) evil from his own house; (3) he would be publicly disgraced. David wrote Psalm 32 and 51 at this time. His deed gave opportunity to the enemy to blaspheme God (12:14). David lost four sons because of his sin. BUT, Psalm 103 shows that God met David that day!
DAVID'S RESTORATION: (12:20) (1) He arose from the earth (stopped looking at his failure and his FLESH.) (2) He washed and anointed himself (took his thoughts captive to God). (3) Changed his apparel (began acting like a King again). (4) Came into God's Presence and worshipped (got his groove on). (5) He ate (in celebration that the fasting was over; he could rejoice now.) (6) (12:30) He took the enemy's crown! It came off the head of Molech, their chief demon, weighed about 80 pounds of gold and precious stones.
RESPONSE: Don't mess with God. And don't mess with God's anointed either! Even though it was David's sin, his whole family suffered. No one sins to himself alone. The degree to which it affects those around you, depends on how closely associated they are - but ALL will suffer. He actually caused their deaths. In spite of his lavish adoration of God, David found it virtually impossible to love others in a productive, enduring way. He never totally gave himself to A woman - he had several. Yet, David personally was totally restored. WHY? He knew how to repent and cling to God for his help. He had a lot of issues with anger and lust, but over it all, he wanted God's Presence in his life. If we fall, we should fall TOWARD God - He will lift us up if we repent.
JOHN 16:1-33
Chapter 13: A NEW COMMANDMENT: "LOVE one another as I have loved you."
Chapter 14: A NEW PEACE: "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you."
Chapter 15: A NEW LIFE OF DEPENDENCY: "without Me you can do nothing."
Chapter 16: A NEW JOY: (v.22) "your joy no man takes from you." Joy is an outcome of the love and peace. I read somewhere once that joy is peace, dancing. Actually joy is a characteristic of the Kingdom of God (Rom 14:17) and a work of the Holy Spirit (our Comforter). We may sorrow because of personal loss, but "your sorrow shall be turned to joy." "As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;" (2 Cor 6:10) ALL our sorrows are temporary! Jesus has given us access to the Father and that makes our joy FULL, complete in every way. We ask for power for victory over the HATING WORLD, and God will give it to you so your joy continues to be full. (v.22-24) The devil is cast out of heaven, and Jesus has overcome the world. All the world can do is "pressure" (tribulate) us. So, as Jesus said, "CHEER UP!"
"THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD STANDS CONDEMNED." Actually if Satan is NOT judged and condemned, then he is not REALLY under our feet, and we can only wage war on him if we don't sin - because otherwise he could still accuse us in heaven. HOWEVER, heaven has already been cleansed of Satan's presence (Rev 12:7-8; Luke 10:18) and his sentence passed.
RESPONSE: The only real problem I have is ME. And I have the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and His purging circumstances to take care of that problem! I have access to the Father, Who LOVES me because I believe in Jesus. What a wonderful life! All my sorrows are temporary!
PSALM 119:65-80
TETH V. 65-72: Teth means serpent, referring to the force of the serpent Moses lifted up for healing. It is the symbol for inherent power (Gr: dunamis, Heb: chayil). This section of Psalm 119 actually shows us that GOD "causes all things to work together for good..." even the hard things in life. The word "GOOD" begins with teth. God's goodness teaches us "good judgment," whatever that takes! "Before I was afflicted, I went astray". (Afflicted=chastened, humbled) "It is a GOOD thing for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes."
YOD V. 73-80: Yod is a closed hand or fist, and the number 10. These 8 verses are about growth through hardship coming from God. God humbles, but He also exalts. God's judgments are the declaration of God's will. They are the right order for things. I want my heart to be "SOUND" so I won't have to be embarrassed. "Sound" means whole, unimpaired, having integrity, not deceived, but completely in accord with Truth and fact. So, "in Your faithfulness, afflict me." I don't want to live according to self-deceptions.
I guess the question is, "Who is in charge?" "I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Isa 45:7) Now we have two witnesses to this truth: God creates evil. What is really interesting is that God USES evil people and evil situations for His own purposes. There is not one single thing outside God's control. But He has CHOSEN to give us freedom and to allow us to participate in His work and to influence Him in prayer. God hates pride because it makes us independent. Joining forces against Him won't help you either.
RESPONSE: Here is Job's experience with God: "God has turned me over to evil men and thrown me into the clutches of the wicked. All was well with me, but he shattered me; he seized me by the neck and crushed me. He has made me his target; his archers surround me. Without pity, he pierces my kidneys and spills my gall on the ground. Again and again he bursts upon me; he rushes at me like a warrior." (Job 16:11-14) WHY? That's what Job wanted to know! God even called Job the "most righteous man that lived". And even though God never told Job this, God was showing Job off to the principalities and powers in heavenly places. God was so sure that Job would "keep the faith", that He dared to let the devil test him. I know that at other times, God used evil to wipe whole countries off the map! Judas was evil, but God USED him to accomplish His own ends. There is no lack of examples in the Bible. But the fact remains, God is in charge.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
One Year Bible, May 26
2 SAMUEL 9:1-11:27
MEPHIBOSHETH: (an OT type of the sinner who is freed from shame) At 17 years old, he was a fugitive from David and had been crippled through the Fall. (His nurse dropped him) But David sent Ziba (type of Holy Spirit) to bring him to Himself. Mephibosheth called himself a "dead dog" (which is shameful). David (type of Jesus) gave Mephibosheth "THE Life", peace, an inheritance, a kingly portion, and a position as a son. And so, a chariot was sent to bring Mephibosheth to the King's palace.
2 SAMUEL 10 (1 CHRONICLES 19): David's victory over the Edomites (Syrians) and the Ammonites gave him the land from Egypt to the River Euphrates. This was the longest and most fearful war and was prelude to David's sin because he sent Joab instead of going himself (It was a "war of kings".)
A ROOFTOP EXPERIENCE: Bathsheba was married to one of David's "Mighty Men", Uriah. David was 50 years old with grown sons. He had the Ark, a new covenant with God, and a revelation of who he was "in Christ" - and even with all that revelation, he sinned in "taking" Bathsheba and getting her pregnant. To "cover his tracks" he had Uriah murdered on the battlefield. V.27 says, "But the thing that David had done displeased the Lord." ("displeased" - "was evil in the eyes of the Lord".) God viewed David's sin as despising God and His commandments. We know from Psalm 32 that his cover-up was painful, and lasted nearly a year.
RESPONSE: David had set himself up. One bad decision led to terrible heartaches for years and years for David. David definitely had issues! But God still loved him. That must have been a difficult few months for David while he hid his sin and deceived the people around him. Revelation is wonderful, but it must reach our actions somehow, or it is useless.
JOHN 15:1-27
A NEW LIFE OF DEPENDENCY: Our new "walk" or "life" is one of total dependency on God. "without Me you can do NOTHING." (15:5) Holiness, healing and happiness come to us through "ABIDING". Abiding is a "settled rest in connection with God." To maintain that union, we must commit to obedience. We listen for His Voice or the Holy Spirit's "nudges" and practice obeying over and over. God's grace (God's power, God's strength, and God's sufficiency) enables us by intermingling His own life with mine in my daily context. Anything less leaves us powerless, lonely and insecure, always wanting more. We NEVER become more and more independent; in fact, we grow in holiness as we become MORE AND MORE DEPENDENT on God.
TRANSFORMATION PROCESS: (1) It is a process: "Fruit", "more fruit", "much fruit". (2) It comes in God's Presence by God's grace as we "abide". (We put our effort into connecting with God; God does the perfecting.) (3) It comes through "purging" away barrenness (dead FLESH - in order to reveal Life). (4) It comes through cleansing and pruning away what may distract, deceive or dislodge us from abiding - so we bear lots of the fruit of righteousness. (It is the difference between having one gangly, spindly vine, or a full, leafy bush.)
"CHOSEN": (v.16-19) Chosen "out of the world" - removed from the confines of antichristian life. Because we are CHOSEN, we have an assignment, and are put into place geographically. We can know that we were created genetically optimum for our assignment. There is now a certainty that we will fulfill our destiny of bearing fruit on earth and having power in heaven (prayer).
RESPONSE: Fruit is a manifestation of the Vine. It is the result of the nourishment getting out to the tips of the branches. For me, it means God manifests Himself in me, in a visible form. That's fruit! Character that looks like God, acts like God, talks like God. No matter how hard I try, I can't produce it by myself. Will-power isn't enough. Good parenting wasn't enough. Skill isn't enough. More education or knowledge of how to act isn't enough. Confrontation isn't enough. I must "abide" - stay connected with God, moment-by-moment and ask Him to live His life through me. HIS love. HIS joy. HIS peace. HIS compassion. HIS kindness. HIS gentleness. HIS patience. He chose me, now He can make this thing work. My job is to obey and re-orient myself around Him instead of around myself.
PSALM 119:49-64
ZAYIN V.49-56: A zayin is a sword, and the number seven. It speaks of the Word of God being our "weapon" of defense and offense. It is our hope for survival. God's Word is "my comfort in my affliction."
CHETH V.57-64: Cheth is an protective enclosure, and the number eight. To understand and keep God's Word is my goal, my prize and my safe place in God. The words at the beginning of each verse begin with the letter, "cheth": "portion, I begged, I thought on, I hurried eagerly, the bands, midnight, companion, and mercy." EIGHT things or characteristics we have when we are clinging to God.
- We may lay our plans, but only God decides whether or not they'll come to pass.
- We may think we know ourselves pretty well, but are actually open to great and subtle self-deception; only God has the means of testing, so as to value the spirits according to their true worth; His investigation and judgment rests on the knowledge of the true condition of our hearts and excludes all deception.
- It is only as we roll our work (yet to be done) onto the Lord that we have the wherewithal to accomplish anything for sure.
RESPONSE: Psa 119:61 shows that even though our FLESH may exert bondage at times, we must not allow our FLESH to lure us away from the Word of God or we are sunk. And so, at the "midnight hour", the dark times, the alone times, the scary times when I am afraid, THAT is when I rise up to thank God for His Word, His Promises, His Covenants, His Laws. As I give thanks, my heart will settle down so it can receive God's grace and mercy.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
One Year Bible, May 25
1 SAMUEL 7:1-8:18
THE KINGDOM: David recovered territory, stripped the enemy and spoiled him. Finally subdues his life-long enemy, the Philistines, and the Moabiltes, Hadadezer of Zobah, and Edomites, and Syrians (all of which are types of the FLESH). Key to David's success: God avenged David and gave him victory everywhere he went!
RESPONSE: David was stunned! God would build him a house! He knew he didn't deserve it - but yet he is totally blessed! David had NT revelation about God, about worship, about walking and living by faith and by totally dependence on God. David was mighty in his own right, famous, respected, favored - but totally dependent on God. He took everything to God - he was constantly "before the Lord". The "heart of God" did this!
JOHN 14:15-31
(cont.) A NEW PEACE: This new peace that is GIVEN to us, promises that God will manifest Himself in us and to us when we love Him and obey. We are to "absolutely not" let our hearts be stirred up, troubled, agitated. Our "Comforter" will live inside us and remind us WHY we need not be troubled or afraid. We can REJOICE that Jesus is "going away" - going to the Cross:
(1) His Word will be confirmed and they will "believe".
(2) He will finally "have it out" with Satan and strip him bare! He's coming to get Jesus, but has nothing on Him. It will be over!
(3) Jesus has said three times the test of love is obedience, 14:15, 14:21 and 14:23, and now He says that He would show them living proof of His love - He's going to die because that's the way the Father wants it.
RESPONSE: v.18 Jesus will not leave us "comfortless" (Gr: "orphanos" - from which we get the word "orphan") We will NEVER be orphaned! We will ALWAYS have "family" in the Holy Spirit! As our "Comforter" - He will be with us, in us, beside us, on us, holding us, telling us what to think, what to say, what to do. He is better than a Dad, better than a Mom. Our source of supernatural peace is that Jesus did not leave us ORPHANS! We are never cast out on our own.
PSALM 119:33-48
HE: V.33-40: "Teach me!" The He is the number five, and is a picture of a window, mouth or opening, and symbolizes speech, voice. The five is the Bible number for grace, or the five natural senses. Give me instruction and guidance that I may escape selfishness and growing cold in my commitment. Actually, the word "teach me" means "to aim the finger, point the way, to give direction."
VAU: V.41-48: "Make me a Blessing." Vau is a picture of a hook or tent peg: something you can hang your hat one". It represents stability and maturity. Vau itself is also a six, which is the number for man. To "walk at liberty" means to have inner freedom from being intimidated - so we can speak of "Thy testimonies before kings and not be ashamed." That we would speak the Word to everyone.
1 SAMUEL 7-8 (1 CHRONICLES 17-18): THE DAVIDIC COVENANT: Whereas the Abrahamic covenant gave Jesus (and us) the Land (Kingdom); the Davidic covenant gave Jesus (and us) the throne (the right to rule). (2 Sam 7:14) This Kingdom covenant is a Father-Son relationship! It provides for a house (Church), throne, Kingdom, "sure mercies" (resurrection), Keys, horn (power and authority to rule), and the tabernacle (worship in God's presence). David wanted to build GOD a house; instead God promised DAVID a house that would last forever, and a kingdom that would also last forever!
DAVID: Chosen, appointed, anointed, accompanied by God, preserved from his enemies, promoted ("made thee a great name"), honored by God. DAVID'S REPONSE: As he SAT before the Lord: "Who am I O Lord?" Psalm 8, "What is man?" As for God: "You are great, O Lord God: for there is none like You, netiher is there any God besides You..."
THE KINGDOM: David recovered territory, stripped the enemy and spoiled him. Finally subdues his life-long enemy, the Philistines, and the Moabiltes, Hadadezer of Zobah, and Edomites, and Syrians (all of which are types of the FLESH). Key to David's success: God avenged David and gave him victory everywhere he went!
RESPONSE: David was stunned! God would build him a house! He knew he didn't deserve it - but yet he is totally blessed! David had NT revelation about God, about worship, about walking and living by faith and by totally dependence on God. David was mighty in his own right, famous, respected, favored - but totally dependent on God. He took everything to God - he was constantly "before the Lord". The "heart of God" did this!
JOHN 14:15-31
(cont.) A NEW PEACE: This new peace that is GIVEN to us, promises that God will manifest Himself in us and to us when we love Him and obey. We are to "absolutely not" let our hearts be stirred up, troubled, agitated. Our "Comforter" will live inside us and remind us WHY we need not be troubled or afraid. We can REJOICE that Jesus is "going away" - going to the Cross:
(1) His Word will be confirmed and they will "believe".
(2) He will finally "have it out" with Satan and strip him bare! He's coming to get Jesus, but has nothing on Him. It will be over!
(3) Jesus has said three times the test of love is obedience, 14:15, 14:21 and 14:23, and now He says that He would show them living proof of His love - He's going to die because that's the way the Father wants it.
RESPONSE: v.18 Jesus will not leave us "comfortless" (Gr: "orphanos" - from which we get the word "orphan") We will NEVER be orphaned! We will ALWAYS have "family" in the Holy Spirit! As our "Comforter" - He will be with us, in us, beside us, on us, holding us, telling us what to think, what to say, what to do. He is better than a Dad, better than a Mom. Our source of supernatural peace is that Jesus did not leave us ORPHANS! We are never cast out on our own.
PSALM 119:33-48
HE: V.33-40: "Teach me!" The He is the number five, and is a picture of a window, mouth or opening, and symbolizes speech, voice. The five is the Bible number for grace, or the five natural senses. Give me instruction and guidance that I may escape selfishness and growing cold in my commitment. Actually, the word "teach me" means "to aim the finger, point the way, to give direction."

The "fear of the Lord" is the school of wisdom, and humility is the way to honor. The reason is that the way up is actually DOWN - under the hand of God. This word for "humility" is self-humiliation - subject to God's chastening. When He chastens us, we are actually on our way UP. (1 Pet 5:7) "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:"
RESPONSE: "Let Your mercies (God's grace) come on me, Lord..." God's empowerments are His strength, His goodness, His sufficiency - used in our behalf. That's my prayer too - so I will "walk in liberty".
One Year Bible, May 24
2 SAMUEL 4:1-6:23
2 Samuel is a biography of David and of the establishment of the Kingdom. 1 Chronicles, which goes with it, is a religious history and the story of the Temple. The Key to understanding both books is that God is Sovereign - in charge. DAVID inherited 12 bands of ragtag nomans and turned them into a KINGDOM. David was able to hold all Israel in a kingdom because of (1) Covenant and decree of God; (2) His obedience of faith; (3) He maintained an aggressive forward movement.
MEPHIBOSHETH: Saul's grandson, Jonathan's son. Crippled in both feet at age 5 when his nurse fell as she carried him. He was a fugitive from David. His life is a series of disasters and disappointments. He is a lame, broken, humbled, chronically weary, and dispirited soul. His name means "to scatter shame to the four corners."
DAVID'S CORONATION OVER ALL ISRAEL: 2 Sam 5 and 1 Chron 11:1-3: "to lead out and bring in" (See Num 27:17 for full explanation.) Means the ability to direct the affairs of a nation and see them through anything that comes. It is compared to a good shepherd with his sheep.
ZION: "City of David". It means "conspicuous". It is the highest point in Jerusalem, from which David led the nation in worship, ministry, and kingdom rule. Hebrews 12:22 calls it "the City of the Living God". See Psa 48 and 102.
DAVID'S ARMY: Day by Day, men were added until it appeared like "the Army of God" with over 339,600 men and 1,222 chiefs. These men of war were committed, courageous, competent, and able to keep rank - "with a perfect heart to make David king."
PHILISTINES: While all Israel were gathered in Jerusalem, the Philistines came up and spread themselves in the Valley of the Giants in two battles that established David's fame throughout the Land.
"DAVID INQUIRED OF THE LORD": David got God's battle plans for both battles. BAAL-PERAZIM: ("Master of Breakthrough") David beat the Philistines so bad, they dropped their idols and ran! David burned them to avenge the Ark. Second battle: David was to wait for the sound of marching in the mulberry trees. The Lord went out before David, and so the Lord must have been the One in the treetops! The sound in the treetops covered the noise of David's men getting into battle positions. From this battle, we learn that timing is everything! David learned that the enemy (Satan) has a vantage ground when we do not maintain an aggressive forward march. Stopping and standing still in a non-growing condition is a position fully exposed to our enemies. David's ability to fight and win was found in doing it God's way.
BRINGING UP THE ARK TO ZION: (See also 1 Chron 13-16) Bringing the Ark to Zion was bringing God's Presence and Power to Zion. "UZZAH" means "Strength" and represents the breaking of a man's natural strength in God's Presence. This occasion is the last recorded instance of animal sacrifices in David's Tabernacle. Psa 132 tells us that God has chosen Zion as HIS "resting place". It is where God dwells in fullness and represents the New Man in Christ, who has died to SELF and now lives to God.
RESPONSE: David's wife, Michal, was an emotionally battered woman. Her heart had been broken by David, and her father used her as a political pawn. David may have even "refused her" (to give her a child) to keep Saul's lineage off the throne! But, those who despise worship will be barren - an unfruitful, bitter life. I believe that the changes in my own life are the result of worship - an intimate relationship with God. He changes me by loving me.
JOHN 13:31-14:14
CHAPTER 13: A NEW COMMANDMENT: (V.34) "love one another as I have loved you." This love is self-sacrificial and committed to moment-by-moment obedience to God. It requires me to lay down my life. Failure to love chokes off "THE LIFE" of God in me. This love is not a feeling, but a costly decision to be a sacrifice (not a victim).
CHAPTER 14: A NEW PEACE: (V.27) "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you." We are free from inward disturbance because: (1) We have a place of rest (GR "mone" - "to settle down in a permanent, fixed place" translated poorly, "mansion"). This is a dwelling-place in God. (2) We are secure in our Ultimate Reality (Jesus is our "Way, Truth, Life") (3) He has given us His Name and His Spirit so our lives reflect glory on God.
RESPONSE: We know how to get into this place - this "abiding place" - of REST. We force our wayward hearts and our mouthy heads into it by meditating on the goodness and greatness of God. We "go to" this place minute-by-minute to continue "abiding" or staying connected with God. Just TELL Him you need to know you are connected, one minute at a time! It will become habit to just stay with Him as you go about your day. Continually acknowledge Him.
PSALM 119:17-32
GIMEL: V.17-24: My Life's Aim. The "gimel" is the number three, and is also a picture of a camel, known for dependability to keep walking in hardship. We must know the mysteries of the walk of faith - of living by the faith and energy of God.
DALETH: V.25-32: "Give me Life!" The "daleth" is the number four, the Bible number for trials and testing. It is also a picture of an open door, speaking of having made a decision. "Quicken me" - make me alive. In the midst of troubles, give me insight. "I have chosen the way of Truth." I want insight rather than comfort, so that I can run my race. An "enlarged heart" holds more love and compassion for God and for people.
PROVERBS 15:31-32
The person who refuses correction, hates himself! This is because correction preserves lives.
RESPONSE: "Correction" and "reproof" and "instruction" here refer to being instructed with blows. I assume this means it may be painful. When I used to call a special friend to whine or complain about something, she would ask me, "do you want sympathy or a solution?" Because if I was just looking for sympathy, she didn't want to listen any more! If I was looking for a solution, the correction mighty be painful. David had decided he wanted insight to his troubles so that he could keep running. Comfort might slow him down and turn him into a spiritual weenie! Along with disqualifying him for the Kingdom! Remember, sin is a forfeiture!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
One Year Bible, May 23
2 SAMUEL 2:12-3:39
DAVID'S NEPHEWS: Zeruiah, David's sister, had three sons who all served David: JOAB, who became David's Commander-in-chief; ABISHAI, who was leader of the "Mighty Men", and ASAHEL, the youngest.
ABNER: Saul's general, and then Ishbosheth's general. Abner and Joab decided to let the "young men" in their armies to "fight it out". When it turned to a lethal "free-for-all", Abner ran off and Asahel chased him. Abner ended up killing the young, inexperienced Asahel.
THE "LONG WAR": House of David grew stronger and stronger. The house of Saul grew weaker and weaker. David inherited 12 bands of ragtag nomads! Something like what the Holy Spirit inherited when He got us!
DAVID, THE POLYGAMIST: David had six sons, all born by a different wife at Hebron. Then, when ABNER defected to David, David demand that he bring Michal, his first wife, with him back to David!
JOAB: Believed Abner to be a "spy" for the other side. He murdered Abner to avenge his brother, Asahel. David cursed Joab and feigned anger to protect his throne from the Israelites who might try to avenge Abner.
RESPONSE: This reads like a soap opera! All this intrigue, mistrust, scheming, killing, multiple wives, tempers, plots, jealousy. My, my! And it gets worse! Welcome to the Kingdom! There's room for everyone! But you have to come clean! And you have to pursue God in all this!
JOHN 13:1-30
John chapters 13-17 are about Jesus' Personal Ministry: They contain the secrets of Jesus' life, and how to live in this new relationship with the Godhead.
CHAPTER 13: A NEW COMMANDMENT: (V.34) "love one another as I have loved you." Chapter 13 contains Jesus' demonstration of what that means. He loved BOTH His betrayers. He washed their feet - an act of forgiveness, cleansing and restoration. The foot-washer gives up all grudges, hate, anger and unforgiveness. The person getting the foot-wash receives love, forgiveness and the reconciliation. This is a depth of love that sacrifices ourselves for one another.
RESPONSE: Here is why some people never find happiness - and why others are brimful and bubbling over with joy(v.17). They have learned how to wash feet! They forgive readily and quickly, and usually SECRETLY! They don't parade the offenses that they "had to forgive", as if they had done something wonderful! They wash feet instead. They are more concerned with the one they serve. I want to wash more feet secretly - don't you? That's what I would want someone to do for me. Foot-washing is humbling ONLY if you DON'T let go of offenses. Otherwise IT IS A JOY!
PSALM 119:1-16
WORD ABOUT THE LIVING WORD: The longest chapter in the Bible. It is also the crown jewel. The chapter is an acrostic of alphabetical hymn. It has 22 stanzas of 8 verses each, and each of the 8 verses begins with that same Hebrew letter. Every verse mentions the Word of God by some term, except for 90,121,122, and 132: "Way, testimonies, precepts, commandments, word, law, judgment, righteousness (Truth), statute, words".
ALEPH: V.1-8 The Undivided heart: "Blessed are the undefiled" (entire, complete, integrity) who walk..." Who act according to the Word of God. Who recognize that all of life is sacred and press to know God's power and God's presence. ("with their whole heart")
BETH: V.9-16 Stored Treasure: We want to know and understand the laws that govern the spirit so we can live - not just collecting information. "How shall a young man cleanse his way?" by storing the Word in our hearts (our treasure chest) - so our obedience is not just external, but from the heart. This will produce steadfastness in the midst of ungodliness and troubled times. God's "judgments" are His declared will.
RESPONSE: Each Hebrew letter also stands for a number, AND it is a picture of something. Hebrew comes from ancient hieroglyphics that were reduced down to a few strokes eventually, but that started out as actual figures. The ALEPH is an ox-head, a symbol of the dependable, sacrificial servant. It is also the number one. The BETH is an enclosure like a house or home, and also the number two. In this case, it is the treasure-box. Psalm 119 was probably written by David as a young man - obviously Word-intoxicated!
PROVERBS 15:29-30
Smiles are powerful! And a good word is powerful medicine!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One Year Bible, May 22
2 SAMUEL 1:1-2:11
JUST SO YOU KNOW: God was responsible for King Saul's death. 1 Chron 10:13-14 says "So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; And inquired not of the LORD: therefore He slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the son of Jesse." And Saul's three sons died with him. Saul was 70 and Jonathan was 53 years old.
2 SAMUEL: This is a biography of David and the Kingdom. Chap 1-12 are David's triumphs; and Chap 13-21 are David's Troubles. 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles go together. They run from the death of Saul to Solomon's reign. In a nation full of idolatry, David stood like a Rock for God. In everything, he went directly to God in prayer, praise and thanks. David not only fell lower than most men, but also rose higher.
1 Samuel 16:13 2 Samuel 2:4 2 Samuel 5:3
Bethlehem Hebron Hebron
Killed a giant Ruled Judah Ruled all Israel
17 years old 23 years old (?) 30 years old
HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN? (2 Sam 1:19, 25, 27, in three dimensions) David called Saul "The Lion King" (v.23).
HEBRON: David went "UP" to Hebron - up from "the valley of the shadow of death" - where he had been for over 6 years. Psalm 23 and 18 were written, where he "coined" many new names for God. His FIRST ACT as King was to "bless" the men who buried Saul. David's time at Hebron was a time of patient waiting and trusting , 7-1/2 years.
ISHBOSHETH: "Ishbosheth" means "man of shame". He is Saul's son, 40 years old, and was made king by Abner (Saul's general), in an attempt to preserve Saul's dynasty. ABNER is a type of SATAN. This act of Abner's was a declaration of war against the house of David - an illustration of FLESH (aided and abetted by the devil) vs SPIRIT.
RESPONSE: From the time David was anointed by Samuel to be King, until he finally ascended the throne at the age of 30, was 13 years! And he spent much of that 13 years as an outcast and outlaw, being hunted. Timing must be very important to God. For sure, He measures time differently than we do! It seems to me that maybe I would get impatient waiting that long for fulfillment. On the other hand, running ahead of God assures failure. Impatience is evidence of underlying anger and rebellion. And that's not a good way to start reigning with God.
JOHN 12:20-50

"PRINCE OF THIS WORLD" "NOW" shall he be "cast out" (GR: ekballo) - "to eject", "be thrown outside". Thrown out of where? Out of heaven, of course. In Luke 18:10 Jesus said He saw it happen - with the evangelization work of the 70. So where is he now? On earth. BUT, if we lift up Jesus FROM the earth, Jesus will draw men to Himself. The world thought it was judging Jesus; but Jesus was judging the world. Satan thought he was judging Jesus; but Jesus judged Satan. And then, the very cross Jesus died on became the magnet that draws sinners to Himself for Life.
JESUS' FINAL PUBLIC STATEMENT: (v.44-50) The Word that these unbelievers rejected comes from the Father and offers "THE Life. To refuse to receive Jesus' word is to reject Jesus Himself, just as to refuse to receive the Father's Word, Jesus, is to reject the Father Himself. The same word which was to save us, judges us.
RESPONSE: I used to think that all I had to do was "reckon" myself "dead" like it says in Romans 6:11. I didn't know that I had to actually kill off my "affections and lusts" (Gal 5:24). What are those? What I want. What I think. What I feel. Selfishness and self-interest. And the outside husk comes off the seed under pressure, in the dark. So it is a painful process. This is probably why so many Christians die alone and bitter. They refused to "die" to SELF. The only alternative is to be alone and bitter. Fruitfulness (the GOOD Life) comes from dying.
PSALM 118:19-29
GATES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: The gates of the Temple are called "gates of righteousness" because they are the entrance to the place where God and man can meet because of the provisions of salvation. And when the gates of righteousness are opened to us we must go into them and praise the Lord. Our business within God's gates is to praise God.
Ps 118:24: I begin every day with this verse: "This is the day that God has made FOR ME; I will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it." As this was probably sung at the Feast of Tabernacles, "THE day" is referring to a day in which we REST - or WALK BY FAITH. This is speaking of the "rest of faith". When we are "in faith", we are at rest. Rest is being at peace with God's sufficiency, God's ability and God's strength. Our rest is obtained by coming to the Lord and trusting Him. Its opposite is "an evil heart of unbelief" (according to Hebrew chapters 3-4). We are IN the everlasting Sabbath!
PROVERBS 15:27-28
Bribes are given to pervert justice; and greedy people take bribes. Greedy people are also tormented by their own greed.
People who blurt out whatever is in them get into trouble a lot. I know. The only way to change that, is to change what is in "abundance of the heart". (Matt 12:34)
RESPONSE: Every day is the Sabbath for believers in Jesus! He MADE every day for us! Whatever is on your plate, God put it there. Talk your heart and your mind to the place of REST - that is what is EXPECTED of you! Do it by thanking God for His goodness and His greatness. Notice I said HIS goodness and HIS greatness - not who or what YOU are! That's a sure-fire way to get into UNrest, or "an evil heart of unbelief!" To focus on ourselves is a guarantee for failure.
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